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Everything posted by Lain

  1. Tittle: "www.Maxcheaters.com CS/Lineage2/WoW/Aion Cheats" Video content: "Welcome to Maxcheaters" Everything's fine.
  2. As the tittle says, I present you this very unknown program, which is pretty handy and helps me a lot during my DotA gameplay. So basically, you can start the program whenever you want, before starting W3, after, or during. Window like this will pop-up: There you press Function -> Custom Dota Key Each clickable item in Warcraft 3 carries a number, you will have to remember that number and find it in the program. Then by adding any number to that letter, you will have a nice handy shortcut. After adding letters, you must press [END] button in the game, in order to active the shortcut. Sometimes it lags, so you must press [END] several times and remember to test the shortcut, if it works. Because in fight you will have not time for testing. Example: If Dagon is number 4, I will no more have to use number 4 on Numeric keyboard or click on it and then target the victim, I will just simply press W key, and shoot somebody. Download ps. it says it is Garena Hack, but it really isn't. It is simple Dota Helper. And it works everywhere.
  3. Good Job, but you will have to edit tags (rule 9) in order to not get disqualified. You got rules wrong. You can't edit content you have cut and edited already, but if there are technical problems (like missing tags, wrong tittle) you can still edit it. But the video must stay untouched, as was posted first time.
  4. Well I don't find this any racist, because Brazilian players themselves are mostly a big zerg and just few of them can barely make some action on their own so, I partly agree with this signature. ^^
  5. Re-upload the video with the correct tags. I count when somebody says "look ur video suck for only 1 things" (plus with awful grammar errors) still as negative rating or flaming, it's our job. If you have nothing nice to say to somebody, just keep silence - the best option. //end, no drama in this topic.
  6. Wrong tags. Read the rules once again. (rule number 9) You can still edit it, but you can't change the video itself (which is nice).
  7. A blind person will definitely answer you right here when he 'sees' this topic.
  8. qfw LOOK OUT! PARTY OF BISHOPS! RUN! Hahaha, used to laugh with my friend on this. Lol, really serious comparison. "skin".. you mean interface don't you.
  9. Okay, new rule was added how to post scripts, be sure to read it. I've edited your topic already so nothing to be worry about. I won't punish in next few days if somebody posts a script without proper pre-fix, cause it's a new rule. So be sure to read it :}
  10. Lain


  11. More information required. Which client version? Which L2.Net version? (Some people play Interlude, some KHG)
  12. Lain


    Because it fails (ill pm you)
  13. Vote for me as for a host! Poll: 1) Yes 2) Yes 3) Please, yes!
  14. Can I be the host, pleeeeeeeeeease. I got talent. And now, cheaters and cheateresses, a song you've been waiting for a long time! DreaM's bath singing!
  15. Lain

    [Dear Lain]

    I owe you an apology. Overlooked something. You karma will be restored again, DH will be dekarmed again. Locked.
  16. GameOver, you were given warning for not adding [GR] tag. Next time u'll get another smite, and stop crying for karma already. Locked.
  17. Common error due to maintenance on the forum. Locked.
  18. Fuck man, you know I am honest, like always. It sucks balls.
  19. How do I add power-off button on rocket dock? Thanks.
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