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Everything posted by Deanok

  1. This is something for ME xD :P I think i will check how it works, are the Subclasses Multi? How many players online?
  2. OK guys, I will be a GM in the next month, and I really need to learn the GM commands and the rest, you know :P And I'm just looking for Interlude GM server so I can check the GM commands. Does anyone have one or know one?
  3. I know but its a SPAM SECTION! XD I can post 10 times and its nothing, its only a SPAM. I know the other is there sticky but you get post there. thats why people post the same thing 9999 times
  4. You are bored of people spamming everywhere? (not in spam section xD) like on Exploits section? Post the link here and what he done! Thats how you should do it when you post it here at that thread: Link: PrintScreen or quote what he done. And the suggestion what you the Punishment could be. I Hope this will help moderators. thats my example which I made just 10 minutes ago ...: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?board=7.0
  5. Where did you test it? On L2Faction AvD it dont work :/ :((( But you can always RR and have all skills reused so you know -.-
  6. I dont know if it is in wrong section but... I'm looking for GLUDIO CASTLE MAP, not GLUDIO TOWN. Gludio castle map :P I need it 'cause we got siege in 10 days so I want to make Strategy what to do and where to put who. Please can some1 share that for me? thx a lot.
  7. You can't read CHILD? I wrote there that these are all spammers which spam this TOPIC to gain stupid posts which is really nothing... Also I dont wanna be a moderator, and you will get banned if you rich -5 karma. And I'm something more then you will EVER be. Some1 close that topic.
  8. Can you at least post a server when it works (ON Kamael++) ? that will help us all. P.S. L2Death is now at Gracia PT1 so it will not work, sorry man!
  9. A lots, I know that I will discover more bugs at TvT. Most servers when it starts, they have TvT. I was thinking why they do it. So one day when I was walking to school I was thinking why the done it. EUREKA!!! 1st thing when I get to my House, I did turn on my Computer and checked at Google how to make TvT at L2. Its was so easy to write. Its like a selling script (simple(Also have a lots of sell bugs, like L2Core xD)). It don't have any special protection or anything. :) As you post here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=42289.0 Thats another TvT bug. I'm sure that I will discover new TvT bugs! @offtopic: My friends said to me "What a n00bs are that People which share things at MaxCheaters.com! They are sharing bugs so everyone can use them! Stupid Children..." What would YOU say to them? Please if you wan't to post a reply to that Offtop, do it when you post here something usefull ok? Or just simple PM me :P ;)
  10. Strike, can you please make a video? Because it's hard to get the "time" right. Please Strike make a Video :) @Topic: for 2 hours I was trying to do it on L2Core... I was so stupid and didnt read the 1st post to use... 2HandedWeapon xD I just was using ArcanaMace (LOL) and I tryed again to do it with the same weapon... what a n00b was I? XD
  11. NOT!!!! at L2HopZone 9.0311% of all the servers has "TvT without loosing buffs when you TP there" - checked by moderator at L2HopZone. So that what are you saying is a -beep-ing ballsh*t man! And yes. It does Deserve 200 posts. Its a very good bug to Win the TvT and it is working at most servers. @EDIT: They should ask you for some "more informations" about the server when you put it on the L2HopZone... Think what you wrote there MAN!
  12. @Offtopic: Ok , but I didnt said something about your server... I just wrote "I'm trying to think why you got -4 karma..." Is there something about your server? -1 INT (xD) Also I'm wondering why it is now -5.... AND that "Server" which you post like 2/3 months ago, it still works there you know? @TOPIC: Does any1 tryed it at Hellbound/Gracia? - I think that it will works at most of the servers. But I know that all the GM from MaxCheaters will now repair it. I never seen anyone accept me doing this bug. :) so funny always win a TvT xD Really jsut give it a try, nothing to loose is it?
  13. @offtopic: I'm trying to think why you got -4 karma... O_O'' what "...tnx for share..." means? @topic: Go and try to use that bug poeple - its very helpfull when you gonna win TvT :)
  14. Not really, the only thing is that you need to watching the Olympiad while the TvT event starts. I said 30 seconds becaeuse thats the best time because I think that some matches dont take longer then like 1:30 minutes so... :) Anyway I really think that this is working at 90% of Interlude L2J servers. I tryed it on other servers. and it works! :) I'm so glad that I found out this bug. @Edit: Grisom have you check it :D? Please do it if you can. Hope that it will be fixed at L2CursedWorld (Hah xD)
  15. This topic has too many spammers! Can some moderator plz close it and give -1 karma for all the n00bs which was spamming?! ... Or just leave the 1st post and delete all the others and close the topic . that will be the best way. P.S. All those posts are Spam. Not a lot heh?
  16. I think some n00b have a problem with Reading. all he COULD see is: [Hidden post: You need 100 posts or become a Donator or Platinum Member to see it. You currently have 27.] So that means that he could'nt copy the text in L2PHX and get an error. @Topic: Yeah - it works, Can some1 check it if it works on L2Core? XD
  17. I posted it about 3 months ago! ROFL WTF! SEARCH BEFORE YOU POST!
  18. If you test it - can you plz tell me where :D? and if it works. IF yes the topic should get Sticky. Dont you think?
  19. That "dancing thing" will not look good in OLD Good Giran :) Why in L2 they got -beep- dancing :/ they should make some new one's or something.
  20. IF thats true, does it mean that MOST of the bugs works there? ... I hope so ^^ (Maybe L2PHX) :)
  21. How FIGHTER's have increasted M.atk?! X_X
  22. IF it works. You should raise the Hidden posts and also Add that printscreen to the 1st Post. I think like 150/200 will be OK
  23. CN Newbie * Karma: 0 Online Online Australia Australia Posts: 6 ________________________ Doesnt metter what's its saying on your nickname. NOOB is not the same as NEWBIE -.- you know?
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