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Everything posted by snifi

  1. yep. everything is explained in the error message :)
  2. can someone tell me, maybe show me in a little example what steps do i have to do in order to get a newer client to run on a regular l2j h5 server? i mean changing packets, opcodes and so on. Is there any tutorial?
  3. Just have a look at the existing ones. For example Olympiad manager. there you can see it if i remember well. and like the others said before. create i texturefile with ur desired images and you are ready to go ;) by the way....chat window background images are waaay ugly and dont fit into l2. why background image? :y u no?: :y u no?: :y u no?: xD
  4. isnt it just about copypasting an already existing strider ?
  5. thanks ill take a look :) i really just want to use an actual client on a h5 server base, so i dont have god/eta specific codes and datapack stuff. just want the server to be h5 and client lets say underground. much easier so you dont have to edit ur client for some new armor or item stuff^^
  6. any server packs out there, maybe a clean h5 l2jserver version that can handle one of the newer clients like underground?
  7. He want's the map files, animations, meshes and sounds
  8. i saw a topic right here on mxc where someone posted packets c1 - ETA Clients. but i cant find it anymore :(
  9. Hello Cheaters, on this way i want to offer you a little piece of software you can add to your client that allows you and your players to see a random loginscreen/lobby/character selection whenever they restart the client. you can install this tool just by copypasting it into your existing client, or by uploading it to your updateserver so every player of yours has it with ur next client update. How it works? the tool changes the existing login screen with a random one out of a lobby library. it automaticly edits the loginscreen, character selection screen, login music and starts your client directly. you or your players wont even notice that there is a tool runnung before your client starts (in terms of client boot up loading speed). Tool for Interlude: - Can be easily integrated into your existing l2 client environment without editing any files - Changes your Loginscreen - Changes your Loginmusic - Change happens every time the user starts his client - Lobby Library contains all Login Screens C1-C6 If you are interested, just send me a message. :)
  10. Hello guys, is here any topic available where i can see what to change to use an newer client on a h5 serverbase? i actually want to edit the new client to fit to h5 so i can use all new stuff the client offers if needed. is this possible?
  11. Nice Share. Do you have the other god maps too? like windmill hill and so on?^^ btw: you can use camerawalking mode to show off ur ingame content ^^
  12. which client is it? then its a damaged texture file. as you can see the effect radia are shown properly but it is not filled with texture effect. could be l2effect files in system folder or damaged texturefiles. you can try and replace current texture files with clean files.
  13. damaged env.int in systemfolder or missing effects
  14. Oh... this one is actually very good! You are getting better and better Virus! Keep up your good work! Thank you!! :)
  15. how about changing the client revision to a random number client and server side? then i dont need to deactivate the kamael part i guess. or am i wrong?
  16. Thank you. I already deleted the Kamael textbox clientside. do you know where the race listing is stored serverside? so i can remove the kamael entry aswell to avoid kamael creation by using anither system like u said.
  17. i thought that you can edit the ui only and not the content wit the xdat editor?
  18. Can someone tell me how to remove the kamael race of the character creation listing? any clues?
  19. Oh solved. I figured out that my fileedit version had some trouble displaying the right coordinates of an old interlude dat file. thanks both of you! :)
  20. i already tried the suggestion with logongrp.dat. but it seems that it wont solve my problem. see the following screenshots
  21. All you need is clientside. You have to add it by urself if you want kt serverside. If you dont know how to do just take an existing armor copypaste, change the id and replace retail stats with ur desired ones. Thats all :)
  22. Thank you for your fast replies :D The reason i want to know this information is simple. I want to use older chronicles lobbies. If i use one out of them i cant see the characters on their usual slots. They are hovering far across the map. So would a simple packet editing solve my problem?
  23. Hello folks, can somebody tell me where those character positions were stored? it this happening client or server side?? :)
  24. use search function or google it. you will find it in 5 min. try russian sites ^^
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