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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Well, neither me nor my friend wanted to download this game, but we tried. And still playing. It isn't that good as I thought, but still it's new and I still discover and discover - and to discover is not boring.
  2. You can buy stigmas at shops for 2k...
  3. xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDd It's not that you have slow or fast pc, it was loading slow for everyone tard. (internet issue, not hardware)
  4. It became one click game! I loved to go over obstacles when surfing here! xD
  5. Still you can download and burn it.
  6. Lol, last time I bought a game, was like when I was 8. Spending real money on games is stupid, buy a rapidshare account and you got the deal.
  7. Great job, +1 karma awarded. I am not using AionSZ bot, but still it seems to be pretty cool.
  8. Thanks for everyone's effort. Results posted so no more topic to spam. If you got any questions, feel free to pm me. Thanks.
  9. Guys lol, no more pms. In the rules it says you have 10 minutes to answer, I expanded it to 15, because of forum lags. But the time is long way gone already.
  10. Sorry, same rules for everyone. You will have only one try, so as soon as you send your first list with answers, you can't go back
  11. Guys, this even was an EPIC FAIL. Why? The forum couldn't handle so many refreshes, I lost connectivity to the forum for about 10 minutes, so the event is really confusing. I will try to look for some right answers now. There should have been 10 questions, but since I couldn't edit my post, 8 only were posted. The last time I made an event like this. Thanks for understanding. ENOUGH PMS!
  12. I apologize. It was really bad idea to make an event during christmas, I missed the event time and totally forgot about this stuff. So the quiz will be posted at 16:00 (Greece 17:00), sorry again, it's christmas time and everyone is busy.
  13. Buy stigmas for 2k, and re-sell them for 20k. Many people are unfortunately uninformed about Stigmas, so they will fall on this one. (I made 300k in a day, passive selling, meanwhile playing DotA)
  14. I am not gonna quit my assasin 35 lvl man, was pain in the ass exping it.
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