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Everything posted by MrPro*

  1. All i did ,was making red bold the words you said and leaving a comment about THEM. I guess this automatically makes me a hater and a drama queen . I don't have any hate about this server i even don't know this server just saw YOUR COMMENT and wanted to make a comment about it . I think someone else is a drama queen here and we just hurt her feelings
  2. before thinking that i offended you , please go to google translate and translate both words , "update" and "fix" . How can a community say bad or good words for a server,if there is no community at all except 10-20 people running around ?
  3. Smart or not , there is a huge difference between UPDATING your server for a better gameplay by FIXING your server to be able being played by his own community ( if there is any )
  4. so it wasnt a fail server but still he fixed many things and changed the balance....seems logic enough yeah..
  5. Thank you a lot ! More and more customers are using our script and till now everyone are happy with it
  6. fuck cant understand a shit.. :D ( not a dev or something ) the only thing that i understood is that still nothing special happened ,so everyone will continue their life as it was before hehehe
  7. not the best but one of the best l2j sunrise
  8. prozack isnt a "l2dex" member he is a clan leader so he has nothing to do with them
  9. i will speak as a user, few years ago i wanted to open a server just for fun i had a dev back then who used jhellas pack for the server , i have to say the pack was just awful :D
  10. Hello guys, i am receiving messages from a page with 300k+ likes ( the page is verified don't know if it helps ) without ever sending them something , so i guess they are making a mass message to their facebook page fans , which means the ones who liked their page ( 300k+ people ) . I searched on google how to do it and i found out a way but it could work only back in 2015 , in few words it doesn't work anymore because there is no such an option anymore ("Send an Update") . I am really curious if anyone here knows how to do and he is able to share it with us too.
  11. @Frank totally trusted i have exchange over 500 euro via his services
  12. is this new hairstyle accessory ? http://forum.averia.ws/attachments/9-jpg.92915/
  13. Hello i would like to report Antwnhs he has 2 accounts he had a vip account named Koza ( i can't tag his name so here is one of his topics : http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/140387-wtsepic-storeitems-charswwwl2blazenet-x70/?hl=ikoza ) and @FrankieDickHard he scammed me for 60 euro , he didnt block me on facebook only unfriend without any replies . Proofs : P.S if more proofs needed,let me know
  14. Hello i would like to report the scammer @DownUnder aka Sthathis Pagalis ,the amount of money is nothing ( 10 euro ) but if he scams such small amounts imagine how pathetic is he . Anyway be careful with his alt accounts as his main will be banned . Proofs (i cant reply on his fb anymore ,because he blocked me ) : p.s if more proofs needed let me know , as i said the amount of money is like nothing but scammer is always a scammer , at least he will be banned.
  15. max 150 on if you dont know to count players , then dont talk about onlines
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