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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Later means in few years right?
  2. NG games such as TERA, Blade & Soul, Lineage 3, C9 etc. Specs: Motherboard: ASUS M4N75TD CPU: AMD Athlon II X4 640 Quadcore GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX460 (715MHz) , 1GB DDR5 (3600MHz), PCIe x16, SLi, 256bit, 2xDVI, HDMI RAM: 4GB What do you think?
  3. Yea it redirects me to support page, and the other one doesn't do anything. FUCK
  4. Hi guys (especially Korean guys), I need your support in translating this: I don't really know what it is :(
  5. Haha, good luck in finding one. I've been playing Handball for 10 years and I ended this year. :) Such a great sport.
  6. So true Patricia, so true.
  7. Server is retarded. 10x EXP RATE and 1x ADENA RATE. If you exp in pt you get 3-5x more exp. Conclusion? I am Tyrant orc 46 lvl with D grade fists and No grade armor and 50k adena. GG thanks bye server ~~
  8. Why I don't like Freya: 1) Terrible UI 2) Too many new "cute" retarded stuff (accessories, agathions, pets) 3) Turning into wow and aion-like game 4) Unbalanced classes 5) Way too easy to achieve C/B stuff (low rates) 6) Way too easy to adapt to the game (example: cooldowns in seconds, exact buff descriptions, no need to buy spell books, no need to craft D/C shots, etc.) 7) New Armors, which are all the same, just changed colors. 8) Instances 9) Lol-skills (daggers throwing daggers, dwarf flying towards the target, etc.) 10) Changed damage system (mages hitting for random damage) That's about it... These points are basically speaking about all Kamael+ updates, not only Freya. If you gonna ask me "JAJAJ EXPLAIN POINT 6 DAT NOT TRUE U LAIN IDIOT RITARD", I am not gonna explain it. If you ask "Hello Lain, I strongly disagree with the point number 6, would you comment on that", I am still not gonna explain it. That's about it.
  9. For some little support and stuff. Ready to pay, pm me.
  10. Still looking.
  11. pm me. thanks
  12. I just wanted to ask ... If I wanna create web template in photoshop (for l2 site), what should be the resolution?
  13. Problem solved, it was because of the 64x bit windows. I downloaded special registry, which I got installed and everything worked.
  14. I do not recommend you playing there because it will be (if so) Brazilian server, which means corruption, lags, no english staff members.
  15. Won't tell you because you offended me by that quote.
  16. 1) It doesn't and it never did. 2) Dynasty 3) No. 4) Yes, whenever you use a blow (Kamael+), you do certain amount of damage (around 1-2-3k, depens on the foe), however, you can strike a critical blow, which you can see in many Kagan/gustavs movies, where they one-hit their enemies for 5k+ damage. That's why Critical Rate is needed. Not needed on C4, because you can't crit with blows. Not sure about Interlude because there are so many javas that I wasn't able to test it on a decent server. 5) If you mean this one , then it is very easy. You usually use it as a first blow, because it increases other blows' success land rate. 6) Evasion vs pdef what? 7) Not sure, but I think it does, slightly though. 8) Yes, for sure. STR is overrated though, it increases chance/lethal rate, but of a veeeeery little proportion. (-8 STR dyes is normal, as I said STR is overrated, it's same as going -8 DEX on Tyrant, which is normal) 9) Reflect buffs never did give damage back from skills or remote attacks (arrows), so nope.
  17. I guess this is perfect example: L2 C1-C6 -> www.tribalwars.net L2 Kamael - Freya -> www.tribalhugs.net
  18. Community: 200+ Exp rate: 1000-5000 Subclass & Noblesse: 2 clicks Olympiad: Many people joining oly during the oly time Enchants: Safe +3, enchant chance around 50-60% (max 66%, retail-like), no enchants in the shops (recommended) Is there a server like this?
  19. Yea but still Lineage 2 : Goddess of Destruction will be another Aion if judging the visuals.
  21. Just to clarify some things............... ......... TERA was not stolen, the original team (which had been creating c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,t0) simply took their project along. Some people consider it stolen, but it really is not. They took their own project, and started creating their own game, yes, it was supposed to be Lineage 3, but since they got fired, then it has nothing to do with Lineage 3 anymore. TERA is revolutionary, Lineage 3 will suck because there is a LOT of haters of Kamael,Hellbound, Gracia, Freya, GoD nowadays, and the same hatred will be brought over Lineage 3 in my opinion.
  22. I don't. I thought you could track their IPs somehow and ban them from maxcheaters?
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