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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. Add me on my skype: desolatedpewpew Note here that this pack will be sold only once.
  2. This is to be discussed with anyone that is interested in it
  3. Found some old files while i was cleaning my old pc. If anyone is interested in buying them let me know. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/164416-l2j-l2-netherrealm/ WARNING: THEY ARE HEAVILY MODED FROM THE ORIGINAL GAMEPLAY. Things that will change. The buff system. The buffs you already know totally change. There are no more dance song and all these classic known buffs. The normal 1 hour duration buffs will be 8 and they will be spread between the classes. Hp Buff: 10% Max health P. Atk BUff: 15% Patk M. Atk Buff: 15% Matk Atk Speed Buff: 15% Atkspd Casting Speed Buff: 15% Casting Speed Crit Buff: 10% Critical Chance Stats Buff: +2 Con, +2 Wit etc Defence Buff: 15% Pdef and Mdef No dont get too crazy yet. Yeah i know it is a change but this will save lots of wasted time rebuffing and lvling up or in general playing classes that are not viable without buffs. The Soulshot/Spiritshot system. The ss system is redesigned. Now the soulshots and spiritshots are not purchasable. However every time you equip a weapon the sytem will check if you have more than 1 soulshot or spiritshot for this grade of weapon. If you don't you will be rewarded with a packet of 5000 soulshots and spiritshots of this grade and they will be auto enabled. If your ss count gets 2 or less you will automatically recieve 5000 mroe ss. The damage deal/damage take system.(Formulas) This is another thing that should change and will that also the critical chance system. Now the damage you take is the damage that that spell normally does * the matk or patk - the m or p atk you have. This might chance in some cases like when a spell is spell penetrative and ignored matk for example but normaly the above formula will be used. Also the crit system will now not be the classic 500 crit thing in your char tab but it will be a pure percentage in the normal form of 42% crit. The curse,debuff,stun system. This is also one of the worse RNG features of the game. People use to actually spam silence and stun shot in order to debuff you and kill you after a 5 days stun or silence. This ends here. Now all the spells have a standard cooldown which is not affected by your casting speed and all the debuffs have a 100% chance and standard duration. For example Stunning shot now has a 24 seconds cooldown and 3 seconds duration. No more no less. The mana restoration system. So yeah i though about that a lot and i think that this one should change too. Healers will be unbalanced us -beep- if they continue spam huge heals and restore mana in a same tempo. Thats why mana pots are not usable in combat. Yeah i said it. No mana pots in pvp. However that will be normally usable out of combat. In that way healers will actually die and i say healers cuz all 4 healer classes (yeah 4) are viable now. Even if there are no mana pots now ingame there will be mechanics on each class to periodically restore mana. The Nobless System. Another useless thing in Lineage 2. It only worth in low rate servers so you can actually join Olympiad later. Our new buff sustem makes the classes viable in pvp and farm even without full buff. In that way Losing your buffs is not a big issue as you will be with your self buffs the most of the time. However the idea of the Nobless spell itself wont be forgoten. The spell will still exist but it will a spell of Hierrophant class and it will be called Blessing of Protection and it will protect players from losing the buffs on death for one hour. PS: Players will be able to join Olympiad with other requirements than being nobless. The Siege System. NO WORRIES!! The clans will still have interesting things to do and i will mention them below. To start with i wanna say that the ONLY SIEGABLE CASTLE will be the Siege of Rune Castle. In that way we will gather All the clans of the game versus one ally. This makes the sieges EPIC. -Internet creep: "OH Elfocrash and what are we gonna do with all the other castles?" -Elfocrash: "Dear Creep. Well when i first designed the one siegable castle system i though that the other castles are nice cosmetics, aren't they? But well this would not be so nice as the next system of gaining a castle is. The Castle Dungeon system. What is that? Once per X weeks the castles will become evil (instanced) dungeons with trash mobs and minibosses inside with a