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Everything posted by camenomat0

  1. understanding the progress of serber's needs is a great skill that you have and that makes you good admin.but serber needs go from start since it runs lot of time and no newcomers will come.and believe me people who left,left bcoz they do the same thing all time,leaving and join another serber new one,for no reason,and people now always want to win,not to play and enjoy and thats the difference from todays game and the old game,so they don't have the feeling,they only need win all time at everything,siege,olympiads,fortress,pvp etc,if sometime they lose something then serber becoems bad etc.Keep understanding your community and manage your server and updating and in the future you'll have way better serbers guarantee bcoz you seem a very good adm understanding people and game and devloping.
  2. not only play but they don't know why they do.noone has a gift a fact and or decribe any reason on why thinks il better.they just play cause easy and no other reason
  3. both good like,second bests the first a bit.
  4. eben if they played me dc skillz are way op if i like here and stay i ll record you some dc oly stuff,and how pwn woth an orc :d
  5. just hours left,best of luck today,me in for some action,yet i hope population could be good to compete so we can have some fun,otherwise its gona be like ebery other mid.cu in.
  6. glad to hear that,very nice. Καλή επιτυχία φίλε ;)
  7. very good lookin :) . ty for share.
  8. Its increased once again while prob is that ppl need free botting yet he hasnt remove smartguard.noone gonna farm in such rates today.plus online go down day b day idk how much will last.
  9. οχι φιλε απλως εχωω παραα πολυ καιρο να μπω il και δεν ξερω αν υπαρχει,γιαυτο σου ειπα μονο για το γουολ,χαχαχα δεν ξερω για εικοσι αλλα σολο δεν παω,δεν το εχω μονος :P
  10. Also add L2top.ru It's very good site and can bring lot of ru players, and forum pmfun.com. You have added twice the gtop100 :P btw you also have added 2 clans site.Idk if someone advert there they won't delete it but ok anyway.
  11. I guess you never played official serbers so you can speak about retail balance.And yes,i didn't try to make it as a dev,but i know this as a player,and i can understand that big words such "perfect l2off balance" are like fake,like every previous serber did always.As a player,yes,thats my opinion,it's impossible to match the quality of skills and gameplay balance with retail servers.Private java server and balance are not match well together(at least for todays lineage private serbers),you should've known this.Or name me a perfect balanced server that you made and it was retail.I don't want to argue,thats my opinion,and it came from experience as a player,and it won't change easy unless something good is about to built in a server on the balance part.
  12. very nice,can be used with all serbers right? any news for releasing in other clients (i need gf and h5 o be exact).thnx
  13. για τους τοιχους το εχω θελεις να στο ανεβασω?.τωρα για αυτο που λες με τα σκιλλ δηλαδη απο οτι καταλαβα να μην εχει ανιματιον οταν κανεις σκιλλ,δεν νομιζω να υπαρχει.για να αποφυγεις λαγκ προσπαθησε να παιζεις με λοου σε ολα τα σεττινγκς..
  14. exactly thats why i told you for lowering them.especially the raid drop,it would have been easy farm and make gear.by the way you should also consider importing updates in future so you can make players stay,and some premium advertise options for more players and members
  15. lower raid drop to like one or two x and vitality system a bit also.god and hero cloacks stats bonus?.seems interesting as an overall,clean preview but attractive,best of luck,we ll meet on beta
  16. yes mouse serbers bring decent clans but they cannot make them stay,after one or two epics they also leave bcoz they pwn eberyone on epics and mass pvp and serber becomes dead too eazy.anyway this serber needs way more advert than this,its not only about paying big clans,but need also good advert and promos for bring more players,solo or cps.
  17. true me also,they have worked the skills good,but a negative number of population will result to no compete and fun,will make us leave soon,ownership must act fast on bringing more players and community members,we need activity for serber to enjoy and compete
  18. i'll try it too tomorrow,their beta gameplay seems well worked,but achy is right,free host may drive rip serber fast.
  19. your way of thinking is very right and its very important understanding players needs and act so you can keep them active.like you also said,problem is on a big part of community who want to always win and full gear without farm,and others who lose hero olympiad leave also.Thats sad seeong that people only enjoy winning and not enjoy teamwork,pvp,working for gear and others that game offer.as long as they remain the same they will always look for another serber every monday and so on..
  20. we ll see dont be that sure,game serber has a lot of potential,we will confirm online when it opens.I am only worried about host and attacks since probably still using free host,may lead to a breakdown..
  21. maybe informed wrong yes..how do you know everything ok?(meaning skills classes diference balance debuffs etc.). Is there any open beta or a patch for test?
  22. its impossible to adapt skills exactly like retail game.He may have reworked them yes but definetely not on retail level.many times j files are buggy and many things like skills or classes status diferences not working even if you set up correctly,thats why i believe is big words.Me not saying that gonna be bad,but it cannot be retail too. Plus if its lucera pack is outdated he gonna have many more things to fix,most servers of lucera are buggy enough in many things.
  23. they advert around a week or two,but yet community low for such rates and serber.we ll see,beta lioked very promising for gameplay part,the issue now is about how many will be playin..
  24. he is right,skills work perfect and great gameplay,tho free host web is not that good for server and it may need way more advertise to increase activity and forums community,more people more fun
  25. we may able to join forces,make cp together since i will try it to,but yet needs more time to fully develop and open.they can make something good once again and we can have some fun
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