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Everything posted by camenomat0

  1. it still remains totally dead,idk whats the point of keeping it just close and make something new with more advertise etc.It's pointless with noone online noone will stay,no compete and no fun at all..
  2. it wipes the shortest once a year and bnb always provided some professional servers,especially their h5 project was amazing and stable from the start to the end.How can you be mad on a server that is longtermed etc,and don't tell about bots since they are everywhere in today's game..
  3. i ll be here for some fun today.wish the best for server.what is custom tattoo bonus?.i ll try for some quick pvp action good luck.
  4. yourr thinking of players is truth everyone needs top gear to stay n play and noone likes to loose thats why they dont enjoy the game anymore.they want not to compete and easy thats why they are boring and its good you know this and you try to improve yet server need more people to be enjoyable i like your work ethic and is a smart move
  5. both help me level my dc to 85 and my sub Bp also :d nice to see company who ll try this,i hope we can stick together on live and let our skillz farm together :p
  6. server is good,but not unique,unique means smth special etc.Its a good server for fun and pvp experience(needs.more.online tho) however as it is base its original idea on pride isnt uniqu.its a reworked that provide some fun and its good.
  7. hope this too maybe we can have some extra fun playing here and compete against much enemies
  8. orctest :D . idk yet about nick,surely is i will first try my dc/domi classes.we can go together for clan if we play this live.
  9. you won't have any probs leveling as solo,most areas are empty since most of ppl already level up etc,Fun here was this weekend on sieges,you must w8 another siege for such action and fun anyway.So just make a start and see how it is going,we can be together if you farm a bit fast
  10. me gonna log now for some action and check if it is sogood as you say.bu the way if all this true then skrimish may open another project for newer players.to come.
  11. i am in from past friday,i tried and i still try.i dont left,i just farm slowly till some more join.you need bring us players.more.competitions so we can have fun.best part was sieges but still many players go inactive since then.
  12. they said project on hold just hours before beta starts..sad,but we gota wait for more news to see what will finally happen,i really have bad feeling..it.may not opem at all
  13. man it was all for l2 back then,now noone cares and these servers will never be created again,all you can find are some bad copies and bad files server with nothing unique and low community..me sorry to say you but the servers you told came out once and never again..just go for newer things for some like h5servers with good online for more fun..
  14. disable defender if you mind,it will always find this things as viruses,tho works perfect for many player
  15. yes,but its based on smth else,its not unique..i dont say ots bad server,its that its not what you told before not like other prides while its based on it..
  16. null competition and barely see s soul movin...sad image for low rates,me out may try future
  17. thouht that you trolled hard and told.ppl come for make me server down.
  18. me also wanted to show old dc olympiad documents but have lost all my fata recently and my memorial videos of pwnage at olys :( Now need make new when find a good server
  19. whatever,i like you in olys even with bad timing :d add music to pro pp vid.
  20. It's fantaztic community makes it good,their last h5 server even better
  21. Its not only about oly h5 is an overall better client with more things to do in every part of the game. btw my friend as i see in your video you have no stress while paying hiero.you pro pp :)
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