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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Oh my god, NS you're fucking God! First successful bot working! +1 karma is nothing for this (which you obviously get from me)!! Great!
  2. Yea, and like 2/3 of those million accounts are inactive xD
  3. hahaha and that's the erason why won't u get it turd
  4. 4D? Do you know even what 4D is ? And btw T.E.R.A will be much better.
  5. There's no much information about this yet, but this is what prolly what L3 will run on. http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/1953652759/112_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/1322734516/test01_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/38730786/test02_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/779759331/test03_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/1516616347/test_001_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/1452192080/test_002_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/1017405026/test_003_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/1275160312/test_004_bilykid.jpg[/img] http://pic7.ohpy.com/up/elbbs/2009/07/17/40937/427255582/test_005_bilykid.jpg[/img] Credits: http://lineage2world.ohpy.com/86704/244#post:/::get:control=MyOp&branch=bbs_rewrite&op_url=lineage2world&bbs_no=86704&b_no=244&control=MyEle&branch=&ele_type=xtr:opm
  6. I think it deserves sticky. Let's stick it temporarily and we'll see :)
  8. 1/ Does it really have better pvp system? I dunno, but making healers able to attack, all these adds to summoners, which can now systematically attack with the summon and in the same time using their own nukes, all the new sets, that have imbalanced stats. Does it seem to you like improvement? I dunno... to me it looks like imbalance. 2/ Okay I agree, It might be actually better, but didn't they spread it world widely so every could create a server using their methods? And on the top of it, why do bugs and cheats mostly work on javas? You said it's better, is it? The bugs that can be found on java servers are insane.
  9. 1/ C1-Interlude clients were serious stuff for me, then the game lost its originality, diversity and differentness from the other games. It really used to be serious game. But now, running around in Lineage 2, seeing those cute little animal NPCs (which I HATE), this new faggy location (fantasy land is it? it has some weird name), all this cute stuff ruined the seriousness of the game. But this is not the only reason why I don't like the new clients, you must agree that game became much EASIER. 2/ But it's not their fault, I hate it so much, but still I realize that it's fault of providing Lineage 2 in Java language. If it didn't happen, there would be just official and worthy servers. 3/ Agreed.
  10. I've got few of reasons: 1/ Version became overdone after Kamael release. 2/ Too many of hopeless and idiotic servers. 3/ Many of good and known players left. 4/ At start it was fun playing it, but today it is more like a gamers' battlefield. 5/ Many bugs were discovered, and because of many fail servers beside the official one the bugs still work. 6/ The game became VERY EASY. The game has become incredibly Easy to play, because new addons were added, that make your game play easy, I played Lineage 2 since C1 and If I compare like C1 or C2 or C3 with today's clients, you wouldn't get for instance good gear in the game by performing same effort.
  11. Lindvior’s sigil Cools pretty cool Dorfie with an umberela cuteee ^.^ gj SoFaKi Ganodorf the main boss of Zelda game Goku Mask Accessories They're great! Pan lol xD Colored Cat NPCs :) Desert Eagle Wings they're kewl Hoods hoods really should have been implanted in Lineage 2 game :>
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-TAFh5G8Pc&feature=player_embedded#at=43
  13. Thank you, found it. Worked perfectly! Locked.
  14. Hey, there's new naruto but when you download it from rapidshare it has two parts http://rapidshare.com/files/316168842/_Taka__Naruto_Shippuuden_138__720p__9FC25488_.mp4.001 http://rapidshare.com/files/316167743/_Taka__Naruto_Shippuuden_138__720p__9FC25488_.mp4.002 When I renamed first part from mp4.001 to mp4 only, and second as well, then first works and second doesn't (it can't be opened), any advise?
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