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Everything posted by Lain

  1. No, I guess it will work with anything that is stackable.
  2. I confirm that this person is a scammer.
  3. Ye, some time ago I sold him 600kk, he paid first and I gave him adena afterwards... too bad he turned into a scammer :/
  4. cool story bro
  5. Bump. 90E would be enough, can't edit the topic's tittle though. (I'm a worthless legend ._.)
  6. You interested, BassHunter? If so, let me know through pms.
  7. Hello, if you're interested in 6€ for 100.000.000 (and 100% safe transaction), let me know how much you need through the pm. Thanks.
  8. Thanks. Yea for some reason I don't trust Greek guys with 20 posts here, no offence. But a lot of scams lately, you know... 90€ would be fine too I guess. @others, who would be interested We can go and talk in private through Skype, I can share my desktop and show you that the PSC is 100€, and through skype you'll hear that I am a normal happy guy not willing to scam anybody.
  9. Spoiler sold. Swordsinger left.
  10. pm me paypal payment only
  11. Lol. Thanks for the warning.
  12. If anyone is interested in: Spoiler - 76LVL 20% Common C/B, True B Two-handed blunt (from luxury) SwordSinger - 72LVL 59% Common C/B, True B Two-handed sword+focus(luxury) Pm me.
  13. As the tittle says. Pm me.
  14. Nah I found the 'bug' and you need to test it. I'm busy currently ;)
  15. Cooldown is not same. The blows in the second gif are cast faster.
  16. Hi. I found this, I hope it can be called bug, on rpg-club 15x. When clicking active skills directly from the Skill List (Alt+K), the cooldown is shorter and actually you will cast the skill before the cooldown is ready. This works with all active skills, regardless what is the cooldown time. The skill will be cast when 3/4 of the cooldown was passed (see the gifs). Tested on Gracia Final, RPG-CLUB 15x. 1) Classic way of clicking on the skill bar or F1ing. As you can see the cooldown reaches its end and only after that the skill can be cast over again. 2) The way for the shorter cooldown - click directly from the Skill List. As you can see here the cooldown is shortened by a quarter or so. I think it hasn't been shared, but I also think some of you know about this. Regards.
  17. There are no exping bots? wth :(
  18. Hi, I am starting with WoW and I've got a few questions: 1) Where should I start to play? - I don't want to start on Official, but I want a good private server with a lots of people (something like rpg-club in Lineaege 2, which is a good private server, with over 10k people daily) 2) Which class is the bestestestestest farmer? - The reason I am starting to play WoW is to sell gold, I need to know the best farmer class. 3) What is the best way to make gold? - Gathering? Intense farming/grinding? Crafting? Broker? Let me know please. 4) Is there a common bot program, which mostly works? - If I had to compare it to Lineage 2, the program I am looking for is something like L2Walker. Well-known, still works, and quite easy to use. 5) Which faction should I join? - Horde or Alliance? What's better? I feel kinda stupid asking that, but maybe there's something tricky about that. Thanks in advance guys!
  19. Bump.
  20. May I ask you where do you get those items? Not adena, the rest you're selling.
  21. Thanks magaki. :) leet2k let me know through pms or here. Thanks.
  22. Mother fucking bitches! Lol, they must be kidding! Thanks anyways, it helped! :X
  23. Wtf? I enter in google http://asterios.tm (a big russian server) and I get redirected to http://www.graciafinal.ru/ I enter in google http://www.lineage.ro/ (Arion, DEX, Wrath) and I get again redirected to http://www.graciafinal.ru/ Is it just me, my browser, or something is wrong here?
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