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Salty Mike

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Everything posted by Salty Mike

  1. This is probably because you haven't set the path or you haven't linked the voice command with an HTML. I would have taken a look in .cfg/ccp if I were you. Also another shortcut would be to add the HTML in your Community board folder and bypass it from there. I believe there was a thing that one had to do in order to open HTMLs without the proper NPC around but I cant remember. Gonna take a look.
  2. Also if you have activated the random spawn loc, maybe they spawn like -5-10 Z which could cause the drop to disappear. Also you can try activating geodata, which I believe would resolve the issue. There are several good geodatas outthere but if you have problems finding one, I can share with you the L2World one. I have not found a single flaw so far. One last thing, do you kill them in 1 hit? Try leashing the monster away from its default spawn loc and check if the drop disappears.
  3. I bet it is a code issue. I will provide the codes below, so if anyone has gone through this and has a quick fix, please do tell! :)) This is the Spawner: package wp.gameserver.model; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.google.common.io.Files; import wp.commons.util.Rnd; import wp.gameserver.Config; import wp.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import wp.gameserver.ai.PhantomPlayerAI; import wp.gameserver.dao.CharacterDAO; import wp.gameserver.dao.PhantomsDAO; import wp.gameserver.data.xml.holder.PhantomTemplateData; import wp.gameserver.data.xml.holder.SkillAcquireHolder; import wp.gameserver.instancemanager.CursedWeaponsManager; import wp.gameserver.model.base.AcquireType; import wp.gameserver.model.base.ClassId; import wp.gameserver.model.base.Experience; import wp.gameserver.model.base.InvisibleType; import wp.gameserver.model.base.RestartType; import wp.gameserver.model.entity.L2Event; import wp.gameserver.model.items.ItemInstance; import wp.gameserver.model.phantom.PhantomTemplate; import wp.gameserver.tables.SkillTable; import wp.gameserver.templates.item.CreateItem; import wp.gameserver.templates.item.ItemTemplate; import wp.gameserver.utils.Location; import wp.gameserver.utils.Util; public class PhantomPlayers { private static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(PhantomPlayers.class.getName()); private static List<Integer> _phantoms; private static List<String> _phantomNames; private static List<PhantomSpawner> _phantomSpawners; public static void init() { _log.info("Loading phantom players..."); try { File file = Config.findNonCustomResource("config/phantom/player_names.txt"); _phantomNames = Files.readLines(file, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } catch (IOException e) { _log.warn("PhantomPlayers: Unable to load phantom player names.", e); _phantomNames = Collections.emptyList(); } _phantoms = new ArrayList<>(PhantomsDAO.getInstance().selectAll().keySet()); _phantomSpawners = new ArrayList<>(); PhantomSpawner spawner = new PhantomSpawner(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().execute(spawner); _phantomSpawners.add(spawner); _log.info("Loaded " + _phantoms.size() + " phantom players from database with a maximum of " + Config.PHANTOM_MAX_PLAYERS + " phantoms."); _log.info("Loaded " + _phantomNames.size() + " possible phantom names."); _log.info("Scheduled spawner with " + (Config.PHANTOM_SPAWN_DELAY / 1000) + " seconds delay."); } public static Player createNewPhantom() { if (_phantomNames == null) { return null; } for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) // 25 tries to make a phantom player. Enough tries to avoid name duplicate and other stuff. { String name = Rnd.get(_phantomNames); Player player = createNewPhantom(name); if (player != null) { return player; } } return null; } public static Player createNewPhantom(String name) { return createNewPhantom(name, PhantomTemplateData.getInstance().getRandomTemplate()); } public static Player createNewPhantom(String name, PhantomTemplate template) { boolean female = Rnd.nextBoolean(); int hairStyle = Rnd.get(3); int hairColor = Rnd.get(3); int face = Rnd.get(3); return createNewPhantom(name, template, female, hairStyle, hairColor, face); } public static Player createNewPhantom(String name, PhantomTemplate template, boolean female, int hairStyle, int hairColor, int face) { try { if (!Util.isMatchingRegexp(name, Config.CNAME_TEMPLATE)) { return null; } if ((CharacterDAO.getInstance().getObjectIdByName(name) > 0) || Util.contains(Config.FORBIDDEN_CHAR_NAMES, name)) { return null; } if (template == null) { return null; } final ClassId classId = ClassId.VALUES[template.getClassId()]; Player newChar = Player.create(classId.getId(), female ? 1 : 0, Config.PHANTOM_ACCOUNT, name, hairStyle, hairColor, face); if (newChar == null) { return null; } newChar.setCreateTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); try { switch (classId.getLevel()) { case 2: newChar.addExpAndSp(Experience.getExpForLevel(20), 835863); break; case 3: newChar.addExpAndSp(Experience.getExpForLevel(40), 15422930); break; case 4: newChar.addExpAndSp(Experience.getExpForLevel(76), 931275829); break; } } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | NullPointerException e) { _log.warn("PhantomPlayers: Failed to set appropreate level for classId " + classId, e); } Player.restoreCharSubClasses(newChar); if (Config.STARTING_ADENA > 0) { newChar.addAdena(Config.STARTING_ADENA); } if (Config.STARTING_LVL > newChar.getLevel()) { newChar.addExpAndSp(Experience.LEVEL[Config.STARTING_LVL] - newChar.getExp(), 0, 0, 0, false, false); } if (Config.SPAWN_CHAR) { newChar.teleToLocation(Config.SPAWN_X, Config.SPAWN_Y, Config.SPAWN_Z); } else { newChar.setLoc(Rnd.get(newChar.getTemplate().getSpawnLocs())); } if (Config.CHAR_TITLE) { newChar.setTitle(Config.ADD_CHAR_TITLE); } else { newChar.setTitle(""); } for (CreateItem i : newChar.getTemplate().getItems()) { ItemInstance item = new ItemInstance(i.getItemId()); newChar.getInventory().addItem(item); if (i.isEquipable() && item.isEquipable() && ((newChar.getActiveWeaponItem() == null) || (item.getTemplate().getType2() != ItemTemplate.TYPE2_WEAPON))) { newChar.getInventory().equipItem(item); } } if (Config.ALLOW_START_ITEMS) { if (classId.isMage()) { for (int i = 0; i < Config.START_ITEMS_MAGE.length; i++) { ItemInstance item = new ItemInstance(Config.START_ITEMS_MAGE[i]); item.setCount(Config.START_ITEMS_MAGE_COUNT[i]); newChar.getInventory().addItem(item); } if (Config.BIND_NEWBIE_START_ITEMS_TO_CHAR) { for (int i = 0; i < Config.START_ITEMS_MAGE_BIND_TO_CHAR.length; i++) { ItemInstance item = new ItemInstance(Config.START_ITEMS_MAGE_BIND_TO_CHAR[i]); item.setCount(Config.START_ITEMS_MAGE_COUNT_BIND_TO_CHAR[i]); item.setCustomFlags(ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_CRYSTALLIZE | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_TRADE | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_TRANSFER | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_DROP | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_SELL); newChar.getInventory().addItem(item); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < Config.START_ITEMS_FITHER.length; i++) { ItemInstance item = new ItemInstance(Config.START_ITEMS_FITHER[i]); item.setCount(Config.START_ITEMS_FITHER_COUNT[i]); newChar.getInventory().addItem(item); } if (Config.BIND_NEWBIE_START_ITEMS_TO_CHAR) { for (int i = 0; i < Config.START_ITEMS_FITHER_BIND_TO_CHAR.length; i++) { ItemInstance item = new ItemInstance(Config.START_ITEMS_FITHER_BIND_TO_CHAR[i]); item.setCount(Config.START_ITEMS_FITHER_COUNT_BIND_TO_CHAR[i]); item.setCustomFlags(ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_CRYSTALLIZE | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_TRADE | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_TRANSFER | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_DROP | ItemInstance.FLAG_NO_SELL); newChar.getInventory().addItem(item); } } } } for (SkillLearn skill : SkillAcquireHolder.getInstance().getAvailableSkills(newChar, AcquireType.NORMAL)) { newChar.addSkill(SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skill.getId(), skill.getLevel()), true); } newChar.setCurrentHpMp(newChar.getMaxHp(), newChar.getMaxMp()); newChar.setCurrentCp(0); // retail newChar.setOnlineStatus(false); newChar.store(false); newChar.getInventory().store(); newChar.deleteMe(); PhantomsDAO.getInstance().insert(newChar.getObjectId(), template); _phantoms.add(newChar.getObjectId()); return newChar; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static PhantomSpawner spawnPhantoms(int numSpawns, long delayInMilis, boolean generateNew, Location loc) { PhantomSpawner spawner = new PhantomSpawner(numSpawns, delayInMilis, generateNew).setLocation(loc); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().execute(spawner); _phantomSpawners.add(spawner); return spawner; } /** * Gets the next unspawned phantom. * @return random free (unspawned) phantom object id or -1 if all are taken. */ private static int getUnspawnedPhantomObjId() { List<Integer> _unspawnedPhantoms = new ArrayList<>(); _unspawnedPhantoms.addAll(_phantoms); for (Player player : L2ObjectsStorage.getAllPlayersForIterate()) { if (_unspawnedPhantoms.contains(Integer.valueOf(player.getObjectId()))) { _unspawnedPhantoms.remove(Integer.valueOf(player.getObjectId())); } } if (!_unspawnedPhantoms.isEmpty()) { return Rnd.get(_unspawnedPhantoms); } return -1; } public static class PhantomSpawn implements Runnable { private final int _objId; private Location _loc; public PhantomSpawn() { _objId = getUnspawnedPhantomObjId(); } public PhantomSpawn(int objId) { _objId = objId; _loc = null; } public PhantomSpawn setLocation(Location loc) { _loc = new Location(loc.getX() + Rnd.get(200), loc.getY() + Rnd.get(200), loc.getZ()); return this; } @Override public void run() { Player player = World.getPlayer(_objId); if (player == null) { player = Player.restore(_objId); } if (player == null) { return; } player.setOfflineMode(false); player.setIsOnline(true); player.updateOnlineStatus(); player.setOnlineStatus(true); player.setInvisibleType(InvisibleType.NONE); player.setNonAggroTime(Long.MAX_VALUE); player.spawnMe(); player.setHero(Config.NEW_CHAR_IS_HERO); player.setNoble(Config.NEW_CHAR_IS_NOBLE); player.getListeners().onEnter(); // Backup to set default name color every time on login. if ((player.getNameColor() != 0xFFFFFF) && ((player.getKarma() == 0) || (player.getRecomHave() == 0)) && !player.isGM()) { player.setNameColor(0xFFFFFF); } if ((player.getTitleColor() != Player.DEFAULT_TITLE_COLOR) && !player.isGM()) { player.setTitleColor(Player.DEFAULT_TITLE_COLOR); } // Restore after nocarrier title, title color. if (player.getVar("NoCarrierTitle") != null) { player.setTitle(player.getVar("NoCarrierTitle")); if (player.getVar("NoCarrierTitleColor") != null) { player.setTitleColor(Integer.parseInt(player.getVar("NoCarrierTitleColor"))); } player.broadcastCharInfo(); player.unsetVar("NoCarrierTitle"); player.unsetVar("NoCarrierTitleColor"); } if (player.isCursedWeaponEquipped()) { CursedWeaponsManager.getInstance().showUsageTime(player, player.getCursedWeaponEquippedId()); } player.setCurrentHpMp(player.getMaxHp(), player.getMaxMp()); player.setCurrentCp(player.getMaxCp()); player.setIsPhantom(true); if (player.getAI().isPhantomPlayerAI()) { ((PhantomPlayerAI) player.getAI()).startAITask(); } if (L2Event.isParticipant(player)) { L2Event.restorePlayerEventStatus(player); } player.setRunning(); player.standUp(); player.startTimers(); player.broadcastCharInfo(); player.setHeading(Rnd.get(65535)); if (player.isDead()) { player.teleToLocation(Location.getRestartLocation(player, RestartType.TO_VILLAGE)); player.doRevive(100); } else { player.teleToLocation(_loc == null ? player.getLoc() : _loc); } } } /** * Checks if the given player is in the world, then logs out when he is out of combat. */ private static class PhantomDespawn implements Runnable { private final int _objId; private final boolean _force; public PhantomDespawn(int objId, boolean force) { _objId = objId; _force = force; } @Override public void run() { Player phantom = L2ObjectsStorage.getPlayer(_objId); if (phantom == null) { return; } if (!_force) { // Continue when phantom is out of combat. if (phantom.isInCombat()) { ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(this, 1000); return; } // When phantom is out of combat, stop moving. if (phantom.isMoving) { phantom.stopMove(); } } phantom.getAI().stopAITask(); phantom.kick(); } } public static class PhantomSpawner implements Runnable { private final int _numSpawns; private final long _delayInMilis; private final boolean _generateNewPhantoms; private int _curSpawns = 0; private Location _loc = null; private ScheduledFuture<?