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Everything posted by camenomat0

  1. Its going to be really amazing and exciting.plus a bit mre new advertise campaign will bring newcomers and especially soli pvp farm zone is a great addition.your ideas and new things to import always understading ppl worths many congratz.keep it up and me gonna wait this to come,gonna be epic.
  2. just let them say is easy.. the management and your serbers adjustments is always great to see by your side,your managemen adn communication skills as an owner still impress players thats why you built this in a great way,but consider going under a new start with all these changes adapted.gonna ne eben greater,thinking of a reopening
  3. sometime cannot understand community.if easy farm then too fast and too easy,if hard then serber is boring and slow and who farms like crazy in 2k17 and crap.Serber was more difficult,however it resulted not this good since many left so xoiten did adjustment tryin to male current players stay and keep have fun.it doesnt mean you het those too easy.six tiers are different etc.so eben if farm fast they remain different in the eye and in stats
  4. yes it may was lower number than they said so what?it was still the serber with the most real online and less bots\afkers.its just factz.and they make more donations than you think.plus all i know is that it was a playable serber with good staff,many players,much competition,good oly and lasted longterm online.factz speak themselves sry
  5. intersting,your actions are bery intelligent and people seeing this,the problem now is to find a way to bring more online and at the same time keep these ones playing now.btw these updates would of been perfect to start all over again if you decided a wipe and new start before adapting them to the current serber.i may come back at it again this weekend,not sure but as an admin you worth all kind of players.keep it up mate,we support your good job
  6. ebery good serber was helped by tales and the results was good.on the other end,ebery other same feature serber fails hard and die fast.thats why this redmoon is full potential,already his own name plus help advert by tales.cartel also good results,same like here.
  7. boring farm again :P @xoiten you are a great guy and like we talked before also a good admin who communicates and understand players and manages server in a unique way.It's just that this time you cannot increase this much the population in order to compete against others.Make a wipe and start destruction from start all over again,a great serber comback thats gonna be epic and offer us lot of fun.If you make new me and cp gonna show that fingerless botters some skillz
  8. why you call trash a serber who had real thousands of players daily,still there is not any serber like that eben if they use they shared files.or name a serber whos batter playable than that.there isn't and it won't be for times,i believe this cooperation between these two serbers will make even smth bigger.
  9. me hope you right,and me also expect the best from redmoon,seems gonna be best serber to go live since a long time,also didnt know that bot creators act this way for some cash,they destroy good serbers to fill pocket :(
  10. yes i saw that,but idk how safe could the protect is,thats why i told to take care,i mean being online look reprots and block everyone who can by pass these things. :P
  11. glad to hear about advert,you had your name and now with tales gonna be good enough and full people,i belive in this project and it was about time to come,the only thing you should care more is bots and for donations keep them low so everyone can have a chance,not put more or op donations.
  12. you destroeyd who,serber had no that big competition at all,good but not big compete,only crying and complain,ok we heared that you big clan.Now go on a real serber and show us skillz
  13. even since only help,they can still have good resultz and nice serber. I think we finally have somethin very good in a few days.
  14. it's back.official confirm
  15. rates made for adena sellerz :P. I think they're good,easy level up so no matter that much
  16. i believe races differences not match and some skills like some of specific daggers are buggy,that's my opinion from some serbers i played based on this.I may be wrong,idk how this one is developed,but yet i haven't seen anything so good to match off balance or retail stats and skills effects
  17. best of luck,looks promising.but remove this 100% anti bot line.whats the drop rate,same as spoil?
  18. here you come finally,best of luck will be in.
  19. i got stored footage from other serbers too,so if you need skills dc just request me. Anyway,you'll only see me here at olys only if there are good amount of people and so we can compet and have fun,idk if i stay if serber got low on.
  20. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/211321-the-ronin-bot-beta-working-on-all-c6-h5-servers-averia-e-global-supported/ greatest around..
  21. plus you must make general drop rate 10-12 or at least lower it a bit. Otherwise if you let it as it is easy drop items can make set armors without eben craft
  22. problem is that they have good gameplay,but they did pathetic advertise,basically they didn't advertised at all,but i'll stay for a while to see how it'll goes or how admin will manage it how he'll act,i am curious to see if he do smth to brin players on or will let the well worked gameplay die..
  23. gameplay is good tho,gonna stick for like a small day period,maybe could collect some people,just to see how it'll go.It's a shame for a good gameplay not habing people but it may need a bit patience,otherwise me also will leave soon..
  24. no need for not leeting clans to play,just leave them play no matter what,just keep improving serber and updating,and do things that will help most of people mass and not only a clan,and your last line is a very good sign that you are an owner who respects people and that's a reason you can succeed but of course only if you re-make and go for another start you'll have even greater potentian and more to come.
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