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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Hello,read the rules and edit your topic.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/112603-section-rules-how-to-sticky-your-topic/ Thanks
  2. Hello,read the rules and fix your topic.. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/62524-section-rules-how-to-sticky-your-topic/ Thanks
  3. player.destroyItemByItemId("Consume", 6393, 50, null, true); 6393 item id 50 item count you need 50 item to buy somethink
  4. Neh there is first time to open this server you must open a beta to see your problems and fix them..
  5. Welcome Royale.have fun in forum..
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/62524-section-rules-how-to-sticky-your-topic/ Hello Mada update your tittle and fix your double post..gl
  7. I gave you the answer change israid with ismonster and add first if((getnpcid() == id && target.israid())
  8. I like it..thanks for your time i will update main topic with credits later at home
  9. i didnt understand what you want to do but to add id so you must start your code if (getNpcId() == 22587
  10. dont spam anymore in this topic..just reply with unban requests..
  11. I can tell you how to addapt it.its easyYou have to go where the error is and ahow us here the errors with screen.. Next you will make the changes we will tell you
  12. You have to compare with your sources there schould be a different way to add this method in your sources..dunno from h5
  13. Here is more ways to add this feature http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/199170-noblesse-killing-barakiel-l2jacis/
  14. Is that 5 members real?wts advertise with 5 members group?
  15. Thank you..we will wait them with effects
  16. @infinity was before ourat he own number 31 also.. For now is left only 38 as i have take a fast look..
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