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About vlladislav45

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    ** Tech skills **
    --- Web skills
    Front-end - HTML5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, AJAX, jQuery, PIXI.js, React.js, Angular 12
    Back-end - Node.js, Express.js, Java EE, Spring Framework

    --- Desktop client-side: JavaFX

    --- Mobile - Flutter, Flame, Android

    --- Programming languages: Java, JavaScript(TypeScript), Dart and C/C++
    --- Knowledge and experience with relation and NoSQL databases such as: "MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Firebase, DynamoDB"
    --- I have experience with Docker, GIT, Jira, Jenkins.
    --- I have been working with JSON, XML, YAML formats
    --- OS: Linux, Windows

    I prefer typed languages with good practices and following of design patterns. I like to working on enterprise and difficult projects with microservices/micro frontends. Difficult algorithms are interestings from me and i like to increase my experience in the programming .

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  1. @Morgana asked me for one task based on C++, it was about Data Structures. He took me two weeks. I didn't take answer by him whether he has given up. The only think which i received was headache. I want to be punished so as not to take more people's time. pictures from skype: https://ibb.co/v4s64B2 https://ibb.co/pdSpzV9 Topic link -> Chat: 2 members active in this conversation (including you) Morgana Read: May 14 vlladislav45 Read: Just now Report reply vlladislav45 0 Started conversation: May 9 Hello sir, i'm student which programming on C++ , i know data structures and object oriented programming. If i can help you with something, I will be happy to help and learn something new along that. Quote Edit Report reply Morgana 0 Replied: May 10 hello bro, you have skype? Quote Report reply vlladislav45 0 Replied: May 11 do you use slack? Quote Edit Report reply Morgana 0 Replied: May 11 no bro Quote Report reply vlladislav45 0 Replied: May 11 skype: vladislav1396 Quote Edit Report reply vlladislav45 0 Replied: May 11 Do you send me a request? Quote Edit Report reply Morgana 0 Replied: May 14 yes Quote Report reply vlladislav45 0 Replied: May 15 I accepted, let's chat in Skype. :)
  2. Doesn't work. Everytime when i send message by cmd "start l2.bin IP=" or "start l2.bin" i get message "Access denied" even with an administrator in cmd and futhermore i get message by windows 10 "The application is not compatible with your computer". Perhaps the problem is windows 10, can anyone tell me if this is the problem? In my case .bin format can't be executable. And one more when i check .bin=exefile with command "assoc", i just don't see anywhere .bin or .bin=exefile or otherwise.
  3. Hello dear developers, i want to know when the l2.exe file is started which port opens?
  4. Do you know something about l2j Mobius , is it better from l2j Server?
  5. Hello to everyone , I'm interested in who is the most respected l2j h5 package? From which package I can be most happy without backdoors and bugs, a clean package with nothing on it. Is it l2j server?I'm not sure that they have high five project but that's why I'm writing here. I just looking for something good , thanks in advance!?
  6. I just want any package , nevermind what it is.
  7. Hello all , i need a information about l2 essence , is there l2j essence package or l2[OFF] or something else? I want to know everything about this new package but they are all on different languages like russian/japan and chine . If anyone know something about this , please tell me.
  8. Which high five source is the best?
  9. Low rate ( 1 - 15x ) without custom / Happy Hour event Mid rate ( 15 - 30x ) with custom npc's / maybe custom events like tvt, ctf even Happy Hour / Mid rate ( 30 - 100x ) with custom npc's / custom events / max S grade High rate ( 1000 - 9999x ) with custom npc's / custom events / custom zones / custom mobs / max S grade High rate ( 1000 - 9999x ) with custom npc's / custom events / custom zones / custom mobs / custom items (dynasty,R grade etc)
  10. Hello can i use this website for my new project? Need i give some credit to you or not because i read that this site is token from any russian? Btw im looking for l2j developer for new interlude project. I dont have much time to write all code only with myself.
  11. Okay thanks for support
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