final boss. The guild that will kill the final boss of the castle with the best Castle Dungeon Time will get the Castle us their own for X weeks. The CP system. I mean, really? CP? why not just cum it to the total hp and use it for something else? Yeah guys, CP is removed with the way you already know it and it will have a different reason of existence. It will be another resourse system for the classes (Different for each class) in order to cast their "strong" spells. For example for the Dagger classes it will have a 10 Energy/sec regen by default and combined with mana they will consume it in order to use stronger blows. It will have a max of 100 and it will regen or get used in different ways depending on the class. The "-beep- MY LIFE I ONLY MADE THIS CLASS TO BE FULL BUFFED IN OLY AND NO OTHER REASON CUZ THE CLASS IS UNPLAYABLE US -beep- IUN WORLD PVP AND STUFF" change. The Classes: Shillien Saint, Eva's Saint, Cardinal, Hierophant, Sword Muse, Spectral Dancer, Dominator, Doomcryer. These classes will get a major rework in order to become more playable. What i mean? Hmm let's take a look on how the Hierophant class for example is designed in the new way of it. Hierophant: This class is a Dual Sword wielder specializing in both melee and ranged combat dps depending on the occasion. It is a Robe Armor class. It is played as a hybrid. They have spells such us "The Prophet Within" which give them a large range of melee attack for 40 seconds with a 3 minute cooldown making them a chase machine that auto attacks and uses melee spells from a big range for a good amount of time. The also use their dual swords as prophets in order to cast ranged attacks. One of this attacks is called "Sharpening Slash". The Hierophant sharpens his duals by combining them together in order to unleash a strong ranged bolt which deals a great amout of damage. It costs X mana and 30 "Faith". Faith the the resource system that replaced CP for this class. So that's a taste of how the class of Hierophant looks like in a really small sum up. In the futures i will release some guides and vids of how these classes play. Gearing UP inside the NetherRealm So here is another core feature i would like to show and inside that part i will also include some parts of what "Stuff" you will be able to buy with donation. So every time you hit a level which your grade changes (20/40/52/61/76) you will be able to instantly get the gear for that grade. This feature will last until the level 76 and the point where you get your first S armor and weapon. Note here that all of these items you get for free. From that point you are on your own. Every 10 enchants on a part of armor or weapon your item will reset enchant but it will also get 10% Nether power. So lets say i have my gloves of draconic armor on +9 after that the gloves will go +0 but they will get a 10% after their name. When every single part of armor and weapon go 100% it will automatically change to the next grade item which in that case is Dynasty gear. How you gonna enchant? Simple. Just PvP. Yeah guys it is simple pvp. There will be zones sorted out by gear in which you will be unknown between unknowns. Your name changes, your clan crest is hidden and you appearance changes to the opposite gender. Inside these zones the more you pvp the more chance you have to get +1 on a random part of your armor. The more your gear parts get enchanted and get more % of nether power the less chance they have to be enchanted again. The most difficult stage to get enchanted is obviously the 90%. Pvp is also the best way to XP after lvl 80 where you will need A LOT of XP in order to get to 85. You cannot enchant your gear with enchant scrolls as they are disabled. However there will be some enchanting scrolls which will occupationally be dropped in these pvp areas as pvp rewards. Donations So you will probably see our donation way in beta however it will be disabled. You just donate with a note in paypal sayng "Character: Elfocrash" and when you log you will go to the donation npc, type the trans ID in the textbox and automatically get 1 donation coin for 1 euro. You will not be able to donate gear. Yeah this is a server and a project i put a lot of effort in and i want it to last. What you will be able to donate will be a potion called "Potion of Combat Vitality" which will double the xp you recieve by 100% and lasts for 1 hour and 10% of nether power. What i mean? Every time you are in a gear set you will be able to insta buy 10% of nether power in each part of your gear but ONLY ONCE per gear set. Let me explain. Lets say i have dynasty on 0%. I can buy to upgrade it by 10% at a time with a max of 50% but this is only for dynasty. After that if i have Vesper i will still be able to buy 50% on vesper too. Prices scale with gear scaling. The Battleship event. Have you even noticed a ship that travels from Rune to PI? Neither did I. This will change. This will be used for a battleship event. What is that? Let me expain. 