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Everything posted by Granny

  1. The server's success is out of my hands brother. Hear me out because this is important. I've stated this numerous times already, I will repeat it. I am currently doing everything in my power to make this the best possible server in 2015. My work days are about 12-15 hours long with very little sleep, as we prepare to launch L2Cosmic DRS for you guys this winter. I've promised you perfection, and I will deliver this to you. But what you may not realize is that.... The Success of L2Cosmic DRS is now in your hands, each and every one of you. Why? Because I will do everything there is to make this server a hit. Our PR and advertising team are excellent, but it really comes down to you guys, as players, to spread the word about our server. We can only do so much with a small team of engineers that have yet to build a brand. This is why I've developed small holiday event rewards, like changing your banner in MXC and making posts in our own forum, because we need your help to spread the word about Cosmic. Word of mouth is the best possible source of advertising. By telling your friends and colleagues, you can help us grow into a server that can outclass them all, and once we're in this position, we can then focus on giving you what you deserve. For helping us, we will never forget. This is how the world works, if you like us, support us, go out there and tell people on your Skype, Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Now, why are most people unlikely to do what I just asked? Briefly, we're all accustomed to something we call deflection. Deflection, by example, is when someone asks you to do something, and you do not do it because you assume someone else will do it for you, so there's no point in you doing it in the first place. The concept deflects from person to person, and the task never gets done. So when I ask you to spread the word, keep this in mind as you deflect it onto someone else. So, do me a favor, as a good community: Go out right now. And recruit 5 people to our server. It shouldn't take long at all. Just grab 5 players minimum, more is better, but I ask for just 5. It's that easy. You don't need to hope this server succeeds. You need action. We have done our job. And done it damn well. And each day we're growing. I'm not begging you to do anything. I'm asking you politely. Action will build a good community. So make a choice and support us. Do your part. Thank you. Cheers, Granny
  2. Why do all posts seem like propaganda? There must be some event going on to post positive reviews :D Cheers, Granny
  3. TWITCH live, I'll be redesigning the head banners today, to better reflect changes/status. Should take the whole day. So much work. :( Cheers, Granny
  4. The poll really helped gain perspective on where people stand on the issue. I had asked earlier some old L2 friends and they were really terrible at providing a perspective on a good donation system. So I had to take a shot in the dark based on a few preliminary opinions. I had a lot of PMs suggesting this and that but I think in the end, this new VIP system is pretty solid. And it was with the help of the community poll that helped identify there was a high interest in both the autopick and minor xp/sp bonus, nearly equally, and almost no interest in multi-box restrictions. This certainly helped this change come about. REMINDER ABOUT OUR HOLIDAY WARRIOR EVENT TILL OPEN BETA JANUARY 04, 2015: The first step to getting your free donation coins The second step to getting your free donation coins
  5. The VIP package has been revised. Updated Opening Post to reflect these changes. Revised website with revised VIP rates described in retail changes. http://l2cosmic.com/lineage-2-retail-2-0/ The vote mostly reflected a tie between bonus rates and autopick, and a HUGE distaste for multi-box restrictions. It just goes to show admins can have bad judgment. :) That being said, the matter is now solved. All players can box a maximum of 4 windows. The XP/SP bonus was kept very low to avoid any influential impact on the extended game play. Minor boost. As we said, we always take suggestions. The majority have spoken and now you have a new VIP. Hope this helps. Cheers, Granny
  6. Hi Karasu, 1. No offense taken. I am Canadian my native language is English. I've studied the English language since a toddler so for me it is very easy to communicate in poetry :) 2. I am generally a very talkative person. I enjoy bantering with friends, colleagues, and forum warriors :D 3. I think it is important to communicate with players. It has become a trend for admins to behave very much like the final word of God. So players often have no actual voice. When there is a suggestion or comment, I try to express my thoughts in the forums (both here and our own) in as much detail as possible. This often requires a wall of text, which you are free to read or skip. But the important thing is that I address the community in a way that is very detailed. That way, you know where my thoughts, ideas, or opinion is coming from. I believe this is my job as the owner and project manager of L2Cosmic. Perhaps I should start putting a TLDR tag on my posts, however. I will consider this in the future. 4. I haven't baked any. But I have cake ;) Hope this helps. TWITCH LIVE AS WE REDESIGN THE VIP BANNER. YOUR VOTES HAVE CHANGED THE SYSTEM. POWER TO YOU! Cheers, Granny