> _task = null; public PhantomSpawner() { _numSpawns = Config.PHANTOM_SPAWN_MAX; _delayInMilis = Config.PHANTOM_SPAWN_DELAY; _generateNewPhantoms = true; } public PhantomSpawner(int numSpawns) { _numSpawns = numSpawns; _delayInMilis = Config.PHANTOM_SPAWN_DELAY; _generateNewPhantoms = true; } public PhantomSpawner(int numSpawns, long delayInMilis) { _numSpawns = numSpawns; _delayInMilis = delayInMilis; _generateNewPhantoms = true; } public PhantomSpawner(int numSpawns, long delayInMilis, boolean generateNewPhantoms) { _numSpawns = numSpawns; _delayInMilis = delayInMilis; _generateNewPhantoms = generateNewPhantoms; } public PhantomSpawner setLocation(Location loc) { _loc = loc; return this; } @Override public void run() { if (_numSpawns == 0) { return; } _task = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { if (_curSpawns < _numSpawns) { // Do not spawn more than max phantoms. if (L2ObjectsStorage.getAllPlayersStream().filter(Player::isPhantom).count() >= Config.PHANTOM_MAX_PLAYERS) { return; } int objId = getUnspawnedPhantomObjId(); if (objId < 0) { if (_generateNewPhantoms) { try { Player phantom = createNewPhantom(); if (phantom != null) { objId = phantom.getObjectId(); _log.info("Spawning phantom " + phantom + " through spawner. Cur/Max " + _curSpawns + "/" + _numSpawns); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("ERROR: Spawning phantom through spawner. Cur/Max " + _curSpawns + "/" + _numSpawns, e); } } else { return; } } ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().execute(new PhantomSpawn(objId).setLocation(_loc)); _curSpawns++; } }, 0, _delayInMilis); } public void cancel() { if (_task != null) { _task.cancel(true); System.out.println("Canceling phantom scheduler"); } } } public static void stopSpawners() { if (_phantomSpawners != null) { for (PhantomSpawner thread : _phantomSpawners) { if (thread != null) { thread.cancel(); } } } } public static void terminatePhantoms(boolean force) { stopSpawners(); for (int objId : _phantoms) { new PhantomDespawn(objId, force).run(); } } public static void terminatePhantom(int objId, boolean disableFromReenter) { if (disableFromReenter && (_phantoms != null)) { _phantoms.remove(Integer.valueOf(objId)); } new PhantomDespawn(objId, true).run(); } } This is the AI, which does not start hitting: package wp.gameserver.ai; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.NavigableSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentSkipListSet; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import wp.commons.util.Rnd; import wp.gameserver.Config; import wp.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import wp.gameserver.ai.DefaultAI.Task; import wp.gameserver.ai.DefaultAI.TaskType; import wp.gameserver.dao.CharacterDAO; import wp.gameserver.dao.PhantomsDAO; import wp.gameserver.data.xml.holder.PhantomTemplateData; import wp.gameserver.geodata.GeoEngine; import wp.gameserver.handler.bbs.CommunityBoardManager; import wp.gameserver.instancemanager.ReflectionManager; import wp.gameserver.listener.actor.OnKillListener; import wp.gameserver.listener.actor.ai.OnAiEventListener; import wp.gameserver.model.Creature; import wp.gameserver.model.Effect; import wp.gameserver.model.L2Object; import wp.gameserver.model.PhantomPlayers; import wp.gameserver.model.Player; import wp.gameserver.model.Skill; import wp.gameserver.model.Skill.SkillTargetType; import wp.gameserver.model.Skill.SkillType; import wp.gameserver.model.World; import wp.gameserver.model.Zone; import wp.gameserver.model.base.ClassId; import wp.gameserver.model.base.Experience; import wp.gameserver.model.base.RestartType; import wp.gameserver.model.instances.ChestInstance; import wp.gameserver.model.items.ItemInstance; import wp.gameserver.model.phantom.PhantomItem; import wp.gameserver.model.phantom.PhantomItemAction; import wp.gameserver.model.phantom.PhantomSkill; import wp.gameserver.model.phantom.PhantomTemplate; import wp.gameserver.model.phantom.PhantomZone; import wp.gameserver.model.stats.Env; import wp.gameserver.model.stats.Stats; import wp.gameserver.model.stats.conditions.Condition; import wp.gameserver.model.stats.funcs.FuncAdd; import wp.gameserver.network.clientpackets.EnterWorld; import wp.gameserver.network.serverpackets.Say2; import wp.gameserver.network.serverpackets.components.ChatType; import wp.gameserver.network.serverpackets.components.IStaticPacket; import wp.gameserver.tables.AdminTable; import wp.gameserver.tables.SkillTable; import wp.gameserver.taskmanager.AiTaskManager; import wp.gameserver.templates.item.EtcItemTemplate.EtcItemType; import wp.gameserver.templates.item.ItemTemplate.Grade; import wp.gameserver.utils.Location; /** * @author Nik */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class PhantomPlayerAI extends PlayerAI implements OnAiEventListener, OnKillListener {// TODO: Refuse trade and party and clan and shits. public static final int TASK_DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 10000; private static final int WAIT_TIMER_ID = 0; private static final int BUFF_TIMER_ID = 1; public static final Comparator<Creature> lvlDiff = Comparator.comparingInt(Creature::getLevel); public final Comparator<Creature> distanceComparator = (c1, c2) -> (Integer.compare((int) getActor().getDistance(c1), (int) getActor().getDistance(c2))); public final Comparator<Creature> targetComparator = distanceComparator.thenComparing(lvlDiff); protected long AI_TASK_ATTACK_DELAY = Config.AI_TASK_ATTACK_DELAY; protected long AI_TASK_ACTIVE_DELAY = Config.AI_TASK_ACTIVE_DELAY; protected long AI_TASK_DELAY_CURRENT = AI_TASK_ACTIVE_DELAY; protected ScheduledFuture<?> _aiTask; protected ScheduledFuture<?> _roamingTask; private boolean _isWaiting = false; private final int _thinkActiveExceptions = 0; protected String _mood = ""; protected final NavigableSet<Task> _tasks = new ConcurrentSkipListSet<>(TaskComparator.getInstance()); private long _buffTimeLastCached = 0; private int _buffTimeCache = -1; private final long _lastSelfBuffCheck = 0; private long _lastMoveAround = 0; private long _lastAiResponse = 0; private long _lastWantToFarm = 0; private final long _lastFarmStarted = System.currentTimeMillis(); protected PhantomTemplate _template; // Roaming in town shits. private boolean _offlineShopsChecked = false; private int _warehouseChecked = 0; private int _shopChecked = 0; private int _npcChecked = 0; int maxChecksWh = Config.PHANTOM_ROAMING_MAX_WH_CHECKS; // Dwarfs check warehouse more often int maxChecksShop = Config.PHANTOM_ROAMING_MAX_SHOP_CHECKS; // Dwarfs check shops more often public PhantomPlayerAI(Player actor) { super(actor); } private static class TaskComparator implements Comparator<Task> { private static final Comparator<Task> _instance = new TaskComparator(); public static final Comparator<Task> getInstance() { return _instance; } @Override public int compare(Task o1, Task o2) { if ((o1 == null) || (o2 == null)) { return 0; } return o2.weight - o1.weight; } } public void addTaskCast(Creature target, Skill skill) { addTaskCast(target, skill, null, false, false); } public void addTaskCast(Creature target, Skill skill, Condition cond) { addTaskCast(target, skill, cond, false, false); } public void addTaskCast(Creature target, Skill skill, Condition cond, boolean forceUse) { addTaskCast(target, skill, cond, forceUse, false); } public void addTaskCast(Creature target, Skill skill, Condition cond, boolean forceUse, boolean dontMove) { if (skill == null) { return; } Task task = new Task(); task.type = TaskType.CAST; task.target = target.getRef(); task.skill = skill; task.cond = cond; task.forceUse = forceUse; task.dontMove = dontMove; _tasks.add(task); } public void addTaskBuff(Creature