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Everything posted by Elfo

  1. But aren't those tasks queued? Do they just start when they are requested?
  2. TBH I'm pretty sure the OP has no idea what we are talking about, and he just wants someone to debug his code for him. Not gonna happen
  3. Synchronous web calls should run on a separate thread or they should be asynchronous in the first place so no one will freeze.
  4. Why the hell are you telling him to increase the timeout? There should be no short term timeout. Leave the default of 30 or 60 seconds and just add retry policy based on the failure. Sites can act weird and as he is not reading a restful api but the page source it should take its time.
  5. Perfect colour pallet and by far the best windows xp logo i've ever seen.
  6. Anonymous members? What are you on about? The very definition of a forum is a bunch of "Anonymous members" sharing opinions, plus i highly doubt someone doesn't know me in here. Who are you again?
  7. If you were an actual freelancer you would have a public portfolio.
  8. "I got 2 business in my name (store & gym) and I'm the administrator/creator of many Greek websites." Feel free giving us some links to those websites.
  9. I'm sure there are. They require budget for campaigns tho.
  10. Can we just deal with the fact that mxc can't be saved? It is a gaming forum without activity for games that are actually alive. It's very core is dead. You can hit it with a hammer and make it look pretty but if what you offer is bad then there is no hope. Only gaming forums that caught some momentum back in the day and developed on that can actually survive (and they are not many).
  11. "That works". I'm pretty sure it works. Is it even 5% of the whole progression? Nop. But it works :) On the other hand it is not like the joke code you wrong for hellas :D
  12. Xmls are limited compared to a plugin system which allows for independent development of features wrapped around their own unit tests (which is what i currently have).
  13. You do understand that there is nothing left in the game or the forum right? Btw last commit 14 days ago even thought it is not a content one. It did last for 6 months thought and it was great exercise to my C# skills. But yeah sorry that i stepped into a product developer role that consumes the most of my time in exchange for the opportunity to work on .NET Core and Angular 2 frameworks (and obviously money). So yeah technically speaking the project is dead because for the next 18 months i am developing a new product with a team for a company. On the other hand do you wanna show us what you've been up to? Some cool code maybe?
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