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Everything posted by Psyancy

  1. @devaltor Hello mate is there any change of updating download link or should i lock it?
  2. @Sinnocent Hello mate is there any change of updating video and download link or should i lock it?
  3. @Sinnocent Hello mate is there any change of updating download link or should i lock it?
  4. About awards, awards system is about to be updated and if i'm not wrong awards is currently disabled in order to update it
  5. In my opinion gmods have to stay as they are, they're just fine for that position and there is no need for someone else to be gmod. L2mods as well, they are both where they should be. About other staffers, no hate but i didn't saw paranoic doing something to moderate the forum ;p and baggos and reborn should get a promote to l2jdev mods since they are more active on these sections and they are skilled as well to be on that position.
  6. just type //recall HisName and he will be recalled to you.
  7. It's not maxtor i think cause i didn't get that, i think it's a member who sends pms to users here. btw 3rd or 4th day i'm waiting for him to fix these things xd
  8. Pragmatika perimeneis na pareis lefta apo ton antwni? Leiturgei xeirotera kai apo gkomena. Einai pws tha ksipnisei, kai egw ekana mazi tu duleies sto parelthon kai mia mera mu eipe na kanume duleia ta etoimasa ola k meta klasika klasimo kai dn edwse pote ta lefta me mia klasiki dikaiologia pu panta tha vrei.. Kai den eimaste mono egw kai esi einai kai alloi pu exei kanei to idio, an thimamai kala eixe faei ksana ban, den thimamai vevaia an itan gia scam h gia kati allo but still.
  9. Actually it's different on 4.2, it's not even on groups anymore you need to go to another section to give a membergroup or a member mod privs, but it ain't hard as well. If we ever manage to be online at the same time i'll fix these things ;p
  10. It's not the same, it needs the css as well i used this code on l2jnet but i had the css as well implented this forum got different styling, i'm waiting for maxtor to be online so we can fix these things and your privs as well.
  11. It was a very bad server back in the past, i know because the admin had a server with me before this one and he opened like 2,3 more servers with the same pack even if it hadtons of bugs. Anyway i'm glad it's not a 2nd account and its' something new, i may try it, good luck anyways mate.
  12. the thing is, the name you took it was a server name back in 2k14 if i'm not wrong and it's wasn't a "famous" server neither very populated. By taking this name, some people may thing it's the same owner meaning failing because of that in case you didn't get my point. hf
  13. I told him to help him on the upgrade and fix those things and even for free but even like that he ignored me XD You know how this forum works for years now, do you really believe they care about such things? He can't even understand that by not fixing this shitty search system the content of this forum is pointless, imagine if you want to search for something shared back in 2k14, you have to search the section manually.
  14. i have like 130 normal ms, but yestarday was epic xD yeah you can't get skins yet and everything you buy it will take time to get it ;p they said it on the issues thing on the client
  15. It is ;p also yesterday when i saw pbe sign ups are online i logged in on my old account and i tried to play and i had like 1,2k ms and everyone had the same xd
  16. PBR Sign ups are on, you only need no bans and at least lv3 honor. https://pbesignup.na.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/pbe
  17. ahahahahah xD i pmed you yestarday to play ranked but you were too late ;p i'm off league from now and on, i'm done with this shiet before the 3rd perma come xD
  18. If i'm not wrong this pack is based on aCis and you're not allowed to sell them if i'm right.
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