A lots, I know that I will discover more bugs at TvT. Most servers when it starts, they have TvT. I was thinking why they do it. So one day when I was walking to school I was thinking why the done it. EUREKA!!! 1st thing when I get to my House, I did turn on my Computer and checked at Google how to make TvT at L2. Its was so easy to write. Its like a selling script (simple(Also have a lots of sell bugs, like L2Core xD)). It don't have any special protection or anything. :)
As you post here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=42289.0 Thats another TvT bug. I'm sure that I will discover new TvT bugs!
My friends said to me "What a n00bs are that People which share things at MaxCheaters.com! They are sharing bugs so everyone can use them! Stupid Children..."
What would YOU say to them? Please if you wan't to post a reply to that Offtop, do it when you post here something usefull ok? Or just simple PM me :P ;)