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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Probably you used any reload and something was stucked..nevermind locked gl..
  2. Do you even start the Quest?
  3. You could add some previews here..good luck with your sales
  4. etsi tha mporeis na to exeis local k dn xreiazese internet..l2.ini kai server.properties login.properties
  5. You can follow script..there should be the items too..
  6. Boost Event For Sale..java 8 L2j base...

  7. True...but he cant play with 2 clients running the bot and 2 clients he is gonna burn his notebook
  8. L2tower was like this..you didnt need to open a l2.exe window..just was opened after running l2tower..but i dont think with other way you will be able to play without lag...its not from window but from your CPU..with this or other way if getting so hot you will burn it :D
  9. Just in case..rebirth system is full of bugs and not similar with original l2gold..the only server that have it original is made by me...(i will not include the name)..and why you ppl still use this htmls..they are so ugly..nevermind gl
  10. Very interesting this topic..no photos no price your email seems legit..smells scamm
  11. Boost Event L2j For Sale Only Java 8...Unique Event...

  12. Userinfo and charinfo its java related not client so wrong section too. You must check if players is in party to set the effect..but you need to check faction team too..
  13. Just google man.. How to insall mysql debian 7 How to install java debian 7 etc
  14. Just a tip for this dont block it..i did on my server last year and lost many ppl for this...blocked every single bot and interfaces.. even premium adrenaline..ppl will cry for this..they cant play without helpers
  15. Yes why not..im always checking the logs thats why i said that
  16. Instead of gm msg you can put a log folder and msg will be always readable...i think its better way to read it its my opinion..
  17. There is no answer..depends the money you want to invest..you can search dedicate machines there is cheap and expensive..dunno what are you interesting to open..if you have files etc or if you need to buy any then needs more money.. Then website depends what you want to do..simply html website its not that expensive php but with scripts etc its more expensive.. Webhost thats not for discussion you can find even with 2euro monthly hosting but will not be much protected from ddos attacks..
  18. Boost event for sale..the best pvp and farm event out there..

  19. With a paypal donate system on your website you will dont have any problems...donations seems like donate(gift)and none can refund them
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