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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Hello. Maybe you remember this thread. I finally managed to buy a camcorder, the lucky one to be chosen was SANYO XACTI FH1 CAMCORDER and I am FULLY SATISFIED. Quality is just AWESOME! It cost me 500$ though. I highly recommend this camera for any purposes. Check how it looks like: There's black one too, but If I wanted to buy black one, it would cost me +100$ xDDD (they can't be serious). Video I recorded, check the quality: (give it some time I just uploaded it, the video is still processing)
  2. The game is provided by Bluehole, not by NCSoft. Edit the topic or else it gets closed.
  3. No point downloading it since there are no servers, there's BT in Korea atm.
  4. There's beta in korea atm. (last one)
  5. This is actually AWESOME! This was what I wished for.. Great! Deleted and saved the website link, to prevent stealing. I think you'll win but let's wait for some more entries:) gj!
  6. not bad actually!:)
  7. Lain


    This is just retarded. You should have some respect towards former-staff members. He was more than decent member, helpful and mass producing. He should have been warned, imo. He wouldn't have done it on purpose...
  8. for me it's normal to cut your dick area hair and ur beard, sometimes arm pits to cut other things is gay
  9. As the tittle says and which bot you use if you can mention. Thanks
  10. You can have as many tries as you wish :} (btw, no gothic stuff pls :D)
  11. Haha nice :) didn't notice this topic until now, good luck.
  12. Well, you can try others, but i'd really appreciate this one
  13. Just make it small, or in 2-3 lines.
  14. Hello. I will be awarding (+1 karma) the first person who creates a signature and avatar fitting my qualities and thoughts. Please refrain from creating a sig and avatar if your skills are equal to this: it's terrible... (No offence, but you'd be just losing ur time) One rule: In case of winning, you will have to post .PSD file of the signature and avatar. If you won't post it, you will not get karma. So make sure you save the .PSD files!!! Theme: Up to you Renders: Any render from game "T.E.R.A Online - The Exiled Realm of Aeborea" (you'll have to google for a while) Motive: Up to you Text: "Lain" Subtext: "Master your anger, or anger will master you" Colors: Up to you Thanks. Feel free to pm me if you have questions about anything. Temporarily sticked.
  16. What kind of company NCSoft is? Can't even maintain their downloads .. ffs , I mean really.
  17. ftp://ftp.ncsoft.com/Launcher/NCsoftLauncherSetup.exe Can you access the page and download the launcher?
  18. none of it :s cat's ears ftw
  19. Yes but still somebody might be saved thank to warning.
  20. Youtube partners get 5$ for for 1 to 5 thousand views. It can be misused to steal money, or to distribute porn sites. Common sense ... ???
  21. WHAT?
  22. Yes, I felt like warning all of you, there are actually traps set and if you do a mistake, you'll lose your account. This video will explain more:
  23. at the end of this video popori dies in pvp
  24. Yea, but there are no female popori yet :( i hope they add em
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