Omg, what a drama, one gypsy shared files of other one...
@guytis, are you pissed off, that Toma has all GD files, but didn't share it to rotten guy like you? Ahahaha, so funny :D Do you even realize, that almost everyone who wanted, has GD and H5, all you need to get them just to make some "friends" in L2 community and just ask? Every fucking leak was shared/reshared dozens of times, but privately.
No-one fucking cares about GD/H5 now, they are useless without proper extenders, good admin, PR etc. And @MasterToma is second @smeli, who wants to kick off dead horse (C1-C4), I'm sure he even never started that GD.
Looks like no-one wanna play with poor argentine boy.
OFFTOP: really recommend C1 IDA - open, find WinMain in function list and press F5 - you can learn a lot! I know ASP.NET only a bit, but was able to read that shitty pseudo-C.