I thought there was none
For the record and if someone wants to use this with a proper sql part,
this should be your statement.
select toppvp.char_name as toppvp_charname, toppvp.pvpkills as toppvp_kills, toppvp.online as toppvp_online,
toppk.char_name as toppk_charname, toppk.pkkills as toppk_kills, toppk.online as toppk_online,
toponline.char_name as toponline_charname, toponline.onlinetime as toponline_onlinetime, toponline.pvpkills as toppvp_online from characters chars
inner join characters toppvp on chars.obj_id=toppvp.obj_id
inner join characters toppk on chars.obj_id=toppk.obj_id
inner join characters toponline on chars.obj_id=toponline.obj_id
ORDER BY toppvp.pvpkills DESC, toppk.pkkills DESC, toponline.onlinetimde DESC, toppvp.char_name ASC LIMIT 10, toppk.char_name ASC LIMIT 10, toponline.char_name ASC LIMIT 10