target, Skill skill) { addTaskBuff(target, skill, null); } public void addTaskBuff(Creature target, Skill skill, Condition cond) { if (skill == null) { return; } Task task = new Task(); task.type = TaskType.BUFF; task.target = target.getRef(); task.skill = skill; task.cond = cond; _tasks.add(task); } public void addTaskAttack(Creature target) { addTaskAttack(target, null, false, false); } public void addTaskAttack(Creature target, Condition cond) { addTaskAttack(target, cond, false, false); } public void addTaskAttack(Creature target, Condition cond, boolean forceUse) { addTaskAttack(target, cond, forceUse, false); } public void addTaskAttack(Creature target, Condition cond, boolean forceUse, boolean dontMove) { if (target == null) { return; } Task task = new Task(); task.type = TaskType.ATTACK; task.target = target.getRef(); task.cond = cond; task.forceUse = forceUse; task.dontMove = dontMove; _tasks.add(task); } public void addTaskMove(Location loc, int offset) { addTaskMove(loc, offset, true, null); } public void addTaskMove(Location loc, int offset, boolean pathfind) { addTaskMove(loc, offset, pathfind, null); } public void addTaskMove(Location loc, int offset, boolean pathfind, Condition cond) { Task task = new Task(); task.type = TaskType.MOVE; task.loc = loc; task.pathfind = pathfind; task.locationOffset = offset; _tasks.add(task); } public void addTaskInteract(Creature target) { Task task = new Task(); task.type = TaskType.INTERACT; task.target = target.getRef(); task.pathfind = true; _tasks.add(task); } protected boolean maybeNextTask(Task currentTask) { // Next job _tasks.remove(currentTask); // If there are no more jobs - define new if (_tasks.size() == 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * @return true : clear all tasks */ protected void doTask() { Player actor = getActor(); if (_tasks.isEmpty()) { return; } Task currentTask = _tasks.pollFirst(); if (currentTask == null) { return; } if (actor.isDead() || actor.isAttackingNow() || actor.isCastingNow()) { return; } if (currentTask.cond != null) { if (currentTask.target == null) { return; } final Env env = Env.valueOf(actor, currentTask.target.get(), currentTask.skill); if (!currentTask.cond.test(env)) { env.recycle(); return; } env.recycle(); } switch (currentTask.type) { case MOVE: setNextAction(nextAction.MOVE, currentTask.loc, currentTask.locationOffset, currentTask.pathfind, currentTask.dontMove); getActor().setRunning(); setNextIntention(); break; case INTERACT: setNextAction(nextAction.INTERACT, currentTask.target.get(), null, currentTask.forceUse, currentTask.dontMove); getActor().setRunning(); setNextIntention(); break; case ATTACK: setNextAction(nextAction.ATTACK, currentTask.target.get(), null, false, currentTask.dontMove); setNextIntention(); break; case CAST: setNextAction(nextAction.CAST, currentTask.skill, currentTask.target.get(), currentTask.forceUse, currentTask.dontMove); setNextIntention(); break; } } @Override public synchronized void startAITask() { if (_aiTask == null) { System.out.println("TESTTTTTTTTTTTTT"); AI_TASK_DELAY_CURRENT = AI_TASK_ACTIVE_DELAY; _aiTask = AiTaskManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 0L, AI_TASK_DELAY_CURRENT); final int classId = PhantomsDAO.getInstance().select(getActor().getObjectId()); _template = PhantomTemplateData.getInstance().getTemplate(classId); if (_template == null) { _log.warn("startAITask called on phantom with no template " + getActor()); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(getActor().getObjectId(), true); return; } getActor().addListener(this); getActor().addStatFunc(new FuncAdd(Stats.MAX_NO_PENALTY_LOAD, 0x40, this, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); // I have reached a new level of laziness - avoid caring about weight penalty :D waitTime(4000); // Wait t least 4secs until active, to not look suspicious. } } protected synchronized void switchAITask(long NEW_DELAY) { if (_aiTask == null) { return; } if (AI_TASK_DELAY_CURRENT != NEW_DELAY) { _aiTask.cancel(false); AI_TASK_DELAY_CURRENT = NEW_DELAY; _aiTask = AiTaskManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(this, 0L, AI_TASK_DELAY_CURRENT); final int classId = PhantomsDAO.getInstance().select(getActor().getObjectId()); _template = PhantomTemplateData.getInstance().getTemplate(classId); if (_template == null) { _log.warn("switchAITask called on phantom with no template " + getActor()); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(getActor().getObjectId(), true); return; } getActor().addListener(this); getActor().addStatFunc(new FuncAdd(Stats.MAX_NO_PENALTY_LOAD, 0x40, this, Integer.MAX_VALUE)); // I have reached a new level of laziness - avoid caring about weight penalty :D } } @Override public final synchronized void stopAITask() { if (_aiTask != null) { _aiTask.cancel(false); _aiTask = null; _template = null; getActor().removeListener(this); getActor().removeStatsOwner(this); // Remove the added weight bonus } } @Override public boolean isActive() { return _aiTask != null; } @Override public void runImpl() { if (_aiTask == null) { return; } onEvtThink(); _lastAiResponse = System.currentTimeMillis(); // say(this.getIntention().toString()); } public void waitTime(long timeInMilis) { _isWaiting = true; addTimer(WAIT_TIMER_ID, timeInMilis); } public void setMood(String mood) { say("Changing my mood [" + _mood + "] -> [" + mood + "]"); _mood = mood; } public String getMood() { return _mood; } @Override protected void onIntentionActive() { clearNextAction(); changeIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null, null); } @Override protected void onIntentionIdle() { clearNextAction(); changeIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE, null, null); } /** * @return true : block thinkAttack() execution <br> * false : if the AI should continue and execute thinkAttack() */ @Override protected boolean thinkActive() { return false; } private void thinkCanFarm() { int playersAround = 0; for (Player player : World.getAroundPlayers(getActor())) { if (getActor().getDistance(player) < Config.PHANTOM_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_FARMZONE_RANGE) { playersAround++; } } if (playersAround > Config.PHANTOM_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_FARMZONE) { say("There is more then " + Config.PHANTOM_MAX_PLAYERS_IN_FARMZONE + " players around me going to town and gonna try again after " + (Config.PHANTOM_RETRY_TO_FARM_DELAY / 1000) + " seconds.."); waitTime(Config.PHANTOM_RETRY_TO_FARM_DELAY); getActor().doCast(findSoeSkill(), getActor(), false); } } private void thinkMoveAround() { final Player actor = getActor(); System.out.println("TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT"); if (!actor.isMoving && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - _lastMoveAround) > Config.PHANTOM_MOVE_AROUND_DELAY)) { System.out.println("2222222222222222222222222"); say("No