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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. He is delusional mate, don't waste your time with him.
  2. Quite honestly no one except Szakalaka "gave me a hand" or made an actual productive commend or question.
  3. Yeah that's why I develop in c# Supreme won't even read your reply. I have a private L2.net project which I started working on 2 months ago. You are free to give me your email and you will be invited to see it. I don't even give a shit about your project this time. Yeah I did share velvet just to get on you. This has nothing to do with your server though. If it sister I would do it in classic not il. So stop posting stuff based on nothing but your illusions. Now spare your time and go develop your server. Thanks.
  4. What are you talking about? I was trying to get this working based on Jenose's C# project since 2014 but I did not have the knowledge you do it back then. No one copied you and no one gives a shot about your server mate. I didn't even read your reply. I stopped on the copy part. The project I am based on is there since 2008 so I am guessing you are copying someone.
  5. It is an opensource C# project which i have taken very serious. There is no experimenting as I know exactly what i am doing and where i am taking this at. And yeah i don't care about money.
  6. Small catch up. Everything seems to be transitioning fine. The new pattern adds a nice level of abstraction and declutters a lot of code which was very dirty because it had actual old style (no using tag, etc) connections in it. Tons of packets changed (more to come) Models already replaced the pre existing account and player. Added the same password hashing algorithm as l2j in case of future data migration. Dapper got introduced to handle all the object relational mapping, connection making and queries running More about Dapper Ninject got introduced to handle dependency injection. The characters and account table has now the identical structure as acis (for data migration). Slowly but steadily all the unrelated content (kamael ++) will be dropped and replaced with reliable code. Elfocrash
  7. Why don't you join me? I am doing the same thing pretty much on C#. There is no point to do it again in java unless if you have tons of free time, but you will end up copying a lot of code from l2j.
  8. It is basically what i am doing. Nothing works anyway apart from some networking which i am working on so i will be deleting and adding.
  9. Oh i know. It's exactly how i feel. I wanna find the guy and hit him.
  10. Finally someone spoke right. No one forced anyone to do anything. If you don't wanna use it (and you shouldn't) don't use it. I wanna work on something just to see where I can get. To unfraid.yeah I am well aware about the code state. After the packet changing I will add dependency injection and introduce a services/repositories pattern to handle queries. Don't worry about the code for now. I have my priorities.
  11. It is cross platform and and portable. It's not as much as java though i do agree but that's not even my point. And i proved nothing yet.
  12. I don't want it to run on Linux anyway. My point is to optimize it for windows. Sure Mono will run it just fine but it is not made to run on linux.
  13. Then see it being discontinued and make fun of me :) Do you actually know that JVM stands for Java Virtual Machine? This is not even a points. Both java and c# are vm languages. That's what makes them portable and cross platform.
  14. Your "false" opinion, because you are provide misleading information. No one said i am going against acis. In fact i am using it as a guide. You made in mind a little concept of my trying to fight java, which is not the case. I could not care less, it is just fun and i will build this just for the fun of it. And yeah it is my hobby and my job, and i do wanna share it. What is your problem with that? Did anyone forced you to use it? Spare my time. EDIT: I don't have the knowledge or the need to make a project in C++. For what i wanna do C# is more than perfect. I don't expect something else especially in a java based forum but spare my time again.
  15. Mate keep your opinion for yourself especially when you don't have knowledge on the subject. You just proved you don't. Btw i neither talked about any pros nor said it is the best.
  16. Which proves my point on the fact that you got no clue. Both java and C# are "virtual machine languages". JVM for java is what CLR is for C#. They both compile to intermediate levels so they can be picked up from the different systems they need to run on.
  17. I need neither C# community help nor projects to refer to rather than acis for how things should work. The project will look nothing like l2j (which currently does because C# is not used properly. Thanks. You have no clue..
  18. I do not have to reinvent the wheel. There is not much other than basic functionality anyway and there are packets missing and extra ones. I would start over and that's what i was doing but i found this and i got it to a point where is it reworkable and i will stick with it.
  19. Mate the whole thing will be reworked anyway. There are tables referenced in the code that are not even in the database structure. The code will be totally reworked eventually but i do need the networking bit. The code for the rest will be dropped and reworked piece by piece. And yeah the coding style is pure shit. That's what i mentioned in my short description. That we start from here cuz i found someone semi working and we get somewhere. For example with aCis as guidance the project will eventually use the exact same database structure. For now i have to change all the freya packets to IL up until the point that nothing really breaks and then steadily add tests and features, while scrapping the old code. Is it a challenge? Yeah ofc it is but i am at a point that if there is no challenge i get bored and stop developing like i did with other projects. This thing however spawns a whole new concept that that's why i don't abandon it. It might never see a live server based on it and i am ok with it, but i hope to get it at a point that someone might consider it.
  20. Sure. I am a professional ASP.NET MVC/Webforms/Web API developer in my everyday life and i am working in an environment surrounded by many senior people in the industry. I do use the language, framework and patterns in my everyday life and i have a good code base to get examples for this project too. If you want me to compare it to java, i won't do it just because there is no point even though there are advantages (and disadvantages) I think people should work with whatever they are familiar with and with whatever they feel comfortable coding on.
  21. Yeah i removed it from the short desc, forgot the other one. However if you see they only targeted l2j projects. I did have another C# l2 project when i was testing networking with C# and they did not take it down. Anyway yeah good idea.
  22. I know that's why i said it myself. Really curious to see how this goes and too much to do as it was based on .net 3.5 and now i upgraded to 4.6. Some really cool stuff to be done. BTW guys i won't make a forum and shit. I wouldn't even make this post tbh but just in case someone likes C# and l2 and wants to combine them he can give me a hand cuz thats the case for me.
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