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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Celestine pic is no grade and the other s grade nice haah
  2. http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/210924-l2jl2weinzov/?do=findComment&comment=2609135 Junk it he have forgot his passwort and he have another topic too...
  3. Ela mwre tosa gold exoune vgei se ligo tha doume ola ta domain se ena l2gold.cc.net.org.com k paei legontas
  4. This guy is like niggastolemybike He just asks you to join your team and if you dont accept it he is trying to find bugs in your server..but is nice reporter huh he have tried to me but didnt works he was waiting i have fixed the bugs faster :p i will fix for l2allstars too now cause i know him thanks
  5. They use frozen cause there is many customs already inside the files..the 80% of the server owners the cant put a shared code inside thats why
  6. You can take the free revision of l2jaCis 350rev you can work with this pack to learn the basics then you can take a customer account in acis forum where you can take the latest sources current is 364..
  7. Thats can be easily disable without any protection :p just a config from false to true no more drops in ground..
  8. http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=l2gold+maxcheaters
  9. Ofc needs script contact krn he have the script already
  10. You missed something like animations or armorgrp Seems more to animations And you are in wrong section..must be in client section
  11. Same way..close server reinstall it run server have fun
  12. You have to delete the numbers in olympiad.java no to reinstall just put then last numbers in 0 I dont remember the name now
  13. True i will think to update it with a new version..
  14. I had the code in my mind to finished like this thats why..
  15. Hello Everyone i will share here one Clan Manager can be a helpfull npc cause many servers want to reward clans with clan lvl etc there is no price is all based on clan members count all settings with configs Here We Are : Preview: Datapack Htmls : http://pastebin.com/1KS9GxJg Core : http://pastebin.com/NBfiya9S Have Fun..!!
  16. paste your code here is hardcoded html as i can see on a svn frozen must be in those lines NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); L2PcInstance targetp = (L2PcInstance) activeChar.getTarget(); TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder("<html><body><center>"); replyMSG.append("<br><br><font color=\"00FF00\">=========>>" + targetp.getName() + "<<=========</font><br>"); replyMSG.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Level: " + targetp.getLevel() + "</font><br>"); must be like this NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(5); L2PcInstance targetp = (L2PcInstance) activeChar.getTarget(); TextBuilder replyMSG = new TextBuilder("<html><title>Status</title><body><center><img src=l2font-e.mini_logo-e width=180 height=80></center><center><br>"); replyMSG.append("<br><br><font color=\"00FF00\">=========>>" + targetp.getName() + "<<=========</font><br>"); replyMSG.append("<font color=\"FF0000\">Level: " + targetp.getLevel() + "</font><br>");
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