  7. Yes, dual box will be allowed for everyone. So the clients per PC will be restricted to 4 windows for everyone by HWID (hardware identification). Anything more than 4 and we feel like we're supporting bot trains. You don't need more than 4 boxes to play the game: SWS/BD/BUFFER/MAIN if you have access to these accounts. But remember, the server goes to 4x, so playing 4 characters will not be easy to reach cap. I will repeat: We are removing the boxing restrictions for players. The VIP account will be revised before launch. So all players, VIP and NON-VIP alike, will be able to box 4 windows. Glad you approve. I will change the VIP system once the voting is complete. I suspect we will have those 3 options as our final VIP package. Hope this helps. Come check out our forums guys. If you support us, come meet our community. We have some great people ;) Cheers, Granny
  8. I disagree. I used to play on a server I will not name that had this feature, the autoloot for premium accounts and it came with a 20% xp/sp bonus. I never bought the VIP for the XP bonus because I found that once I had autoloot I could no longer stand wasting my time picking stuff up. Nukers especially hate it when they're demolishing mobs. Melee is not so bad but once you have autoloot, it is very hard to go back to regular looting. Because your play style becomes so accustomed to insta-looting. It's like driving a Porsche and being asked to go back to the buick. Sure it can get you places, but you'd always want that Porsche back. I would certainly pay for autoloot + offline shop. The XP bonus is unlikely to win and we'll probably end up implementing the autoloot as a bonus instead of the multi-box limits. I think this is a good system. In fact, I think it is an improvement on our old one. I'm glad you made such a fuss now ;) HOWEVER, The poll seems to be close between the two. So, if it becomes a close tie. then I will simply implement both autoloot + bonus xp/sp + offline shop. And that would settle it ;) Cheers, Granny
  9. I agree. Although it is common to provide reward to people for advertising, it should come from good intentions. Meaning, the admin shouldn't force good reviews for a reward. Cheers, Granny
  10. You never know. The L2 community can be quite surprising at times. Not surprising, haha. Cheers, Granny
  11. L2 players don't have lives. We just grind in CP and play non-stop :D Happy Holidays. Cheers, Granny
  12. Thanks brother. Then remember to vote on your preference (check my signature). You have the power to change the VIP system. Not many servers give you such an opportunity ;) Cheers, Granny
  13. By special I did not mean unique. The server is very retail oriented. By special I mean that we have a fantastic philosophy that cares about our players and overall community. I neglected your post because this thread is full of examples of why I think we're a special project. But this is a relative term. To you, it means different. To me, it means substance. Everyone has a story. I'd say everyone in this business is a thief and a bastard. So don't go pointing fingers ;) Baked 'em myself ;) The first step to getting your free donation coins The second step to getting your free donation coins
  14. I believe we are in the preview section already. So I don't quite understand this comment.
  15. Why we're special. Who knows. Maybe it's because we have cookies. Yum. Dear friends: I had some trouble setting up the poll in our lightbox on the L2Cosmic website so I decided to not do that. I also did not want to add a poll to our forums because it would force you to sign up, which is great for us but we're not about that. So I was left with the option to setup a poll through an external party like free poll. VIP REWARDS POLL: http://goo.gl/BFRkLQ Please vote for your preferred VIP package. We will adjust our pack according to the winning vote. I have also posted this in our forum. GO NOW! Thank you for your time ;) HAPPY HOLIDAYS. Cheers, Granny
  16. The box limit would be set to 0 without VIP and 3 with VIP. We may consider doing the autopick feature as a VIP bonus instead of the boxing limit. I am making the poll now and setting it up on our homepage as a popup so all will see it. When it's done I will post here and you guys can vote your preferred VIP package. This is about as fair as I can make it. Cheers, Granny
  17. XP/SP or quest dropping is generally frowned upon. It will probably come down to MULTIBOXING or AUTOPICK. I will implement whichever gets voted the highest. This seems like a fair policy. Cheers, Granny PS> Hopzone ad complete, should run today or tomorrow ;)
  18. I've considered this option. People are very against XP/SP increases in retail-like environment. But without a large sample source it becomes difficult to gauge how to structure this VIP account. I've toyed with the following three ideas for VIP. I will make a poll on website today and see what people prefer. VIP POSSIBILITIES: 1. OFFLINE SHOP + BOXING LIMIT 2. OFFLINE SHOP + AUTOPICK 3. OFFLINE SHOP + 10% XP/SP Asking you now in all seriousness. What is the preferred VIP package for you, as players. I personally prefer the AUTOPICK because I hate picking shit up haha. Lemme know in this thread. I'll update you guys when the poll is up on L2Cosmic.com and you can vote there. The price will still be 5 EURO / 30 days. I hope this settles the matter. Any other suggestions are welcome for discussion. Cheers, Granny