target? lets move around!"); final int radius = Config.PHANTOM_MOVE_AROUND_RANGE; int x = actor.getX(); int y = actor.getY(); x = Rnd.nextInt(radius * 2); y = Rnd.get(x, radius * 2); y = (int) Math.sqrt((y * y) - (x * x)); x += actor.getX() - radius; y += actor.getY() - radius; final Location loc = GeoEngine.moveCheck(actor.getX(), actor.getY(), actor.getZ(), x, y, actor.getGeoIndex()); addTaskMove(loc, 0, true); _lastMoveAround = System.currentTimeMillis(); actor.setTarget(null); setAttackTarget(null); } } @Override protected void thinkAttack(boolean checkRange) { if (_template == null) { _log.warn("thinkAttack called on phantom with no template " + getActor()); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(getActor().getObjectId(), true); return; } // Set last attack time. getActor().setLastAttackPacket(); // Activate shots if not activated. if (getActor().getAutoSoulShot().isEmpty()) { EnterWorld.verifyAndLoadShots(getActor()); } // Get a target to cast Creature target = getAttackTarget(); if (target == null) { target = getActor().getTarget(Creature.class); } // No valid target found? Do nothing if (target != null) { boolean shouldCastSkill = target.isPlayer(); // In pvp always cast skills. switch (_template.getType()) { case WARRIOR: shouldCastSkill = Rnd.chance(100); break; case DAGGER: shouldCastSkill = Rnd.chance(60); break; case ARCHER: shouldCastSkill = Rnd.chance(50); break; case MAGE: shouldCastSkill = true; break; } // Check to cast skill if (shouldCastSkill) { for (PhantomSkill skill : _template.getSkills().values()) { if (GeoEngine.canSeeTarget(getActor(), target, false) && skill.canUseSkill(getActor(), target, false, false)) { // Check if the skill is going to be casted or not. if (cast(skill.getSkill(getActor()), target, false, false)) { say("Casting " + skill.getSkill(getActor()).getName()); return; } } } // couldn't cast? thinkMoveAround(); } } super.thinkAttack(checkRange); } @Override protected void thinkCast(boolean checkRange) { // Mage cant see target, let him press attack so he can let geodata lead him to the mob. if (!GeoEngine.canSeeTarget(getActor(), getAttackTarget(), false)) { // Catch new target. setAttackTarget(null); getActor().setTarget(null); setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ACTIVE); return; } super.thinkCast(checkRange); } private Skill findSoeSkill() { Skill soe = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(2013, 1); if (!Config.PHANTOM_SCROLLS_OF_ESCAPE.isEmpty()) { final int skillId = Rnd.get(Config.PHANTOM_SCROLLS_OF_ESCAPE); final Skill sk = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1); if (sk != null) { return sk; } } return soe; } private void createNewItems() { if (_template == null) { _log.warn("createNewItems called on phantom with no template " + getActor()); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(getActor().getObjectId(), true); return; } final Player actor = getActor(); // Cleanup say("Cleaning up some inventory junk"); for (ItemInstance item : actor.getInventory().getItems()) { if (item.isEquipped()) { continue; } if (item.isAccessory() || item.isArmor() || item.isWeapon()) { boolean noGradeJunk = (item.getCrystalType() == Grade.NONE) && (actor.getLevel() > 20); boolean dGradeJunk = (item.getCrystalType() == Grade.D) && (actor.getLevel() > 40); boolean cGradeJunk = (item.getCrystalType() == Grade.C) && (actor.getLevel() > 52); boolean bGradeJunk = (item.getCrystalType() == Grade.B) && (actor.getLevel() > 61); boolean aGradeJunk = (item.getCrystalType() == Grade.A) && (actor.getLevel() > 76); if (noGradeJunk && dGradeJunk && cGradeJunk && bGradeJunk && aGradeJunk) { say("Destroying " + item); actor.getInventory().destroyItem(item); } continue; } else if (item.isArrow() || item.isAdena() || (item.getItemType() == EtcItemType.SHOT) || (item.getItemType() == EtcItemType.POTION)) { continue; } say("Destroying " + item); actor.getInventory().destroyItem(item); } for (PhantomItem item : _template.getItems().get(PhantomItemAction.EQUIP)) { if (!item.checkCondition(getActor())) { continue; } else if (item.isEquipped(getActor())) { continue; } item.createItemIfNotInInventory(getActor(), false); item.equip(getActor(), false); if (item.isWeapon()) { item.equipThisWeaponAndActivateShots(getActor(), false); } } } protected Creature getTarget() { final LinkedList<Creature> lowPriorityTargets = new LinkedList<>(); final List<Creature> list = World.getAroundCharacters(getActor()).stream().filter(Objects::nonNull).filter(t -> !t.isRaid() && !t.isDead() && !t.isMinion() && !t.isInvisible() && !t.isInvul() && t.isMonster() && !(t instanceof ChestInstance)).sorted(targetComparator).collect(Collectors.toList()); // Find a valid target to attack. OUT: for (Creature tgt : list) { for (Player player : tgt.getAroundPlayers()) { if (player.isGM() || player.isInvisible()) { continue; } if ((player.getTarget() == tgt) && (tgt.getCurrentHpPercents() < 99)) { continue OUT; } } if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - tgt.getLastAttackedTime()) < 5000) // Target attacked in the last 5 secs. { if ((tgt.getAggressionTarget() != null) && (tgt.getAggressionTarget() != getActor())) { continue; } } if (getActor().checkTarget(tgt)) { if ((getActor().getLevel() - tgt.getLevel()) > 5) { lowPriorityTargets.add(tgt); } else { return tgt; } } else { if (Location.getDistance(getActor(), tgt) >= 2000) { lowPriorityTargets.add(tgt); } } } lowPriorityTargets.sort(targetComparator); return lowPriorityTargets.isEmpty() ? null : lowPriorityTargets.getFirst(); } /** * @return : A visible random location nearby. Null if it fails to find such. */ protected Location getRandomLocation(int minRange, int maxRange, int maximumAttemptsToFindSuchLocation) { int x = getActor().getX(); int y = getActor().getY(); int z = getActor().getZ(); int geoIndex = getActor().getGeoIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < maximumAttemptsToFindSuchLocation; i++) { Location tmp = getActor().getLoc().coordsRandomize(minRange, maxRange); if (GeoEngine.canMoveToCoord(x, y, z, tmp.x, tmp.y, tmp.z, geoIndex)) { return tmp; } } return null; } public void runAway(Location fromLoc, int timeInMilis) { int posX = getActor().getX(); int posY = getActor().getY(); int posZ = getActor().getZ(); int old_posX = posX; int old_posY = posY; int old_posZ = posZ; int signx = posX < fromLoc.getX() ? -1 : 1; int signy = posY < fromLoc.getY() ? -1 : 1; int range = (int) (((0.71 * timeInMilis) / 1000) * getActor().getMoveSpeed()); posX += signx * range; posY += signy * range; posZ = GeoEngine.getHeight(posX, posY, posZ, getActor().getGeoIndex()); if (GeoEngine.canMoveToCoord(old_posX, old_posY, old_posZ, posX, posY, posZ, getActor().getGeoIndex())) { addTaskMove(new Location(posX, posY, posZ), 0); } } public boolean hasBetterFarmZone() { if (_template == null) { _log.warn("hasBetterFarmZone called on phantom with no template " + getActor()); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(getActor().getObjectId(), true); return false; } List<PhantomZone> availableZones = _template.getAvailableZones(getActor()); if ((availableZones == null) || availableZones.