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Everything posted by Lain

  1. There's like only hero GH with this equipment on RPG-CLUB 15x. But I might be also wrong, I don't want to accuse you of being scammer, but would you offer us some screenshots? I'd be interested in this char if you can provide some proof.
  3. *reserved*
  4. I play on a server where you can run one box, you actually can run second/third/fourth... but they ban you if they see they have same IP adresses. How can I bypass this? Some method or program?
  5. You never said you would use my system lol.
  6. In my opinion this person is scammer. Creating new contact accounts usually means that the person is scammer. nilzuko.onlytradex15? Oh c'mon... Not sure though, but If I were you, I wouldn't buy from him.
  7. You're allowed to bump your topic once in 24 hours. Take care :)
  8. Done many trades with Macro, I doubt he's a scammer. ;)
  9. Can you specify items you had there? 'Cause I played on L2ES for 3 years (c3-c4-c6) and I just wander what could you have that cost over 17,000 euros.
  10. But still I kinda like Interlude better, because I played Interlude Interlude Interlude and Interlude when there were Gracias and Freya to be released, nowadays I can't have a decent pvp on Freya / Gracia because I'm a noob, I don't know tactics, techniques and stuff. A lot changed since Interlude, so I would have to learn a LOT, which isn't appropriate for me now. I was like 15 when I played Interlude, and at the age of 15 you had really nothing esle to do than playing pc games. Now I'm 19 and I have a lot of things to do, so I can't spend months/years studying new Lineage 2 mechanics. Hope you get my point. That's why I generally prefer older chronicles.
  11. I think it's mainly because of bunch of java/private servers. Let's take it like this: If there was only official server, I think I would enjoy all new "starwars" chronicles. 99% hate new star wars chronicles because they try them on bugged javas where things don't work.
  12. If you need Game Master, let me know through PMs. I'm a good candidate.
  13. Anybody interested?
  14. You will have better chances selling your char If you use my services: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=202247.0 Good luck.
  15. 12.8 2011 Changelog: Only logged in members can see this post. 8.7. 2011 Changelog: New faster way added. Skype share desktop. 30.6.2011 Changelog: After tons of complains why sellers ought to pay less fee than buyers, fees raised to 10%-10%. Both parties now pay 10%. THE ONLY CONTACT IS SKYPE ID "ELLIOT16" DON'T BELIEVE SCAMMERS WHO CLAIM OTHERWISE. I will not pm to confirm my identity here on forum, I have my personal reasons for this. Thanks for understanding. Hello! Many of you are scared to trade with people on maxcheaters, you are accusing each other of being scammers and eventually you don't complete the trade. It is very hard to be the first one to give out an item or money. Let's say you want to buy character in Lineage 2 from a guy with 1-5 posts, you can't tell whether the person's scammer or not. You're deffinitely not gonna send out the money first, because you know you might get scammed. Because of this, a lot of trades have never been done and were cancelled. Well today's your day. I offer you a "moderate trade", or a 3rd person trade, where you trade your stuff through me, which is 100% secure. And who am I? So what exactly is Moderate trade and how does it work? Moderate trade is a trade, when there is a somebody who is the trade done through (obviously me) . This way the trade is done with 100% safety. And why I am the moderator of a moderate trades? I think I've done many successful trades that I am kind of trustworthy over the other members. What is this recommended for? Moderate trade is recommended when you want to buy/trade: Virtual Currency (example: Adena), and Virtual Goods (Characters, Equipment, Weapons, Armors, etc.), How does it exactly work? 1) The only possible payment is through Paypal(your account must be verified) 2) Buyer pays 10% fee, seller pays 10% fee(fees are final price fees) 3) You must send money as "Gift" and you pay the fees. If you send it with any other option, I will refund the money and the trade will be canceled. Please don't hesistate to contact me about the details. Let others know, that you're not a scammer and if they want to then you can use our 100% secure moderate trade service. Add this banner to your topic when selling your stuff: [url=http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=202247.0][img=http://i53.tinypic.com/v3366h.png][/url] Contact: Skype: elliot16
  16. Wow! It's really cool! The the resolution and text is wrong! 500 width 200 height And text must include "TERACave.com" and "Redbeard" If you rework it to this I'll definitely reward you. And btw, I've got donator's account and I will reward you guys from there so please stop all the discussions about the karma. I've been member for over 3 years now and I always rewarded people for making me signatures, so please If you can't create the signature and eventually get rewarded, then don't ruin this moment to the others with graphics skill. Thank you.
  17. Please stop being irrelevant, thank you.
  18. I need a signature only like this: Must be text included: TERACAVE.COM Redbeard Resolution: !! 500 x 200 !! (only thins resolution) Renders: http://www.tera-online.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5851 Style: Up to you! Need it today, the best entry will get 2 karmas. 1 runner-up will get 1 karma. Start your job now! Deadline: Tuestday, 6:00 AM gmt+1.
  19. It's simple. By DDoSing other servers and eventually harming them is a way to eliminate competition. You will not get punished by doing that, which twists the whole point - why shouldn't people do it?
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