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Everything posted by Reborn12

  1. Gran kain source or l2 arena source =l2cadmus shared one from tazerman2..its time to be a end here..
  2. No you cant..*topic* About topic as i can notice is the shared one cadmus files by tazerman2.. At the end is the truth..liers must be punished
  3. EffectZones.xml Search <!-- Zaken Curse Zone --> <stat name="affectedLvlMin" val="70" /> and simply the codes is missing from ai's
  4. Tezza-zaken is missing from acis about core no you dont need any quest just to open the doors if teleport is outside and not custom... About zone there is effectzones.xml if you search about zaken zone there is a max level to come inside without curse i remember is 70level if you go in with 80 level player yes you will have curse..change the 70 to 80 and will be fine.. But you still missing ai's
  5. You got in server configs rb ids? Maybe it comes from there.if its clear
  6. Τι ρεκορ στο βιβλιο γκινες θα παρει τελικα?
  7. You have maybe over 20 servers in this client yes repair your client take a clean system and add the customs there..
  8. My solution about this was to c/p from program files x86 the client to other disk or program files
  9. You are missing yhe files from your system like itemname armorgrp weapongrp and maybe systextures too
  10. access i will not answer you cause i know you love me Krobelus use Edit the Use Full Editor and you will able to add it
  11. http://pastebin.com/rSWSrXZM dokimase auto dn kserw ti exeis allaksi alla einai me voiced auto k katharo
  12. As i said before update your first topic and add your error in pastebin.com...
  13. Edit your topic and use pastebin.com to put your error..
  14. Because there no html in code you have to write it in chat..
  15. I mean what every single word means..i know this quest
  16. I want to learn some basics on l2off Can you explain me please what is this piece of the code does? S0. "Clean Up the Swamp of Screams" push_string S0 func_call 184680640 // func[AddChoice] shift_sp -2 shift_sp -1 L4 push_event // talker push_const 40 add fetch_i // level push_const 1092 add fetch_i4 push_const 66 less push_reg_sp fetch_i branch_false L8 push_event // myself push_const 704 add fetch_i push_event // talker push_const 40 add fetch_i push_const 629 func_call 184680543 // func[HaveMemo] shift_sp -2 push_const 0 equal and
  17. Use this for free http://l2jnetwork.smfnew2.com/
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