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Everything posted by snifi

  1. Im looking for the community server to use it witz the latest l2j h5 revision.
  2. Your L2 Classic Project was way more interesting than this one. I'll join if we will going to use the new l2 clients. restoring old maps shouldnt be the problem since older stuff can be integrated clientside by copy paste. :)
  3. First: No Topic line = No help (wtf are you guys with "lol help...heeelllpppzzzzz..." :y u no?: Second: Do a screenshot and post it here otherwise just go and watch some youtube - there are tons of setup videos
  4. i found two monster groups that have this behaviour (last l2j build). you can see this on primeval isle back there in the deepest corners of the island. all other dinos will attack some of the small Deinonychus. both are declared with a diffenrent clan. one is named "Deinonychus" the others do have the clan type "ALL".
  5. also check the case on deleveling a character and allow or dissallow him to use that feature once again
  6. i know that this was possible with l2j. the last time i used this was when it had the old npc list system stored in a sql file. there was something like tryskell said clan clanenemy and clanrange. here it is: `clan` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, `clanRange` smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `enemyClan` varchar(40) DEFAULT NULL, `enemyRange` smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0', i guess they dropped it? there are no entiries for those in ai class ... :(
  7. i cant remember anymore. what do i have to set into ai so monsters have different factions and fight eachother?? :-[
  8. dude remove ur fkn video. dont need another scrolling simulator game xD
  9. its an effect or skill thats been triggered on +6 or +10 or whatever enchant - depends on the pack you need. go to skillviever and search for event skills. tehre you will find what you are searching for. replace it with the existing one in ur enchant coding
  10. Static Object names are missing indeed. But you can edit .dat file in order to have the names displayed correctly. Then put in the chair data serverside to be able to use all objects on fantasy island. Change character colision and you will see the floating problem will be gone (but the dwarf race will have a way smaller colision box if changing it to a constant value^^) Thanks for the sweeT hint. I'll take a look. :)
  11. Hello Cheaters, can anyone tell me where i can find the part where the server is deciding whether the character sits on ground or on a static object? there are two problems with sitable objects that i try to solve - First: When Sitting on a Throne every other Character can do it as well. So you have several characters sitting on the same place. it should be possible only for the first character.....and only for the lord of a castle - Second: Benches and Chairs on the fantasy island can be used too but with a strange sideeffect - character will float in the air + same problem as mentioned before. So...to solve these problems we must check whether this static object is being used and also the conditions (Throne->Lord). So only one player can sit at the same time on the throne Additionaly we have to fix the floating Problem on Fantasy Island. Ugly fix: Setting the actual colision radia to smaler ones. this fixes the floating problem but resilts in smaller player colision boxes (harder to target). to solve this we must get a check for sitting on static objects - if it is the case a players colision will become smaller to fit in the bench/chair he wants to sit on. does anyone have an idea where to start? :)
  12. why editing a dll lol ??? how much would they take? 200€ xD
  13. Yep. I took a look on that as you mentioned before. The script is way better than the common l2j one - structured, logical and easy to read. :)
  14. Those are the standard l2j quest scripts. i did not change anything except the last part. else the quest cond will jump when the player gets for example all four Ritron Fruits.
  15. the pointer and some other skills do use the same textures. so if you change one you change them all. other textures you need you have to find on ur own
  16. Thanks for the hint. This fixed it: public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon) { final QuestState qs = getRandomPartyMemberState(killer, -1, 3, npc); if ((qs != null) && (qs.getCond() < 4)) { final ItemChanceHolder item = MONSTER_CHANCES.get(npc.getId()); if (giveItemRandomly(qs.getPlayer(), npc, item.getId(), 1, item.getCount(), item.getChance(), true)) { qs.setCond(1, true); if ((getQuestItemsCount(killer, ANTIDOTE) >= 2) && (getQuestItemsCount(killer, RITRON_FRUIT) >= 4) && (getQuestItemsCount(killer, MOON_FLOWER) >= 20) && (getQuestItemsCount(killer, LEECH_FLUIDS) >= 10)) { qs.setCond(qs.getCond() + 1, true); } } } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); } Thanks everyone :))
