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Everything posted by Granny

  1. Well, that's a different story then. It comes off a bit different when I read it. Regardless, cool features / structure. All the best. Cheers, Granny
  2. LOL, not nearly close like you think. L2extreme maybe had 100k players? I don't recall the exact value now, it's been many years. Quick edit as I don't think I was clear enough. My point is simply L2 has died down somewhat. So the losses they suffer now from the private scene aren't worth their time. Stopping it requires a lot of capital and even then I don't think it's entirely possible. Try shutting down a server operating in Russia. Their laws and systems is very different from NA and Korea. It would be an absolute nightmare to do this. So it all comes down to time and money again. I honestly think stopping private development is nearly an impossible task as a result of the reasoning above. Cheers, Granny
  3. They won't and it's simple economics. Shutting down all private servers is nearly impossible. The amount of time/money spent on lawyer fees to crush a server is greater than the amount of money they'll lose as a result of private platforms. This means, they just cut their losses. L2Extreme was shut down because it was prob banking millions, so it was a situation whereby the lawyer fees were worth paying, in a sense. They could also choose to open a retail H5. But private servers will still exist. Because not everyone likes their current direction of Pay to Win, and let's face it, 1x rates suck really hard - no one has time for that shit anymore. So the only option is to cut your losses and ignore the servers. Cheers, Granny
  4. What he/she means is that 4 years is a long time. People complete major degrees in 4 years, graduate schools, undergrads, etc. For you to blatantly say you spent 4 years on this project is absolute bullshit. I tried doing this with my project and came to the realization (very quickly) that people are not this stupid. They're stupid, sure, but not that stupid. So by starting a thread with half-truths (as I'm sure you did spend a long time), you risk alienating those that know the fib to be a fib. Most good NEW projects take 4-5 months of development. And this is at a moderate pace. Exceeding this means you're just super slow, lazy, or stupid. Characteristics you do not want in a GM. With 4 years, you'd have to have some revolutionary pack, no one has even dreamed of seeing. Should change your OP. Cheers, Granny
  5. I'm so very confused, lol. Gonna abstain from this thread. That's good to hear ;) Hope everything worked out for the guy. By this I mean, the server admin and not the hackers, haha. I had to edit this to clarify that point. :/ Cheers, Granny
  6. I guess you're right. Great work man! Cheers, Granny
  7. I won't bite you ;D You're free to discuss anything you wish and I will likely provide an honest response. Me too my friend. This is why we're here ;) Not quite. :) Hope this helps. Cheers, Granny
  8. I think I'm kidding, yes. ;) Cheers, Granny
  9. I think it's free hosting? Wix.com? Can you post free-hosting servers? I should re-read the rules. :S Cheers, Granny
  10. Hi Kimos, I'll be the first to wish you the best of luck these holidays. Looks pretty freaking great for a high rate. Quick FYI: You're missing an 'N' in the word beginning in your picture. I don't think anyone would notice but thought you'd like to know. Happy holidays! Cheers, Granny
  11. Can you elaborate? Do you mean buffs/dances only? i.e. No GM shop / NPC buffer? This post, the site url is linked to maxcheaters and not your domain.
  12. You know, it's easy to type this sentence. Not all suggestions are going to be in line with your philosophy or ideals. It's not so easy to take a step back and consider other opinions. But you're right, to each their own I suppose. And I'm fairly certain everyone celebrates New Year's on the 1st, with the exception of maybe the Chinese New Year. Going for my throat is a child's response to a reasonable inquiry. :D And I care about your server! I want everyone to succeed, especially if they have cool features and a passion for Lineage 2. ;) I'll cease my posts in your thread. Good luck brother. Cheers, Granny
  13. The high ++ stems from this little feature. Infinite + really once you accumulate these puppies. Interesting concept. Cheers, Granny
  14. He probably didn't. The most logical conclusion is he used the same password for everything of importance. So likely a GM account had the same pass as some e-mail. Then by e-mail you can find nearly all passwords if kept because your dedicated server, ddos protection, etc accounts will be logged. People running servers nowadays are not exactly the brighest because it doesn't take much to open a server. Even idiots can do it, really. But idiocy is often reflected in the outcome after launch. Nowadays you can link almost all accounts to SMS by your phone. Consider investing in something like this at some point. So even if you get hacked, they will not be able to access anything of importance without the SMS key. There's a lot more to servers than just game play. Security is a HUGE factor in your success. And some people base their entire careers on keeping assholes out of their systems, called a systems security engineer. A good investmnet. :D It's a shame. Cheers, Granny