2 Ships will start from different positions and in 1 min they will be really close and start traveling in parallel lines. The crue in it will be 2 teams that have registered for this event. Each ship has a Flag on it. The flag cannot be reached by the ranged players or the melee ones of the enemy ship. However when you enter the battleship event you gain a new skill called "Hijack!!!". Using the skill the players will be able to jump to the other ship with main reason to kill the enemy flag. The team that kills the enemy flag first wins the event. If no flags are killed even when the ship trip ends then the team with the most kills wins. New Feature: Bind on Equip. Most of the high level items such us top armors and weapons will be Bind on Equip. Also there is a high chance that these items won't break on fail enchant but return to the 0 state. What pretty much BoE means is that it won't be tradeable from the point you equip them for the first time. New Feature: Buff Scrolls Yeah i know this sort of already exists but i customize it a bit. As you know all the classes have a buff for personal or pt reasons. However you wont always be in a pt for buffs. Players will be able to inscribe the buff in a blank scroll and make it a Scroll of "buff name". Players who use this scroll get the effect of the buff inscribed in the scroll. The scrolls are sellable. However players will be able to get max 5 blank scrolls per day. The blank scrolls are not tradeable. Announcement All the Ancient Titanic Spells (ATS) announced for each class in class pairs. Human Fighters As you might problably know from previous posts at lvl 85 the classes will be able to learn (for a fee in quest/adena/"somethingelse") some really powerful skills. These skills will be announced now for each class. - "In Spear We Trust" The Dreadnought empowers his spear with ancient magic unleashing an ultimate attack. The targets inside radius start bleeding. The more the enemies move the more they bleed. Costs 100 Fury. - "Bladestorm" The Duelist starts spinning his blades causing serious damange to all the surrouning enemies. The standard damage dealt is 5% of enemies max hp per second for 6 seconds. However if more than 5 enemies in the Duelit's radius then the damage dealt is increased by 1% per extra player in radius. - "Hand of Protection" The Phoenix Knight used holy power to bless a friendly target with the light of protection. This player is immune from any source of dmg for 8 seconds but he is also unable to attack. - "Army of the Dead" The Hell Knight rises his army back from the dead. He summons 8 ghouls assisting him wiht auto attacks for 30 seconds. The HP and dmg of the ghoulds scale with the Hell Knight's stats. - "Frontstab" The Adventurer drops any back to back tactics and starts facing his opponents. The player stabs the target straight in his heart landing a lethal strike. If the target's HP is 40% or less the Adventurer gains a Healing over time effect which heals him for 2% of his max hp per second for 5 seconds. Required facing the opponent. Can cause lethal damage. "Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick. You can’t savor all the… little emotions." - "Camouflage" The Saggitarius as a true hunter become one with his environment camouflaging. He becomes invisible to everyone waiting for the right moment to strike. Movement breaks the effect. Human Mystic - Pyroclasm: The Archmage uses all his Mysticism to land a powerful stike to the enemy target. The stike initialy hits one player but it can jump new an enemy over and over again with a max of 5 jumps. - Requiem for a Dream: The Soultaker castes his dark magic for 3 seconds in order to hit all the enemies in radius. If the soultaker is killed during the casting the skill never lands. - Sacrificial Pact: The Arcana Lord sacrifices half his pet HP in order to give himself a 6 second shield making his invincible. If there is no pet to sacrifice the Arcana lord sacrifices his own hp. - United We Stand: The Cardinal focuses as much as possible in order to give a shield to a party member no matter where he is. After a 2 second cast he is also teleported to the place this