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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Locked.
  2. Support/Event GM I think you know I can be trusted.
  3. Should have reuploaded dude, locked.
  4. Omg, don't be spastic pls. This is a hack, so antiviruses will scan it as a virus.
  5. I gotta say this program really worked for me today. So thanks for the share.
  6. it's gonna be published this year
  7. Can you post a screenshot as a proof, I don't wanna offend you but it just looks suspicious - and yea I refuse to get any more viruses.
  8. Does this hack Garena? Cause if yes, you'll get banned.
  9. Very nice! Finally some normal screen, not those hopeless screens from l2 loljavas. :) Gj!
  10. Couldn't agree more.
  11. Lol first topic ever that made me lol
  12. Tested, works properly. [glow=green,2,300]It's SAFE & NO VIRUS[/glow], Using for 1 day - still not banned. I will edit this post If my account gets banned. +1 karma from meh.
  13. HARRO.
  14. Yeah but movies are no match to anime :S you watch movie and you forget it, but with anime you grow old. I've been watching Naruto since the age of 14 and now I'm 18 so I like it you know, my childhood is connected to Naruto. And like half a year ago I started to watch Bleach and I gotta say that Bleach is more for adults than Naruto. Naruto first season is very childlike story imo, Bleach is hardcore permanently. D:
  15. Well since WE don't have an active anime topic, I decided to undig this one. What gives anyways? No post counts, so stop crying. If you don't like anime discussion then leave.
  16. OMG GUYS SEGUNDA ETAPA BY URUKIORA!!! SO PRO :< :( want another episode already
  17. FB profile photo, not gonna insert more, sorry xd
  18. @Pwnz0r I didn't find any post funny below mine, I didn't even find funny saying that the picture i posted was KraSh, I found funny only the picture I posted, regardlessly of who it is. :)
  19. uhm, i wouldn't fit it since my body is: *cough* :(
  20. It's really him. Believe me, we went on festival together and everyone laughed at him, I felt sorry so I posted it here.
  21. This is gold-member Krash, and yes you can be his friend.
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