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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. You must contact web host and tell the to add in whitelist your vps ip
  2. Since when mid rate is x1000?
  3. You are not allowed to reply and bump your topic,you can use bump button once a day..
  4. I got almost the same if you are interesting pm me..its not for free
  5. Thank you.. Update: New version available V1 was for all topsites V2 now you can vote for each topsite..
  6. You must create a voicedcommand And check if player is in multizone Teleport to xyz If not send msg Like If(command.startsWith("exit")) { If(player.isInsideZone(ZoneId.multi )) { Player.teleTolocation(x,y,z,offset); } else player.sendMessage("you can use this command only in multifunction zone!"); }
  7. Without reason cant be happened so much damage..if they are doing normal 500 then mc x4
  8. If you can work with linux im suggesting soyoustart game dedicated plans
  9. Happy news :D Our beta Starts 14-3 at 21:00 +2gmt.. Grand Opening will announce in some days...
  10. L2Centos Beta Starts 14-03-18

    At 21:00 +2 gmt

  11. Topic cleaned And Unlocked..Stop This Spam
  12. Developers?how much are they i was left from the first months baggos did it til now and he got limmited time..
  13. I know my rights im doing what i have to do...show me your love now :D
  14. I will use my command if you will not stop spamming in every single topic with random things
  15. Instance its enought to do it and just a manager depends the way someone wants it..i did it with instance and spawn despawn manager + dlg invite for all players..
  16. Put the images here data/html/mods/prevention and will be fine
  17. Gameplay has been totally changed new events new areas new economy fresh start...i dont want to move fast i want to have all perfect for the G.O
  18. https://www.google.de/search?q=how+to+open+ports&oq=how+to+open+ports&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.3752j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  19. Ports its not from pack Its from your modem.. You have to open them in your modem admin panel and in your firewall if needs
  20. You always the same thing cause you got maybe this fake online at the start but in 10 days you are going for a new opening..
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