player is. - Swordshattering: The Hierophant throws his duals to his opponent landing a powerful strike. If the target has 20% hp or less he is intantly killed. The blades drop to the opponents feet but only the Hierophant can pick them up. If he doesnt the blades will appear back to his hands after 6 seconds. if the hierophant picks them up before these 6 seconds the cooldown is reset. Elven Fighters - Holy High Five: The Eva's Templar high fives all his party members giving them a buff called "Beacon of Light" for 10 seconds. During that time the affected players have a 10% chance on hit to get healed for 5% of their max HP. -Sword Muse's spell was already shown before- - Killing Spree: The Wind Rider rides the wind so fast so he steps in wind molecules. During that time he teleports every 2 seconds to nearby enemies. These 2 seconds they are able to totally act. If there are no more than 1 nearby enemy the assaults are normally done with 30% increased damage. Max assaults 7. - Barrage: The Moonlight Sentinel launches an arrow every 1 second for 8 seconds. During that time he can normally do any other action like running or using other spells. Elven Mystic - Eva's Past: The Mystic Muse uses an ancient path to the past. From the time he uses the spell he gets a buff. At the end of the buff that lasts for 6 seconds he will be teleported back at the location he initially used the skill with the HP CP AND MP he had back then. - Eva's Vengeance: The Elemental Master draws Eva's power giving a debuff on a enemy unit. This unit suffers 25% of the dmg you take for 10 seconds. This is not a damage reduction on you though. - Eva's Barrier: The Eva's Saint uses all his faith in order to create a big barrier. Any player inside that barrier recieves 30% reduced damage. The barrier lasts for 10 seconds. Dark Elf Fighters - Shillenic Blood: The Shillen Templar uses all his rage in order to grow his max HP pool by 40% for 12 seconds. -Spectral Dancer is already announced- - Smoke Bomb: The Ghost Hunter creates a smoke area in which he is permanent in stealth. While leaving this area he is still visible but inside the zone he can attack and move without revealing. - Soul Reaper Shot: The Ghost Sentinel launches a deadly shot to the enemy. On hit it only deal 5% of the max hp the target has. However after 6 seconds if the target is under 25% he will be instantly killed. Dark Elf Mystics - Time to Go: By using the time the Storm Screamer curses a target unit. After 6 seconds the cursed target will return to the place he was when the spell was cast on him but with his current hp. - Dark Regeneration: Instantly heals your summon for 100% of his hp and gives you a HoT (healing over time) which heals you for 10% of your max HP for 8 seconds. - Change of Heart: The Shillen Saint instantly chances hp percentages with the target. Orc Fighter - Execute: The Titan uses all his power in order to land an increadibly strong strike to the enemy. The hit causes 10% of the Titan's max hp as true damage. If the strike kills the target the cooldown is refreshed. - Rocket Punches: The Grand Khavatari throws his fists to his opponent dealing a great amount of damage. If the distance of the player and the target is bigger than 400 radius the Grand Khavatari rushes to the opponent. Orc Mystic - The Final Seal: The Dominator is able to use this skill on either a party member or an enemy unit. While using it on a party member the player gets an effect on him for 4 seconds. After these 4 seconds the friendly unit will be healed for the double amount of damage taken at these seconds. While usin it on an enemy unit the enemy unit will take double the damage taken in these 4 seconds. This skill cannot be leathal. - Totem of Life: The Doomcryer summons a totem using his connection to the nature. The totem heals the clan member in range for 10% per 2 seconds. Lasts for 15 seconds. Can be damaged. The Sword Muse class. Ok guys for the first time i wanna present you how the Sword Muse class will look like. Note here that i haven't include some skills i still design and no skills after 85 level or the talent system skills. These will be presented later. The Spectral Dancer class. So here you have the spells that blade dancers will use. Note here that i haven't include some skills i still design and no skills after 85 level or the talent system skills. These will be presented later.
  4. Nah still pretty basic stuff. PS: It should be noted here that this is a wrongfully name pattern as you are not literally extending anything. One can get confused but bad naming.
