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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Hello, If you are an active adena buyer, what server would you like to buy the adena on? Or if you have any idea, on which servers people need adena, and would like to buy some, please mention it in this topic. Do not mention: Lineage 2 Official Servers RPG-CLUB Servers Thanks in advance! ;)
  2. Tomorrow or on Monday, I will have 100 PSC. How much would you give me for that?
  3. Special christmas offers! Check the first page!
  4. Hey guys, I will use this site on Monday and I just wanted to know if you have used this site recently, and if it is safe. Thanks in advance. :) You can recommend me some other site for paysafecard to paypal transfer, as well.
  5. I support you in this. He's fucking retarded child, he accused me of scamming when he wanted to buy some adena from me. He said gimme 100kk first and then I will pay, I said no, and he started to swear, saying that I am scammer lol.
  6. I am seeking for a new server myself. Something similar to RPG-CLUB, with massive amount of people.
  7. You can't say people are leaving official server because of lack of money. It would mean that people had money until Interlude, and since Kamael release they rapidly lost their money and the official server lost its players? Just makes no sense. All old-school players which I knew, from official and private servers, either left lineage or started playing other game, like Aion (although it sucks :/ ). I myself remain playing Lineage 2 only because of free-world pvp. There is so few games with that kind of pvp like Lineage 2. And it is the best pvp system I came across so far. The only other game I saw with this system was MU Online, which was my first MMORPG ever actually :D I think year 2011/2012 will be a lethal year for Lineage 2, and it will die out with the new release of Goddess of Destruction. Goddess of Destruction is in my opinion nothing but a copy of Aion (so many visual aspects from Aion), which is fatal mistake of NCSoft. They think Aion has dominated the world so that why they are trying to make Lineage 2 look more like Aion, but Aion is a failure. Yes it has nice graphics, it has nice quest systems, but PvP system is boring, there's many ways to cheat in PvP (faction kill cheating), and the "castle sieges" in Aion are some random boring fortresses with bosses inside, you finish off the boss, you get the fortress, hf. Furthermore year 2011/2012 will be so full of new AWESOME mmo-scene-changing games such as Continent of the Ninth, T.E.R.A, Blade & Soul, etc., these games will give Lineage 2 coup de grace and it will end. Still Lineage 2 will remain in my memory for EVER. It was such a great fun playing it when I was young, Lineage 2 tought me English, which I sucked at when I was young. Lineage 2 made me money because of Virtual Currency Trade. Lineage 2 has overtaken a piece of my heart. Thanks for reading. It's 0:16 AM in the morning, I am sleepy and going to sleep. Lain.
  8. Over 2kkk for sale guys! Don't hesitate to pm!
  9. You: Freya is fucking awesome better than everything blablabal! Reality: On October 5, 2010, all of the Lineage® II servers will merge. The eight existing servers will become two servers, one based in North America, and one based in Europe. Conclusion: People are leaving because of new Lineage 2 updates. /discuss?
  10. Today's transaction time 13:30+ GMT+1.
  11. Armors and accessories on different races and genders: http://www.ivory-tower.de/
  12. Posted over 9000 times.
  13. Because you have the player in target when you set Auto Attack option up. When you set up Auto Attack options, make sure you dont have anyone in the target. Bot itself will target mobs only, not players.
  14. увидим, я щас на РПГ 15 играю
  15. You guys still complaining about archers being overpowered. But just remember the Medieval times. A big party of archers were everywhere and could defeat possibly everything when facing from distance. Same goes for Lineage 2, archers are (were) simply strong, because they jumped out of nowhere and still kept their distance, they started to shoot you and you started to run away, which is bad choise to do against an archer. So... archers were strong from this points. A skilled dagger user could kill archer in no time because archers are bad in close combat. Same goes for Interlude - Bluff, Trick, Stabs, Blows - dead. I think what made NCsoft nerf archers nowadays was complaining of people. Archer is always a lot fun to play, but on Gracia you don't see archers at all (ok, there are exceptions). Since many classes gained ability to reduce incoming critical damage, all possible buffs against arrows and stuff. That fucked archers.
  16. РУ 514 ОНЛАИН??? Ого, ето много на сегоднишные Ц4ки
  17. Hi, do you still need 500kk on rpg15x?
  18. I tried the new script and I counted that delay of buffing is like 6 seconds. I set in L2.Net to buff himself and he started buffing after 6 seconds after I have set it. So I think it's the same as the previous one.
  19. OMG Sorry I thought we were in WTS/WTB Items & Chars section. >_<
  20. Yea, but what server?
  21. wings, star wars weapons... It would be a shame for me to put this video on YouTube under my name.
  22. This has been shared like a year ago, but still it works on the most of the servers.
  23. This works and I am 100% sure since I tested it. Botting works perfectly, except for buffing, which is delayed by some seconds.
  24. Well, it's up to you whether to trust this person or not. Because he copied my topic and changed the prices only, which is lame. Also the times tehmouse posted and Steven7 posted are very close to each other, so it could be d3xter's friends, who were asked to post this to make it look cool. I may be skeptic, so it's up to you. : )
  25. Will test this in some hours. One question remains unanswered: Is there an auto-spoil function? If not, then I'd rather stick to the L2.Net. One thing I don't like about L2.Net is that It takes too long to set-up, and whenever the server crashes or you get disconnected you need to re-do everything again. I like simple programs, so I will try this out for sure. But still I think for more secure and advanced botting - use L2.Net :)
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