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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Uh (ye triple post whatever I dont care cause I am a legendary ember who cant edit their posts lol) I just noticed I can't run dota map even without maphack. I can run warcraft 3 maps (classical) but not dota, still getting this error. I am running Windows XP 64x bit, any help?
  2. czech site led by retards http://l2games.cz Administrator: Gladicek (copied even the avatar of Maxtor lulz) same layout, same rules, same all should be punished somehow right away
  3. Anyway, I tried new maphack and this is what it still does:
  4. Thanks and were you talking about Garena (about admins banning maphackers?)
  5. Translation: "Hello, I am retarded because I can't use search button and know that this has been shared over 9000 times..." and everything else is not worth translating.
  6. A chance to make a critical hit does depend on critical rate, even when using skills (Interlude). Is this changed in Epilogue/Freya?
  7. can u stop ruining my topic ok thanks bb
  8. I've reinstalled my windows and now that Im trying to install all stuff back I keep getting errors while trying to play with maphacks: When I use UniversalGarenaMapHack (or w/e) the w3 shuts down and says : You're using hacks! Reinstall your W3 or turn the hacks off - error. When I use GarenaMaster, then during the loading screen of Dota I get FATAL ERROR and random text. Any advices?
  9. I know that Ogre and Hawk are perfect totems against daggers and archers, that's why i said Wolf's good for RUNNING archers and daggers.
  10. Buffs: Berserker ? No way :) No Song of Hunter ? Eeeeh...fail. Dyes: No dyes on Grand Khavatari is like going on a party without condoms. Weaken skills: Force Of Destruction: since i don't play Kamael+, can you explain me what does this skill do? Totems: Rabbit Totem is NOT always the right choice, you must use Wolf's totem too, because when you use Rabbit Totem your P atk lowers very much. I recommend using Wolf against running archers and daggers.
  11. BTW they changed the date to 8.1.2011 HAHAHAH FAIL xDD
  12. jajajajajaja BRS lol
  13. Yea well still it's the 2nd.. so maybe they will open, but I highly doubt.
  14. I mean, look.. The server has not given a single information up until now, and so far it has got MANY votes on the top200gamingsite, because everyone is magically voting for this non-exisiting server. I think they just used you (and me too) to vote. And now they can do whatever they want, open a creepy java, or just open whatever then want.
  15. I think it's fake server lol
  16. You're super right. Tyrant can defeat everybody 1v1, except for Overlord. Tyrant can defeat everybody @ Grand Olympiad, except for Overlord, pre-frenzy Destroyer and Prophet. He's a little useless in mass PvPs. So this shall be your choice.
  17. Because you touch yourself at night.
  18. L2 Ice Server - L2OFF - Interlude - xp: 10x - retail like - no donate grand opening: January 2, 2011 http://www.l2ice.com/ (website opening : January 1, 2011
  19. Raule +1 karma for honesty.
  20. Well I didn't mean it in a bad way, just saying you know :)
  21. Hehe rebelstrik, very nice screens! About the last screen, it's nice that both of you had bishops (with cloacked sets I supposed? :P). Because I remember that the one who had bishop-bot with the most of mana was the best PvPer out there :D
  22. @xxxloopxxx No damage box at C3 back then. My monitor 5 years ago was 15''.
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