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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Very nice, did you use Corel Draw studio? We've learnt something like that at school like 3 years ago :) was fun.
  2. Don't even ask :S the day u sent me i got banned for botting :D but I kept the file and I might make something (if I get some good idea and content). :)
  3. 1) Chronicle of yours server and game site 2)Ip and port and protocol , if you know themor if you don't know IP nore Port, post l2.ini 3)simple tested account for me (for example- acc. testbot , psw 12345) 1) Freya, http://asterios.tm 2) / 3) acc: test2255 pws: test2255 Sorry, I'm unable to get second requirement. That why I will reward you with +1 karma if you get me bot working. Thanks. L2Net or L2Walker.
  4. Well about the class boxes or whatsoever, at first I put there whole video with the class presentation, but it really takes the eye off from the main video, that was the reason why I put it there for some seconds. About the ending.. or heavy scene.. or whatsoever.. well I know it's kind of fail, because the video is limited by 130 (rules of the contest), and the music just starts at its best at 120th second or something, so you're right, the ending is really not very good, but I seriously didn't know what to do. Thanks for the feedback Blane, appreciate it. Guild Wars 2 is, indeed, a great game. The questing system is really outstanding, it was the best quest system I've ever seen, ever, uhm.. not seen, heard of. My friend was playing Beta GW2, he took a quest, and in that quest it was something like that "Your village will be attacked by orcs", and guess what happened? Real orcs attacked the village, and everyone has seen them. All people were like "wtf", and my friend was like "yo i took a quest". Simply put, the quest affects everyone. I'm looking forward for 4 games actually, first of em is TERA, then GW2, Continent of the Ninth and Blade & Soul. Year 2011 is going to be EPIC.
  5. That's why there are no assassin/rogue/dagger classes. And still if there were, then I gotta asure you that you would stand a chance. Because TERA aims mostly for AoE skills. There are Closed Beta tests, but I guess(hope) there will be another one soon. The start of the game is planned in 2011, unknown month.
  6. w00t? I was running the last video contest and it had its winners ><
  7. Sorry but not funny at all.
  8. man when I was editing my video my Sony Vegas lagged extra hard I dunno why. I've got AMD 6000+ dual core and 4gb ram, though it was laggy for me, not only preview but whole sony vegas. Btw, if preview video lags for you, make sure to select the video and press shift+b, the video will be played through your current RAM.
  9. It's controversial. I think it's unique and it will take more than just targeting and spamclicking F1 to be a good pvper like in L2. You will have to concentrate on aiming your spells. I find it cool, finally some challenge for me. :) Try to double-click the video so it can open on youtube. Worked fine for me and my friends. Thanks, appreciate any feedbacks.
  10. Hey, I need a very rhythmical song like "TUTS TUTS TUTS TUTS TUTS!".. you know and what i need is ... this: I have a video, I need to cut it in pieces (like in 50 pieces) and shuffle them, and then I can add each frame to the beat of the song. My question is, is there any funcion which allows to cut video in XX pieces and to shuffle them? If you can help me, pls answer. Thanks.
  11. Woops forgot to switch my account
  12. Oh thank you guys :) appreciate it
  13. I wish facebook was gone. Most retarded site ever.
  14. I am wandering how to create 'Like facebook group'. It's not an ordinary group where you join and stuff, but in order to view the hidden content it asks you to "Click the Like button first","invite your friends then", and so on and so on. You know how to create groups like that? Thanks.
  15. Why can't I view Rules section? I wanna know if dualbox is allowed and stuff.
  16. Oh, that's spastic. I'm planning on joining rpg-club, I remember there was a big topic on insane gamers forum solving l2net, which couldn't connect to rpg-club. Did you find a way to bypass the protection?
  17. And yea, I seem to be retarded now since I made a typo in the topic tittle, it should have been "How is RPG CLUB botting going?" And I can't edit posts.
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