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Everything posted by Lain

  1. 1) NCSoft Launcher 2) In case you want to pay: http://aiononline.com In case you don't want to pay: http://infiniteaion.com/
  2. I don't think it will be as inspirational as you think, If you played at Infinite Skills servers, then there's good inspiration, you kill your enemy, and it drops adena or something? I don't remember exactly, and if you get 5 kills in a row you get hero glow until your next death. The server was really bad, but the idea was good.
  3. Solved, locked.
  4. My opinion: Colors Kills Color Lord Gold/Black Champ Gold/Black 1500 Gold/Black 1000 Yellow 700 Orange 500 Purple 300 Blue 100 Green 0 White Ranks Kills Rank 1500 Cadet 2000 Lieutenant 3000 Captain 4000 Comander 5000 Major 6500 Lt. Colonel 8000 Colonel 10000 Brigadier 1200 Leader 15000 General 20000 Marshal 25000 Admiral This is just stupid. I always hated systems like that, people running with ranks and colored names - loljavaaaaz.
  5. If anyone wants to buy Assasin lvl 50 on Infinite Aion (good equipment), I can sell you cheap. Feel free to pm me.
  6. Why should I allow you to effortlessly download it? Pheh.
  7. Great share dude! -1! [shadow=red,left]I already -beep-ing warned you billion of times to USE -beep-ING SEARCH BUTTON, this is like 50th share already shared. I warned you last time with no punishment, now I hope you get it, next time you'll be banned.[/shadow]
  8. Btw, if you noticed, there are like 100+ people in Silent Valley and the auther had not a single lag during the recording (wtf is his pc god damit?)
  9. malaka malaka
  10. Actually I added, that I am not creator of that video later than he posted. (For the others, so he prolly didn't know) « Reply #3 on: Today at 06:26:49 PM » « Last Edit: Today at 06:27:23 PM by Lain »
  12. It's not pvp or something, it's just artistic, literally pure awesomeness. Im not creator of this.
  13. What's the point of creating another fail 5000x java server? I don't really get it. That's why L2 is dead.
  14. [hide]Are you sick of not be able to use your wings? Try this new brand program. It allows you to: fly with gliding jump 3 times higher Works 100% on Infinite Aion. Start the program, tick all 3 possibilities, get in game and press SPACE bar few times, you'll get how it works. Been using it for 2 weeks, still no ban, so I guess it's safe. The program has been uploaded from my rapidshare account, so you have not to worry of keyloggers. http://rs31cg2.rapidshare.com/files/329861151/I_believe_I_can_fly.exe Credits prolly go to iam_clint
  15. Lain

    why -1 Karma ?

  16. Wooow That's amazing -ly awful :(
  17. I just wanted to know who stills playing at this server, I still do. (West server, not East) Post some info as well! Class: Assassin Lvl: 47 Race: Asmodian. Any higher lvls?
  18. DP has no translation. DP Points is something you gain by exping. There are 3 levels of DP. So with each mob killed, you gain some of DP. DP is used to perform DP skills, which you can learn with skill manuals (master).
  19. Indeed, there are few bots posted that work on AI. Use search or just your eyes. Locked.
  20. NABS.
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