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Everything posted by Lain

  1. I would probably say that, too, if I didn't know that he's so big headed and promising. If he behaved normally, he would be respected boxer. He's child to me. His quote about Valuev's look: "I've seen worse creatures in the Lord of the rings series, he's nothing but a freak" Valuev's response: "He's childish, nature made me what I am today, he's got big words and he will be punished" I don't think Valuev can beat Haye actually (:// but im hoping) because Valuev is slow, but still I hope he will teach him a lesson.
  2. Lol, tomorrow's box. The Giant, Goliath, Nikolai VALUEV - Russia (on the left) vs David Haye - Britain (on the right) Who's gonna win? I want Valuev to win, because Haye is big headed idiot for me, why? Haye's attitude to his opponents is epicly awful and childish. Like on conference, Klitzschko vs. Haye, he was wearing a t-shirt with Klitzschko's head cut holding it in his hand, and in the other hand the head of his brother. After Klitzschko said, that Haye is gonna be punished by him in the ring, Haye canceled the fight because of some "injury" (-> simulation, imo)
  3. it's not MADE by me it is not a SIGNATURE do not mind the TEXT rate the picture pls
  4. rate the picture not the FONT ffs the font is supposed to be small, it should be not seen by the first sight.
  5. Rate the picture in my signature spot. I found this picture so attractive so I had to have it there. I think it's pretty creative and unusual.
  6. Well, voting is voting. :) Politics elected suck as well, and we can't do a shit.
  7. If you are playing in a server (example: L2 Dragon Network) and you want to request bugs for the specific server, you must state: - Server's client version (Chronicle 4, Interlude, Gracia, Other) - Type of programming language (L2 Java, L2 Off, Other) - Link of the server, so someone can try the bugs out Additionaly* - If you know the protection server uses, then mention it Examples: "Hello, I am playing on Lineage 2 100 Greek Gods server. It is L2 OFF. The server protection is DempAx64 and it runs on Interlude client. The site is http://l2100gg.com , thanks for help." Topics without proper information will be junked or deleted without any notice.
  8. Uhm, it was not up to me only, it was up the to team of judges. There will be no changes in the results. Voting is voting. Bear with it.
  9. Blessing totally. For every fighter. Crit power + crit rate.
  10. Hello once again! I want to honestly thank everyone, you had to be very nervous about the results, but your patience didn't let you down. Take my big congratulations winners! I hope next time everything will be clearer, with no misunderstanding, cheating, more creativeness, and more participants! The results are: First place goes to: SoFaKi (with 4 votes)with video, congratulations! (Wins Lifetime Platinum Membership, will be awarded as soon as possible) Second place goes to: ~Cyber (with 3 votes)with this video, congratulations! (Wins Lifetime Donator Membership, will be awarded as soon as possible) Third place goes to: spiroslouis (with 1 vote)with this video, congratulations! (Wins Karma point, already awarded) Topic will stay open for open discuss. Once more, congratulations!
  11. You are participating in a race, you overtake the second person, what position are you in?
  12. she dyeing her hair and eyebrows in that age lol and she's not that nice imo :< jessica alba hmmm
  13. To clear the things up. I respect all the members, who know how to behave. You do not know nothing about behavior, you do not know your limits, and your attitude to higher-ups of yours is awful. I said already you will be treated as an ordinary member, I know you still feel like you are something special, you feel like you can do whatever you want here in forum because you were part of the team, but now you aren't (and I hope you will never get back). And about the exact case, you know what happened (I repeat myself again, because you are just unable to understand what I am saying, I recommend tough English lessons): I created a topic with clear point, everyone except you understood the point. If you went just the offtopic message, I would just warn you or something. But saying to me "go cry naab" isn't the right attitude you should be showing to a higher-up of yours. Please next time think well before posting a message. Mental retardation occurs in 2.5-3% of the general population, and about 6-7.5 million are mentally retarded individuals. I don't think you are one of them, because you were able to register here, you are able to write, you are able to response. The only problem is your behavior. I am mature to judge what is wrong and what is right (at least in this forum). And plus I warned you many times, right in flame topic, when it was still opened. There is no reason to cry, by doing good in forum your karma will be restored. Hope I explained and answered all the misunderstandings. Thanks, this will be locked again. For further information PM me.
  14. This is really the best for me. I've been using it for 1 year.
  15. The topic got deleted because I wanted to discuss with mature people and after you entering it and few other people I did not want to continue with it. You know pretty much what I mean, do not act like you are innocent. Saying "go cry noob" to me in a topic which has a CLEAR point to be discussed about is punishable. Topic LOCKED.
  16. I don't hate you at all, you just need to understand, that probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act.
  17. You know more than anyone else why were you smitten. You were warned many times.
  18. There are still many donator / platinum members with 0 post count checking for the lastest exploits and cheats.
  19. Lol, here are no adults so the question is wrong. Everyone's student here (90%)
  20. Doesn't sound that bad!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKyEOxse4JM
  21. I heard all the songs live from their last two albums lol (3 concerts - Masters Of Rock 08, Tesla Arena 09 PRAGUE, Abbaton 09 PRAGUE) some top songs of their: my fav http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BXt-g4euqA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eooG_4T42c&feature=related
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