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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Hail to members of Maxcheaters and Guests. This time we'd like to offer you Kinah on EU Aion servers, Spatalos, Telemachus and Perento. The stock is unlimited. Spatalos - 5,000,000 Kinah - $6,9 Telemachus - 5,000,000 Kinah - $6,9 Perento - 5,000,000 Kinah - $6,9 The only payment possible via: If you still distrust me in matters of selling virtual currency, you can always check my vouches here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=202247.0 YOU WILL GET YOUR KINAH USUALLY IN 3-5 MINUTES after payment. CONTACT: Skype(preferred) : elliot16 MSN: go.vlad@hotmail.com
  2. What? This person is definitely not me and I do not recommend buying adena from him since he has no posts and no vouches. Peace out.
  3. mrmozo - 0 posts Probably admin or GM of lineage.ro take care 'He wanted to buy adena, but he said I'm very distrusted on the forum, he can't trust me :(, and that I have to show adena first' ... Aha, sure genius.
  4. Bump! (Need money for vocation -.- !)
  5. Hail to members of Maxcheaters and Guests. This time we'd like to offer you Adena on server named NEXUS lineage.ro The stock is limited, so the faster you contact us, the more chances you've got to get your Adena today! 29€ = 100.000.000. The only payment possible via: If you still distrust me in matters of selling virtual currency, you can always check my vouches here: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=202247.0 YOU WILL GET YOUR ADENA USUALLY IN 3-5 MINUTES CONTACT: Skype(preferred) : elliot16 MSN: go.vlad@hotmail.com
  6. Okay now let's try to get an answer from somebody who can understand English language.
  7. The trade went smoothly through my service.
  8. Then we can use other options as well, however it will cost you a little more, since other options include tax.
  9. Any guides? I mean those pages where you have to click "Like" and then it shows you some shitty content.
  10. It's Lineage 1 not Lineage 2. ....
  11. O hi. Need Asterios Ember 10x Adena? Pm me here: Skype: elliot16 MSN: go.vlad@hotmail.com 100% safe Vouches: http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=202247.30 http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=186916.0 We will negotiate about the price in chat.
  12. How to use pre-frenzy with Destro on olympiad on Interlude server? I'm currently busy to figure it out myself (otherwise I would), so write it down here please. Thanks. Once again, server is INTERLUDE.
  13. -4/8 CON on Tyrant? . . . For Christ's sake guys you playing Lineage 2 for the first time? If you play on Tyrant on Interlude server then you totally should get -4DEX -4STR +8CON. Why? DEX: Is overrated. Decreasing DEX by 4 - you will feel no difference, increasing CON by 4, you will feel huge difference. STR: Is useful, but not as much as HP quantity. Situationally you might wanna put -1/2/3/4 STR +1/2/3/4 CON, but personally I always go for -4/+4. (If you're playing Kamael and higher I'm pretty sure that skills' damage power is not affected by STR anymore) CON: Extremely useful, gives you physical debuff resistance and extra HP. With full buff and IC set you get over 20k HP. You can take 2-3-4 players down on your own and you have rather bigger chances than with setup of -8 CON / +4 DEX / +4 STR. Also, when PvPing, always use Health fists. When your HP drops dramatically (under 5k) you might consider switching to Focus fists (in combination with Zealot and Bison). Cheers.
  14. Well if you fell for that, it's not my problem. Open your eyes and read my contacts CAREFULLY and there will be no scams around. cheers
  15. requierments: LOW ENCHANT on server EASY NOBLESSE MANY PEOPLE ON OLYMPIAD Thanks.
  16. Sticky prices: 40€ = 1 Month 70€ = 2 Months 100€ = 3 Months duh, no ty
  17. Actually he really sold it to guy named Miltos using my services. Frintezza necklace and Moirai heavy set for 95 euros.
  18. Write all the details.
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