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (PhantomZone zone : availableZones) { // Already in good enough zone. if (getActor().getDistance(zone.getRandomTeleportLoc()) <= 8_000) { return false; } } return true; } private boolean isInTown() { if (!getActor().isInPeaceZone()) { return false; } for (Zone zone : getActor().getZones()) { if (zone.getName().contains("talking_island_town_peace_zone") || zone.getName().contains("darkelf_town_peace_zone") || zone.getName().contains("elf_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("guldiocastle_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("gludin_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("dion_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("floran_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("giran_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("orc_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("dwarf_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("oren_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("hunter_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("aden_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("speaking_port_peace") || zone.getName().contains("gludin_port") || zone.getName().contains("giran_port") || zone.getName().contains("heiness_peace") || zone.getName().contains("godad_peace") || zone.getName().contains("rune_peace") || zone.getName().contains("gludio_airship_peace") || zone.getName().contains("schuttgart_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("kamael_village_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("keucereus_alliance_base_town_peace") || zone.getName().contains("giran_harbor_peace_alt") || zone.getName().contains("parnassus_peace")) { return true; } } return false; } public void buffFromNpcBuffer(int curTries) { if (!Config.ENABLE_SCHEME_BUFFER || !isInTown()) { return; } if (_template == null) { _log.warn("buffFromNpcBuffer called on phantom with no template " + getActor()); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(getActor().getObjectId(), true); return; } // Fail buff, schedule another try in 30 sec.A if ((getActor().getPvpFlag() > 0) || getActor().isInCombat()) { addTimer(BUFF_TIMER_ID, curTries + 1, 30000); } else { switch (_template.getType()) { case DAGGER: case ARCHER: CommunityBoardManager.getInstance().executeBypass(getActor(), "_bbsbuffer getBuffs;Rogue"); break; case MAGE: CommunityBoardManager.getInstance().executeBypass(getActor(), "_bbsbuffer getBuffs;Wizzard"); break; default: // WARRIOR CommunityBoardManager.getInstance().executeBypass(getActor(), "_bbsbuffer getBuffs;Fighter"); } CommunityBoardManager.getInstance().executeBypass(getActor(), "_bbsbuffer getBuffs;noblesse"); CommunityBoardManager.getInstance().executeBypass(getActor(), "_bbsbuffer getBuffs;heal"); if ((getActor().getEffectList().getAllFirstEffects().length < Config.ALT_BUFF_LIMIT) || (getRemaningBuffTime(false) < 7000)) // Just a check to see if there are any buffs { say("I tried to buff but it didn't buff me right :( I will try " + (5 - curTries) + " more times, next one in 1 min"); addTimer(BUFF_TIMER_ID, curTries + 1, 60000); } else { say("I have buffed."); } } } private int getRemaningBuffTime(boolean useCache) { // If this is called in the last 1 minute, it will use cache instead. if (useCache && ((System.currentTimeMillis() - _buffTimeLastCached) <= 60000) && (_buffTimeCache >= 0)) { return _buffTimeCache; } int buffTimeLeft = 0; int buffsCount = 0; for (Effect e : getActor().getEffectList().getAllEffects()) { if ((e != null) && (e.getSkill().getSkillType() == SkillType.BUFF) && (e.getSkill().getTargetType() != SkillTargetType.TARGET_SELF)) { buffTimeLeft += e.getTimeLeft(); buffsCount++; } } _buffTimeLastCached = System.currentTimeMillis(); // Whoops, almost forgot... I was going to create a black hole if I didnt do that :D if (buffsCount == 0) { _buffTimeCache = 0; return 0; } return _buffTimeCache = (buffTimeLeft / buffsCount); } protected void upgradeClass() { if (_template == null) { _log.warn("upgradeClass called on phantom with no template " + getActor()); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(getActor().getObjectId(), true); return; } if ((getActor().getClassId().getLevel() < 4) && // Not 3rd class (((getActor().getLevel() >= 20) && (getActor().getClassId().getLevel() == 1)) || ((getActor().getLevel() >= 40) && (getActor().getClassId().getLevel() == 2)) || ((getActor().getLevel() >= 76) && (getActor().getClassId().getLevel() == 3)))) { ClassId nextClass = _template.getNextClass(getActor()); if (nextClass != null) { say("My class choice is from " + getActor().getClassId() + " to " + nextClass); getActor().setClassId(nextClass.getId(), false, false); } } } /** * @return true : if the packet should be forwarded to the client (active players can be set to phantoms too) */ public boolean onPacketRecieved(IStaticPacket p) { return false; } @Override public Player getActor() { return super.getActor(); } @Override public boolean isPhantomPlayerAI() { return true; } public long getLastAiResponse() { return _lastAiResponse; } private void say(String text) { for (Player gm : AdminTable.getAllGms(false)) { if ((gm != null) && !gm.isBlockAll() && gm.isInRange(getActor(), 500)) { gm.sendPacket(new Say2(getActor().getObjectId(), ChatType.ALL, getActor().getName(), text)); } } } @Override public void onAiEvent(Creature actor, CtrlEvent evt, Object[] args) { switch (evt) { case EVT_DEAD: { final Player player = actor.getPlayer(); int ressurectionDelay = Rnd.get(2, 10) * 1000; // This is here because I dont want instant revive. Lets make it look more player-like _lastWantToFarm = System.currentTimeMillis(); say("QQ im dead :( Going to village in " + (ressurectionDelay / 1000) + " seconds."); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().schedule(() -> { Location loc = Location.getRestartLocation(player.getPlayer(), RestartType.TO_VILLAGE); // Reflection ref = player.getReflection(); // // if (ref == ReflectionManager.DEFAULT) // { // for (GlobalEvent e : player.getEvents()) // { // loc = e.getRestartLoc(player.getPlayer(), RestartType.TO_VILLAGE); // } // } // // if (loc == null) // { // loc = Location.getRestartLocation(player.getPlayer(), RestartType.TO_VILLAGE); // } // if (loc != null) { player.setPendingRevive(true); player.teleToLocation(loc, ReflectionManager.DEFAULT); } createNewItems(); }, ressurectionDelay); break; } case EVT_ATTACKED: { Creature attacker = (Creature) args[0]; int damage = (int) args[1]; double dmgPer = damage / actor.getCurrentHp(); if (attacker.isPlayer()) { // Do not touch people in party. if (attacker.getPlayer().isInParty()) { return; } if (actor != getActor()) { return; } int ggp = attacker.getPlayer().getGearScore(); if ((ggp <= actor.getPlayer().getGearScore()) && (dmgPer <= 0.2D)) // If damage is less than 20% of total HP { // If casts skill with remaning cast of 3s or more, abort. if (actor.getCastingTime() > 3000) { actor.abortCast(false, false); } actor.setTarget(attacker); if (actor.isMoving) { thinkActive(); } _isWaiting = false; } } else { // If casts skill with remaning cast of 3s or more, abort. if (actor.getCastingTime() > 3000) { actor.abortCast(false, false); } if (getAttackTarget() == null) { setAttackTarget(attacker); } if (getAttackTarget() == attacker) { actor.setTarget(attacker); } Creature target = getAttackTarget(); if ((target == null) || (target == attacker) || !getActor().checkTarget(target)) { setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, attacker); } if (actor.isMoving) { thinkActive(); } _isWaiting = false; } break; } case EVT_FORGET_OBJECT: { L2Object object = (L2Object) args[0]; if (object.isPlayer() && object.isInvisible()) { waitTime(10000); } break; } case EVT_SEE_SPELL: { break; } case EVT_TELEPORTED: { final Player player = actor.getPlayer(); if (player == null) { return; } if (!player.isPhantom() || !player.getAI().isPhantomPlayerAI()) { return; } PhantomPlayerAI ai = ((PhantomPlayerAI) player.getAI()); if (ai.isInTown()) { ai.say("Lawl, a town. Time to buff, equip and change class if needed."); ai.buffFromNpcBuffer(0); ai.upgradeClass(); ai.say("Meh in town, will roam around."); ai.setMood(Rnd.get(new String[] { "free roam", "check npcs", "check shop", "check warehouse" })); ai.createNewItems(); } else { // TODO THIS IS FARM waitTime(Rnd.get(2500, 6000)); setMood(""); _offlineShopsChecked = false; _warehouseChecked = 0; _shopChecked = 0; _npcChecked = 0; } break; } case EVT_TIMER: { int timerId = (int) args[0]; switch (timerId) { case WAIT_TIMER_ID: _isWaiting = false; break; case BUFF_TIMER_ID: int tries = (int) args[1]; if (tries < 5) { buffFromNpcBuffer(tries); } break; } break; } } } @Override public void onKill(Creature actor, Creature victim) { waitTime(Rnd.get(7, 15) * 100); // Wait 750-1500ms after kill, so it doesnt look like botting if (Rnd.chance(20)) // 20% chance to change loc a bit when killing { Location randomLocation = getRandomLocation(50, 120, 200); if (randomLocation != null) { addTaskMove(randomLocation, 50, true); } } else if (Rnd.chance(2)) // 2% chance to go a bit afk while farming { Location randomLocation = getRandomLocation(50, 200, 200); if (randomLocation != null) { addTaskMove(randomLocation, 50, true); } int time = Rnd.get(4, 10) * 1000; waitTime(time); } } @Override public boolean ignorePetOrSummon() { return true; } @Override public void onLevelChange(int oldLvl, int level) { // When phantom reach max level (85) terminate him. if (level == Experience.getMaxLevel()) { final int objectId = getActor().getObjectId(); PhantomPlayers.terminatePhantom(objectId, true); PhantomsDAO.getInstance().delete(objectId); CharacterDAO.getInstance().deleteCharByObjId(objectId); } } }
  4. They are not spawning on their own and they won't start spawning on themselves. Any idea how to fix that, or if there is a working phantoms shere somewhere on the web could you pls provide me with a link? I think there is an issue in the following code... Because I believe that somewhere in the code the minimum spawns has been set, and I cant change it in the configs so I have to change it from the code itself. The question, however, remains... How do you find where its written? public static class PhantomSpawner implements Runnable { private final int _numSpawns; private final long _delayInMilis; private final boolean _generateNewPhantoms; private int _curSpawns = 0; private Location _loc = null; private ScheduledFuture<?> _task = null; public PhantomSpawner() { _numSpawns = Config.PHANTOM_SPAWN_MAX; _delayInMilis = Config.PHANTOM_SPAWN_DELAY; _generateNewPhantoms = true; } public PhantomSpawner(int numSpawns) { _numSpawns = numSpawns; _delayInMilis = Config.PHANTOM_SPAWN_DELAY; _generateNewPhantoms = true; } public PhantomSpawner(int numSpawns, long delayInMilis) { _numSpawns = numSpawns; _delayInMilis = delayInMilis; _generateNewPhantoms = true; } public PhantomSpawner(int numSpawns, long delayInMilis, boolean generateNewPhantoms) { _numSpawns = numSpawns; _delayInMilis = delayInMilis; _generateNewPhantoms = generateNewPhantoms; } public PhantomSpawner setLocation(Location loc) { _loc = loc; return this; } @Override public void run() { if (_numSpawns == 0) { return; } _task = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> { if (_curSpawns < _numSpawns) { // Do not spawn more than max phantoms. if (L2ObjectsStorage.getAllPlayersStream().filter(Player::isPhantom).count() >= Config.PHANTOM_MAX_PLAYERS) { return; } int objId = getUnspawnedPhantomObjId(); if (objId < 0) { if (_generateNewPhantoms) { try { Player phantom = createNewPhantom(); if (phantom != null) { objId = phantom.getObjectId(); _log.info("Spawning phantom " + phantom + " through spawner. Cur/Max " + _curSpawns + "/" + _numSpawns); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("ERROR: Spawning phantom through spawner. Cur/Max " + _curSpawns + "/" + _numSpawns, e); } } else { return; } } ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().execute(new PhantomSpawn(objId).setLocation(_loc)); _curSpawns++; } }, 0, _delayInMilis); }
  5. Hello! It happens that I have several custom community boards (5 to be precise). They came with the server files but the problem is that only one is working. The rest have all the htmls and scripts but when I change the folder name in the config, the community board just wont load. PLS HELP! I've tried restarting the whole server, not just reloading the Config and Scripts.. it just won't cut it... Here are some screenshots: config http://prntscr.com/fnn4y3 Ingrame: http://prntscr.com/fnn5gr The page seems to be blank... Is there a guide which I can follow in order to properly implement additional CBs?
  6. Heya. I have some real good files but the problem is that I get an error while installing the SQL. ERROR 1071 (42000) at line 1: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes ERROR at line 4: Failed to open file 'Server : localhost', error: 2 ERROR at line 4: Failed to open file 'Server : mysqlInstaller', error: 2 This is the error I get during the installation of the SQLs into my MySQL. I wonder if it could be the java version or the MySQL version. Is there a way to check which was used while building the files? I mean I have the source and thus ive compiled them myself, but thats not the issue. I just cant figure it out. According to the error code there are too many variables, but where?