  15. What? Looks OP I will join.
  16. I thought it was clear, but for the record, VIP account and premium account are the same thing. I will change the wording on the website when I get the chance. But I guess it can be confusing. VIP/PREMIUM = multibox capability + access to a .offline shop. No other perks are given. It's been structured to maximize the longevitiy of our server through funding while maintiaining fairness between the donator and farmer. It is priced at 5 euro / 30 days, not mandatory, and has no impact on the extended game play. The VIP status can be applied from within the game via the community board. Some background info on the reason why we chose this premium: There are basically three donation methods. The first offers crazy gear/weapons for real money. Within 3 months, the donators already have acquired everything they need, so the server shuts down as the donations stop at the 3-4 month mark. I'm sure you've seen this. The second is to offer rewards like XP/SP, Enchant Chance ++, and other perks like this, but this distances the donator and the farmer greatly. The thid option was to provide a package that a user would like to purchase even 12 months after launch. Speaking as an old player, I love multi-boxing and the .offline system. I love playing the markets in Giran. But these aspects are not 100% mandatory and don't really impact the end game fantasy. So I imagined, what would I buy after 12 months from launch? Multi-boxing came to mind so I can buff myself with sws/bd/wc as I farm or do baium/anthy/frint/freya. People love to box, but again it is not a mandatory aspect of the game. This idea should in theory be able to keep the server alive for years. That is, if our population reaches a critical point for success. Hope this helps. Cheers, Granny
  17. The progression of the server is quite slow. Speaking from experience, the gear gap shouldn't be too large by the time your exams are complete. Love the enthusiasm by the way. That being said, if you help us advertise the server in your own way, then I would be happy to reward you with a starter pack of cosmic coins (our donation currency) to help your progression throughout the world of Aden for the first month at least. At my expense, of course. The same offer applies to any player. A list of items that can be purchased with CC can be found here: http://l2cosmic.com/l2-donation-prices/ You're damn right buddy. I put my blood into this project, 5 months, no sleep, wife yelling at me for working too much, leading to a sex ban. All in the name of L2, for my community, for you! ;) All jokes asdie, your support means a lot to myself and, more importantly, to my team that has been kind enough to back me in this endeavour. So tell your friends. And let me know how it goes :) Good luck with your exams Eagle. Make sure to crush 'em ;) All the best. Cheers, Granny
  18. 1000+ online is impressive. And GF is my favourite all time chronicle. Hell Knight was my most played class. Autopickup (not applied on Bosses) Doesn't this make it annoying for melee classes when nukers snipe the auto abuse? I dunno. I always hated autopick for that reason. Never played nukers except on Gustin when I had a storm screamer. Boy that was like 10 years ago. Time flies! Cheers, Granny
  19. Bloody hell, these guys closed down and taking up my future ad space! Delete your ads on l2network please. So I can snag it and share my love. THANK YOU! I assume this is dead from the above picture (Karasu's find). I would also like to express my sincere grief for it seems like you put in a lot of effort to please your community. The frustration in your post makes me feel sad and I hope that it works out for you. Perhaps you can take my contact and we will work something out at some point in the future. If you feel you're up to the job. Skype: L2CosmicGM Cheers, Granny
  20. My brother in arms has finally spoken ;) Quick History: Fallen-Angel is our genius head systems administrator. He's basically a top notch security chief in a large company (engineering firm) that handles a wide variety of protection cases. Well sought after by the L2-Scripts.ru L2J development team in Russia (prepping a lot of servers for big name labels, some you may have played on in the past) but has decided to jump on the L2Cosmic wagon because he believes! He wants to share the love like I do. Also, I gave him an offer he couldn't refuse (in that GodFather kind of voice) and became a partner in our project. You can speak to Angel in our forum if you have any concerns. http://l2cosmic.com/forum Our system administrator ensures that the server and website are behind a strong firewall to prevent any injections, hacks, or exploits. He's done a fantastic job in setting up the server in Germany and I have full faith in my friend to keep you guys online throughout your game experience. He's a boss :D Cheers, Granny
  21. Well if we are to be specific. L2Cosmic starts mid-rate and transitions gradually into a low rate experience. It not only provides a nice platform for the mid-rate enthusiast but caters to those grind-oriented players as well. And with a limited donation policy, the playing field is equal between the donator and the farmer. You're not alone in realizing the seriousness of our work. For example, the past few weeks and throughout closed beta we experienced hefty DDOS threats from some friendly competitors. Our policies threaten the foundation of this cash-cow industry. So when something legit comes around, it is no surprise that international players develop an interest. And competitors are naturally not going to like this. Perhaps I should say the children running servers nowadays will not be happy. We try to stay away from the kiddy politics, bickering, whining, and accusations. It's just not our thing. Hah. Rest assured, we're not going anywhere anytime soon ;) So sign up with us today. Ride our banner to glory. And from one L2 player to another: Enjoy L2 how it was intended to be played. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Cheers, Granny
  22. Japanese pop music for trailer. Man I always hated JPOP. Perhaps I'm the only one with this viewpoint. Nice video regardless. Enjoyed it. Cheers, Granny
  23. GM hacked accounts. You'd think the first thing these guys would do is only give GM access to family and very close friends. How you manage to slip up this bad is beyond comprehension, especially after putting in so much work to make a plaform that others seem to enjoy. Interesting story. Cheers, Granny
  24. Six years eh. You know they landed a probe on a comet in less time than that. Probably designed the first moon landing in less time. Idk what you've been doing research on for 6 years but you can become a doctor in less time. So I imagine you should reconsider nonsensical statements. Cheers, Granny
  25. While you wait, visit our forum and give us some love :-* We all need some love :D http://l2cosmic/forum Tell them Granny sent you ;) Cheers, Granny
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