  5. Pretty basic but good stuff. I remember L2Impulse using something similar for his balance.
  6. I love how people have no idea how software is priced. Good luck with your sales mate. The price is super reasonable.
  7. Hello guys, I am Elfocrash and this is my last topic in maxcheaters. I've been here since 2009 as a user looking for servers, then at 2011 i became a guy that wanted to become a developer and today I am here to leave behind 5 years of my life. Please do not read it if you are no interested to that kind of stuff, leave you hate comment and get out, I won't be replying here anyway. So the reason i am making this topic is to explain some things to everyone who cares. I starting learning how to develop one year before i got into the university. I still had no idea about what i wanted to do in my life but i knew that i really enjoying trying to understand how stuff like activeChar.sendMessage worked. After i learnt a couple of things and realising that i really enjoyed the whole programming logic, i joined a software engineering course in university of greenwich. That's when shit went down too fast. People were not willing to help a scrub learn how to code. Every pm to an l2jdeveloper went unanswered and every help topic i made ended up in hate and trolling. That's when i realised that if you wanna do something you have to do it yourself. I started going through people's coded and through the l2j code in general. Then i read some books and i saw some tutorials and then i read some more. This really helped me understand more and more about how all this magic thing worked. That's where i started sharing and people started to be interested in my work. I enjoyed sharing because people where happy with what i had to share. Later people tried to sell my shared codes and that's when i made Esios for the first time. The concept was crap but we had a following, people liked us for being opensource and having unique ideas and codes to share. However when L2jHellas started leeching our codes without actually doing something different from us then that's when i said i had to stop being opensource and i made the project private. This didn't last for long. As you can tell people don't care about a private project and most of the times they won't pay for things so i stopped the development. Was it a failure? No, but it wasn't a success either. Around that time i became a global mod in this forum, and note here that this is in the days where you actually had to do stuff to become something here. Now it's different. Now there is nothing to share because you don't feel the same moment of glory when you share something. You know that your shares are in vein and that sucks. That's why people don't share any more, and with the stop of sharing the end of unique things in l2 came too. This is the case now since 2013 and it is not going to change. For that reason i took the decision to quit the l2j development scene and more on to new and exciting things. You won't be seeing me again posting and talking in here. That was it. I also discontinue any open projects i had. Get velvet's code and do whatever you want with it. Honourable mentions: I wanna thanks Tryskell, who was the only person in the forum you helped me learn how to develop, teaching me arrays on skype back then and showing me what to look for and where. Also thanks to everyone who ever shared a detailed guide on development. Be sure i did read it and it did really help me become what i am today. Last but not least thanks to Maxtor for having this website. If it wasn't for him i would never be what i am today. No other worthy people left in here to thank for something that they gave me so i will spare my words. Now what? Now im working as a website developer and i really enjoy what im doing. When im not working as a website developer i am teaching myself how to make android and ios apps and soon i am releasing some nice apps in the store. If you even feel like you need some help or guidance please add me on skype: Desolatedpewpew Last but not least, i would like to ask from the moderators to not lock or junk this topic. This is a story from someone who started in here as no one and became something not only in here but in his own life too and i hope i inspire people. Thank you all, Nick
  8. Not even close to true. No one would make an MMO with such a client limitation. Sounds really really stupid. Now, if it is true then it really sucked back then but i highly doubt that this is true.
  9. Nop. As i said before i will work on the project when i have nothing else to do. I have people working on things. In the meanwhile i am releasing an app this friday in Google Play so I'm QA testing that for now.
  10. Thelw kana dio atoma gia QA testing se ena android app pou ekana gia lol counter kai loipa. Opoios endiaferete na mou pei.
  11. H apla anoigeis minecraft server kai vgazeis stathera 10xiliara ton mhna. Alla l2j forever i guess.
  12. Paidia apla dexteite oti auto einai to l2 pleon. Kai oso ligoterh prosoxh dineis toso to kalutero.
  13. Re malakes ksekolate to mialo sas. Einai malakas kai eristikos? Nai einai. Parola auta exei ta arxidia ta teleutaia 8 xronia na anoigei ton server me to idio onoma kai na mpainei kosmos opote sigoura kati kanei swsta. Kai shmera pali tha mpei kosmos, kai tha ton varesoune kai tha apotixoune opws kathe fora. Ksekolate to mialo sas kai afiste ton kosmo na kanei oti thelei. An den sas aresei kati mporeite na mhn to paiksete. Den upostirize euthaios ton antoni alla katentise vareto to paramithi.
  14. So intimidating. I'm so scared. I didn't even know you existed haha
  15. I have it working too so it won't really mater for me. Do it for your community (of 3 pages in 6 months)
  16. This tells me nothing. I have the Chinese client translated too. This could be so easily photoshoped. Video or never happened. I don't care which updated will be "Back" as i don't need to guess anything. I can code anything i want to :) Edit: The funny thing is that you see me as competition when I'm note. Actually from what i heard about you and your so called "skills" you can definitely learn one thing or two. 6 months to develop and you are still not even close to Alpha? That's so funny hahaha.
  17. Isn't your server supposed to be 2.0 though? Cuz it seems killer you are 1.5
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