  7. Oh, well ... I've used the latest rev of this pack (or at least the latest I could find). I have not checked if the duplicate bug exists, but i believe it can be easily patched. However, If you want to use it - you have to put few days of work into it. The issue with the AIO collumns is easily fixed - there is a backup file, just make 2-nd DB in NaviCat, load the backup there, copy the characters tables and paste them on the first DB. There, however, are other issues, such as configs being in the wrong directory. For this to be fixed you just need to copy the files from config/default to config/. Issue 3 - missing stuff in some of the javas, for example, GiftOfVitality, MasterOfEnchant, etc. You have to manually add some stuff there. After two days of editing I have finally managed to run it with no errors and with everything on place and I can share with you the compiled pack, but still dont think its worth using it on a live server. I've played on a LIVE using these files and the dupe bug was existing, as well as huge unbalance inbetween classes on both PVP and PVE.
  8. Which is the best russian team developing H5 servers right now?
  9. I'm looking to buy a trusted Lineage 2 High Five server pack. Multilingual support would be an advantage. Also, I'm down for buying a server pack based on L2Emurt project with fixes. I have the latest emurt pack and many features are disabled, so with my limited knowledge, I cant make them work. If someone could help me with unlocking/fixing still works. Basicly, what I'm looking for is a stable H5 source with working features. Also, I'd like to test the pack I'm buying, so test servers are to be expected prior to the payment. I will be making customisation, and this is why I'm emphasising on the working features - Customisable and fully working features such as Phantoms, Rebirth, PvPtoExp, PvP reward (AutoEnchant via PvP), Full Community Board (teleporter, stats, shop, etc), event engines, editable formulas for dmg to different types of armor, voice commands, inbuilt protections (FirstGuard, antiBrut, etc), premium system, auction, voice commands, chance of skill success in the chat, etc. The following features will be taken into consideration as even greater bonus - Customisable FakeNPCs (NPCs looking like players and to be able to change weapon, armor, race/class),
  10. You might be right, but still, I have some other ideas to top this one up.
  11. And yet another request - Could someone tell me how to make NPCs that look like Players (There are a lot of npcs like this but I cant find the source code). Also to tell me what should I do to make it so that these NPCs give +1PvP per kill. The idea is to make max level something like lvl99, and from 85 to 99 only through PvP and farming these Player-looking NPCs. They will fight in groups and it will be a party farming zone. Also if it is impossible to make it so that they give +1PvP, maybe I can use an item that is trade-able for +1PvP? Or lets say they drop 1 Custom PvP coin, and you need 10 of those to exchange for +1PvP at a custom NPC.
  12. I've come across a google search result that I can't seem to find in this forum. I believe this is exactly what I need. If someone has any idea where I can find the share would be awesome! [share]Pvp Auto Enchant System By Elfocrash
  13. Good day, ladies and gents! I've just gotten a stable and well-rounder server pack, but the inbuilt PvP Reward System kind of sucks... If activated, it gives items on every PvP kill, and I need it to be a chance for getting not only one, but several items with different probabilities. So, here I am... asking You, the best coders I know, to help me tweak it somehow or come up with another great way around it! My idea is to add an option to choose several REWARD items in the config, but they are all given with certain chance, not at every PVP kill. Now let me elaborate: 1- A PvP system that rewards players upon obtaining PVP with a % chance. For example, at every PVP, the player should have: 1.1- 2% chance of obtaining 1 scroll enchant weapon, or 5% chance of obtaining 1 scroll enchant armor depending on the grade of the wielded weapon. (either one) 1.2- 2% chance to get their weapon automatically enchanted +1 and 5% chance to get an Enchant Armor Scroll depending on the grade of the weapon. (either one) 2 - A script that checks and stores the Owner ID and Item ID from the DB and to count the PVP kills with that exact item. Upon obtaining a certain amount of PVPs, the player gets: 2.1- 1 Enchant Weapon every 30PVPs for A-grade, 40 for S-grade, 50 for Icarus, 60 for Vesper, 70 for MID-S84, and 80 for High-S84. 2.2- 1 Enchant Armor (a/s-grade at random?) for every 10 PvPs. If the random is not possible to config (At least in my mind it looks that way... lol) it can be like every 3 kills they get EAA and every 5 they get EAS. (At 15, 30, 45, etc they will, of course, get both, but its fine! ^.^) 3 - Hopefully the easiest - a script, as simple as possible, to give rewards at certain PvP count BUT with different PvP values on every item. For example: Item 1 - every 30 PvPs, while Item 2 - every 5 PvPs, etc. Is any of the ideas reachable? And if so, could someone, PLEASE, give me some guidance/tips/tricks, anything at all? Or if anyone has a similar script or files, could you please share it/them with me? Help with ANY of the ideas mentioned above would be MUCH appreciated! Cheers, and have a great day/night!
  14. I have had this idea for ages - to launch a multi-functions server. It will be a combination of several styles, including multi skills/subs and factions. The question, however, is whether it is possible or not. I will need two databases and I will have to make one of the "REALMS" as instanced zone, but I've no idea if it is possible to create an entire sub-database for the other realms as part of the main database. I also wonder if there is a way to make it so that the main REALM is retail like and all achievements except of acquired skills are correctly transferred back to the retail. For example, you enter the multisub realm and you get skills from other classes and such and you start grinding and when you decide to switch back to the main realm you keep the PVP/PK counts, inventory (items obtained), and weapon/armor/jewel enchants. This way players could use the Faction realm to grind gear enchantment while doing pvp, and the multiskills to grind level and gear. I also have to ask if there is a good server pack which I could use or buy? I need something that has already implemented the Faction Server files, or at least if you could tell me where to find them?
  15. I have had this idea for ages - to launch a multi-functions server. It will be a combination of several styles, including multi skills/subs and factions. The question, however, is whether it is possible or not. I will need two databases and I will have to make one of the "REALMS" as instanced zone, but I've no idea if it is possible to create an entire sub-database for the other realms as part of the main database. I also wonder if there is a way to make it so that the main REALM is retail like and all achievements except of acquired skills are correctly transferred back to the retail. For example, you enter the multisub realm and you get skills from other classes and such and you start grinding and when you decide to switch back to the main realm you keep the PVP/PK counts, inventory (items obtained), and weapon/armor/jewel enchants. This way players could use the Faction realm to grind gear enchantment while doing pvp, and the multiskills to grind level and gear.
  16. Hello, guys. I was wondering how could i make all offline characters to be saved and loaded, before and after server restart. If any suggestions pop up, lemme know. Thanks in advance!
  17. If u ask me, then come and try GooDvsEviL (CT1.5). Only a bug with the lvling till 85 occured but the founder gonna fix it in a day max 2. ;)
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