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Everything posted by Lain

  1. xDD This is so stupid, but yet it is funny xD
  2. I need more participations.
  3. Definitely best one.
  4. Guys, calm down. Good tries so far, let's wait for some more.
  5. Include .psd file or you lose chance to win.
  6. *Sticked temporarily Hey guys. New Skate Hall is being built in our town, and the Skate Hall architect is my mother's friend. And he needs a decent logo or crest for the building. He (the friend of my mom) runs the contest and he's ready to give people some money award for nice logo, but I want to give him nice logo for free since he's a family friend. He gets it free, and you get karma. So what are the conditions: - Post preview picture (.png is the best choise) but also add the .psd file with EDITABLE TEXT, because I will include the text when you create it. In general there should be 2 text lines = 1. "Name of town", 2. Skate Hall (in Czech = Skate Hala) - It's really up to you, you can include renders, brushes, etc. resolution is up to you, colors up to you (appriciated colors = red, yellow, black, blue) Some examples: So go ahead and try your best, the one I like the most will gain karma.
  7. Screen or it never happened.
  8. Guys, are your best memories form l2 loljavas? It is SO SAD! Us from C2 Lineage 2 World
  9. Thanks Sofi :}
  10. Hey, I am lookin for skate and skater renders, can you help me? I mean something like this:
  11. You can find more information on Infinite Aion webpage.
  12. Hoped to see nice pictures Seen crappy pictures. Why? 90% of loljavas and high rates.
  13. My steps: 1. Download KMPlayer 2. Download subtitles and the movie 3. Drag subtitles onto the KMPlayer = you're done.
  14. Unforgettable
  15. I play Assasin myself (50 lvl). I've got too many high dps "spam" skills, I mean I can spam high dps skills without stopping If I set my skill rotation correctly (which I did set correctly :] ) You've hopeless when you face ranged enemies, I mean when you face them in a range that is good for them. If you face ranged opponents but you're close to them, they have quite no chance. You can always use your Hide skill to sneak to their backs. Equipment is quite non-requiring, but it was always hard (and it still is) for me to get a good dagger. (I'm using currently 42 Lvl ones) I hope I clarified at least a bit your mind about assassins.
  16. How can anyone ever say that AION is BETTER? OMAGAD! I play Aion, I like Aion. But stopped to play Lineage 2 because of the all things u mentioned up there and on the previous pages, but I WOULD NEVER SAY that Aion is better, Aion is big slimy crap considered to Lineage 2. PvP in Aion is stupid, everyone praised it for its PvP system, no it sucks. If you compare mass pvp in Aion and mass pvp in Lineage 2, then Lineage 2 is a win. I think that the real reason, as I mentioned before, was creating other packs that server could run on, that way every kid at the age of 11 could create his own server. And this is really stupid.
  17. Finally some nice share. Good job mate.
  18. Right. But still development can last a few of months. (Each server is a big one development, because there always comes a wipe).
  19. Problem not solved, and the topic will remain unlocked for others to offer other free servers. Please stop Adena hunting. :D http://lmgtfy.com/?q=NC+Soft+Launcher
  20. Lain


    Moved to the right section.
  21. Moved.
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