  17. cos im a person that dont likes to leech here are two quest fixes for other quests (latest version of lj2 h5 server) - Brigands Sweep: Wrong HTML entries replaced with the correct ones so that the quest npc now has his texts - Into the Dark Elven Forest: Wrong Quest End HTML Pointer removed and replaced with the correct one. You can complete this quest now. Download
  18. Hello Cheaters :) I have one problem with the following quest. Once you start this quest you have to collect 4 different questitems. The error occurs when getting one specific quest item (RITRON_FRUIT) first. so if you kill the dire wolves forst to get all of their questitems (4 pieces actually - RITRON_FRUIT) the quest jumps forward and you cannot get all the other remaining questitems in order to complete this quest. the quest gets stuck and you wont be able to complete it. on the other hand if you collect all other items first and the one of the dire wolf at last....everything is fine. can someone help me to solve this problem. i cant see the error ^^ /* * Copyright (C) 2004-2014 L2J DataPack * * This file is part of L2J DataPack. * * L2J DataPack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * L2J DataPack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ package quests.Q00380_BringOutTheFlavorOfIngredients; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.holders.ItemChanceHolder; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.QuestState; import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.State; /** * Bring Out the Flavor of Ingredients! (380) * @author Pandragon */ public final class Q00380_BringOutTheFlavorOfIngredients extends Quest { // NPC private static final int ROLLAND = 30069; // Items private static final int ANTIDOTE = 1831; private static final int RITRON_FRUIT = 5895; private static final int MOON_FLOWER = 5896; private static final int LEECH_FLUIDS = 5897; // Monsters private static final Map<Integer, ItemChanceHolder> MONSTER_CHANCES = new HashMap<>(); { MONSTER_CHANCES.put(20205, new ItemChanceHolder(RITRON_FRUIT, 0.1, 4)); // Dire Wolf MONSTER_CHANCES.put(20206, new ItemChanceHolder(MOON_FLOWER, 0.5, 20)); // Kadif Werewolf MONSTER_CHANCES.put(20225, new ItemChanceHolder(LEECH_FLUIDS, 0.5, 10)); // Giant Mist Leech } // Rewards private static final int RITRON_RECIPE = 5959; private static final int RITRON_DESSERT = 5960; // Misc private static final int MIN_LVL = 24; public Q00380_BringOutTheFlavorOfIngredients() { super(380, Q00380_BringOutTheFlavorOfIngredients.class.getSimpleName(), "Bring Out the Flavor of Ingredients!"); addStartNpc(ROLLAND); addTalkId(ROLLAND); addKillId(MONSTER_CHANCES.keySet()); registerQuestItems(RITRON_FRUIT, MOON_FLOWER, LEECH_FLUIDS); } @Override public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(player, false); String htmltext = null; if (qs != null) { switch (event) { case "30069-03.htm": case "30069-04.htm": case "30069-06.html": { htmltext = event; break; } case "30069-05.htm": { if (qs.isCreated()) { qs.startQuest(); htmltext = event; } break; } case "30069-13.html": { if (qs.isCond(9)) { rewardItems(player, RITRON_RECIPE, 1); qs.exitQuest(true, true); htmltext = event; } break; } } } return htmltext; } @Override public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance talker) { final QuestState qs = getQuestState(talker, true); String htmltext = getNoQuestMsg(talker); switch (qs.getState()) { case State.CREATED: { htmltext = (talker.getLevel() >= MIN_LVL) ? "30069-02.htm" : "30069-01.htm"; break; } case State.STARTED: { switch (qs.getCond()) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: { if ((getQuestItemsCount(talker, ANTIDOTE) >= 2) && (getQuestItemsCount(talker, RITRON_FRUIT) >= 4) && (getQuestItemsCount(talker, MOON_FLOWER) >= 20) && (getQuestItemsCount(talker, LEECH_FLUIDS) >= 10)) { takeItems(talker, ANTIDOTE, 2); takeItems(talker, -1, RITRON_FRUIT, MOON_FLOWER, LEECH_FLUIDS); qs.setCond(5, true); htmltext = "30069-08.html"; } else { htmltext = "30069-07.html"; } break; } case 5: { qs.setCond(6, true); htmltext = "30069-09.html"; break; } case 6: { qs.setCond(7, true); htmltext = "30069-10.html"; break; } case 7: { qs.setCond(8, true); htmltext = "30069-11.html"; break; } case 8: { rewardItems(talker, RITRON_DESSERT, 1); if (getRandom(100) < 56) { htmltext = "30069-15.html"; qs.exitQuest(true, true); } else { qs.setCond(9, true); htmltext = "30069-12.html"; } break; } case 9: { htmltext = "30069-12.html"; break; } } break; } case State.COMPLETED: { htmltext = getAlreadyCompletedMsg(talker); break; } } return htmltext; } @Override public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance killer, boolean isSummon) { final QuestState qs = getRandomPartyMemberState(killer, -1, 3, npc); if ((qs != null) && (qs.getCond() < 4)) { final ItemChanceHolder item = MONSTER_CHANCES.get(npc.getId()); if (giveItemRandomly(qs.getPlayer(), npc, item.getId(), 1, item.getCount(), item.getChance(), true)) { qs.setCond(qs.getCond() + 1, true); } } return super.onKill(npc, killer, isSummon); } }
  19. check your xdat. eventually the entry for the %number is missing?
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