  19. Suggestions are welcome. I'm always listening. Donation list: http://l2cosmic.com/l2-donation-list/ We will never add any items for personal gain, personal bonus, or perks that give an edge. But we're open to suggestions. Now I'm going to spill my 2 cents and be a bit blunt in this post. It's not directed at anyone in particular but aims to address the donation policy, specifically the VIP account. So don't get butt hurt my friends. It's not a lot to ask this community to support a platform that is very well designed with a 5 euro OPTIONAL donation / 30 days. You're free to argue otherwise and, we may certainly consider your suggestions, of course. Because we're always open to new ideas and look forward to your feedback here at L2Cosmic. But if we don't implement your ideas and you refuse to play at Cosmic, then go play the corrupt servers out there, because no one is forcing you on Cosmic's philosophy. You're a free agent with free will. Go make the wrong choice, but don't come back crying when your server closes in three months. Because you do the same thing every single time there is a new thread in these forums. Try the new server, bitch and moan about everything, leave, and spam these boards about how awful it is. It's getting really old, if I'm to be frank. Allow me to explain that you're essentially weighing the following two outcomes in 2015: Do I follow the dogs and play with people that have +10 antharas earrings the first month? The admins always promise fair-play in the forums or that it's now under different management, but let's be real, how gullible are you? These guys spend hundreds DDOSing other servers, forcing you to play their server. Why do you think they do this? To make a good environment for you? It's all business and you're the sucker. So go play here where you can farm for months but "Random" can drop 300 euro and outclass you instantly. Three months later the server is wiped because donators have already donated for everything they need and you're back to square one when they recycle the next opening. This is your first choice. Do I follow Granny where we're all equal but I cannot box unless I donate 5 euro each month? Here's a news flash, boxing isn't mandatory. You can still play your favorite class for free, without a need to make a single donation, on an equal playing field between DONATOR and FARMER. This is your 2nd choice. Choose whichever you find appealing. I'm not here to spoon feed you the obvious answer. No one is forcing you to donate. Remember this. And no one is forcing you to support us. Lastly, we're looking to build a solid, friendly community. Server jumpers can ignore this thread. We're the last time you'll need to switch servers. My promise to you, as the project manager. So support us. Let us help you ;) EDITS, had some typos as I'm rushing this post. Cheers, Granny
  20. We will consider this. It is something we've been debating about within our team. Bored? Follow us on Twitch as we prep the HOPZONE banner today. FUN FUN FUN (not really, but good tunes and chill space). Cheers, Granny
  21. This made me lol. Then I saw the sig and I fell in love with the post. ;) Cheers, Granny
  22. LOL you stole Tessa's signature! How dare you!? I made this from love. I only make those for my BESTEST friends here on MXC. You are one though. Mucho love. We're considering changing this to -VIP 1 box and 3 box +VIP. Lemme know your opinions. Modi how do you feel about this change? I'd like some feedback on this topic. Because I love your sassy opinions ;) Get back to me. As for numbers, you may be surprised. We'll be streaming some popular EU cps under our banner, some from RPG CLUB, some from other retail private servers I used to play on. Show us some love, brother. ;) People flock to what's good. This is human nature. I believe in this community to make the right choice. You're free souls to play where your heart desires, however. :-* Remember, we're the only server that actually gives a shit. And with your help, we'll being the retail scene back to the EU, and not need to play Russian corrupt platforms. Although not you specifically Modi. You seem a bit salty to support us. But you're certainly welcome. :D It's difficult to say, we're 30 days from launch. But L2Cosmic is special. People are becoming aware of this fact and supporting us. I believe in our community to support our growth in addition to our PR/AD campaign. Because you need to believe in your players and your server for any project to flourish into something great. I'd say 200-300 is a huge underestimation. But I'm in no position to comment. Your guess is really as good as mine. All in due time. Things will come together. And we will thrive, and grow, and branch, and make this game alive again. My personal promise to you. Cheers, Granny REMINDER: HOLIDAY WARRIOR EVENT TO WIN 150 COSMIC COINS, FREE, SPECIAL MXC OFFER, SIMPLY DIVINE!
  23. I'm very pleased, yes. Happy as a camper. O0 Regarding our project, we're simply the best. Anyone that argues otherwise are welcome to speak to our SPECIAL CRAZY MXC HOLIDAY ENFORCER: Tessa. I opened Cosmic to bring back those memories. And community, don't forget to participate in our holiday warrior event, as we prepare to launch the sexiest biggest retail EU-BASED (sorry Russians) community in 2015. Follow our twitch live as well; it's crazy. http://twitch.tv/l2cosmic http://l2cosmic.com That is all. Cheers, Granny
  24. This background is so aesthetically pleasing. I must find out how to do this! Haha. Cheers, Granny
  25. There aren't that many low rates in the EU community. So it could work. Cheers, Granny
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