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Everything posted by snifi

  1. so i have a line like this: CHANGE_WP(0x000008, 1), how can i cange them to my desired item? the first position is the item i guess....what is the second one for?
  2. Hello folks :) can somebody explain me where those visuall effects are listed and connected ?? <set name="abnormalType" val="WP_CHANGE_EVENT" /> <set name="abnormalVisualEffect" val="CHANGE_WP;CHANGE_HAIR_B" /> <skill id="2897" levels="1" name="Baguette's Herb"> <set name="abnormalInstant" val="true" /> <set name="abnormalLvl" val="1" /> <set name="abnormalTime" val="600" /> <set name="abnormalType" val="WP_CHANGE_EVENT" /> <set name="abnormalVisualEffect" val="CHANGE_WP;CHANGE_HAIR_B" /> <set name="effectPoint" val="100" /> <set name="hitTime" val="100" /> <set name="icon" val="icon.etc_herb_of_baguette" /> <set name="isMagic" val="2" /> <!-- Static Skill --> <set name="magicLvl" val="1" /> <set name="operateType" val="A2" /> <set name="reuseDelay" val="2000" /> <set name="targetType" val="SELF" /> <for> <effect name="Buff"> <mul order="0x30" stat="maxHp" val="1.1" /> <mul order="0x30" stat="regHp" val="1.2" /> </effect> </for> </skill>
  3. all those npcs are useless their movements dont fit since they will teleport using different actions. you need massive scripting to get them work properly. not worth...
  4. Something everyone can do now in UE ^^ but still.... everyone wants this client :D
  5. Naaaahhhhhh... But thix for sharing. Maybe someone with a big big hert is going to like this splash. Who knows ;)
  6. Well I actually would like to have all new god locations in h5 too. but i didnt figure out how to get them running on older clients. It will crash loading the unr file when you try entering the map ... guess something is different in never dll files so you cant copy paste them into older clients. on the other hand..... you can copy paste older maps into a god client of ur choice without problems.
  7. Can somebody tell me how to get the full npc list displayed in the NV menue, please?
  8. Thank you very much! Didn't see it the first time :D Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); int price = list.getPrice(); if (player.getLevel() < 41) { price = 0; } else if (!list.getIsForNoble()) {
  9. Hello guys, can anyone tell me where to find the teleporter setting that allows newbie characters to teleport for free till they reach a specific level? I cant find it in the cfgs so it has to be hardcoded.... I guess i'm blind I just cant find it T_T hope u can help me :)
  10. try rightklick -> run as admin or try compatibility mode. could be an issue with read / write privilegues on C:\
  11. I can run it now. Here's a dsetup.dll for h5 that works with win10 http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=04052290650225861445
  12. Getting the following error when starting h5 on windows 10 (clean patched system) dsetup seems to be corrupt for win10
  13. whatt dsetup.dll are u using? i cant run the game on win10^^
  14. http://www.l2jserver.com/#basic-connect the easy way klick on get started -> connect to the server
  15. Hello Cheaters, I'm wondering if theres some event out here that fits this area. be some Right and Wrong event. Where a NPC is asking some questions and players just stand on the field they think would fit the answer (player on area). Every player that got a right answer gets some Fantasy Island Coins or sth like that. Since i'm not a programmer i have no clue how to set this up :D
  16. yep it seems to be like the prologue to god. so you can see how it happened and what reason it had that those flying islands crashed on Talking Island.
  17. Anyone knows if this preview demo leaked? Would be interesting to have this.
  18. guess it would be easyer for you to download some existing IL projects. Most of them have this crappy airship field. ^^
  19. Old freightsystem possible in actual l2j version?? I hate that they removed this :(
  20. Since it is a pack I wont upload it one by one. - Mirror added (Link by Ninjastyle)
  21. Hey folks, anyone found out how to get this running on l2j? Seems to be an effect that is triggered on a target by entering a zone (on the own character. so the rain is not constantly falling in that zone. its just visible in a radius around the own character. so everyone else whos not affected wont see it. it has to be some kind of buff/debuff like valakas lair where u start to burn). So it must be some zone oriented Effect type. Since i never got familiar woth l2off server software....how is it handeled there? Would be nice to have that kind of eye candy ingame :) you know the freya freezing skill that casts a snow frame on ur ui. i think it works the same kind. i mean if it is possible to get such effect zones running it even would be possible to get those rain drop on camera effect. like on c5 and h5part2 loginscreen . just an idea ^^
  22. Hello folks, i'm looking for some german speaking guys to open a server with. it would be a retail orientated low rate server with some custom l2 gameplay fitting addons. chronicles could be interlude or h5 and it should be an english/german server. i already have a complete german translation for h5 client (except map file [font-e.utx] by now) and also il translation (except map and skill translations). it doent matter what pack we start with since we can set it up like we want [thanks to all these brave guys who spent their time and heart and made free packs possible :)]. it would be nice to have someone who has knowledge in programming so we can adapt some things and add our own. For now its just an idea. i think it would be nice to have an oldschool retail like gameserver. But like i said - for now its just an idea and there are plenty things to do :)
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