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Everything posted by ericvini

  1. I can share a version that I have if you wish. If so, pm me
  2. File to convert from IL to GF: https://easyupload.io/ubb6mc
  3. pm me later - i may be able to assist
  4. Does anyone have any sort of script to migrate just the basic (chars inventory/skills/warehouse and clans) data stored in MSSQL DBs from IL (vang) to GF? Thanks
  5. https://easyupload.io/x7kktr
  6. I cannot compile the files here. Could anyone upload a clear ILExt.dll with the key removed? This one appears to have been touched. Thanks ps: the keygen doesnt work to me for some reason. I d like to upgrade my VM Hardware, so i m looking at a clear version to replace the one I bought years ago.
  7. I have this. No need to pay. Pm me later and I will upload
  8. Password for 1st file?
  9. Still need it? I can up if needed
  10. Hello, Could anyone please share the L2 High Five part 1, 2, 3 or 4 lobby? I want to replace the bloody one. This one: Thank you. EDIT: Found it in my backups. Link: https://ufile.io/ck5mq Updated link: https://www.4shared.com/rar/F-Om3ZCUiq/CT261.html ( thanks @Rootware )
  11. Anybody got updated scripts that work with this new version of the ext?
  12. Hello, Does anyone know how to add a specific augment to a weapon? I've never tried it and now I've found out that I'm clueless on that regard. Thanks.
  13. Might as well create the whole road map that they had planned lol
  14. I have no hard data, but based on some "in-between" updates (maybe Hellbound? It was some update close to it) magical critical chance was modified by 0.33, so 0.35 seems like a real possibility (even tho this is regular damage and not critical chance) - I mean, they tended to always use the same values based on their language, like greater used to mean X% etc. I've tried to search for some l2w logs that I had but I didn't back'em up (and on Epilogue I had only limited data as I ran a 5man party, not multiple like GF). The numbers seem good; being able to fine tune easily in the .ini is awesome. I'd feel tempted to use the damage nerf at about 0.2 to 0.35 (test what makes solo chars struggle to farm the new mobs). I hate to guess =/ edit: I found this post: http://boards.lineage2.com/showthread.php?p=2941563 "If you are lvl 80, trying to attack a lvl 84 Megacrokian on the Field of Whispers, you will deliver less damage then you would on a lvl 81 monster of the same M.Def. If your Wolf in that example is lvl 82, i.e. 2 levels below the Megacrokian, you will also notice a reduction in the damage it does. That damage reduction is calculated separately and independently from your damage reduction. You do a lot less damage with your nukes (in Taiwan there was somebody who tried exactly that and needed 10 instead of 6~7 shots) and your Wolf does a bit less damage with its bites. Since the reductions are adding up, this means that the Field of Whispers is de facto not doable for you." 35% reduction seems pretty legit. edit2: "In Korea the level difference nerf was first not there in Gracia Epilogue, then it was introduced, then it was removed again, then it was re-introduced. It seems that technically it would be no major problem to add or remove this feature from the game. Maybe we should give it a few months on the live servers, see how it works out, and then make a poll." I don't know if this si true, but it sounds legit based on NCs past behaviour. It seems likely they added this nerf only because of their high number of players - to keep the new areas more exclusive.
  15. Let me know if u decide to do it as I have the small script change that was necessary saved.
  16. Only the "buffs on the summoner affect the summon" - but that was a choice that you made - not have this feature if I recall correctly - this comes in Freya.
  17. This forum may have this info: http://lineage2.playforum.net/ but navigating it is painful to say the least... example of info they have: edit: I remember this was significant when playing, so as not to allow level 75 chars to farm on the new level 78 mobs, but any numbers that I say would be a pure guess.
  18. Hey, Does anyone happen to have gamma fix for interlude? When in window, other windows that are not l2 become too bright. This has been fixed in GF and GE by eressea. Ty
  19. If I m not mistaken, its related to the first time you interact with a vendor npc. Retry and it should work because the list will be then (2nd time) cached.
  20. Check your settings in the extender. An account that has builder rights is trying to access the game while not being listed where it should be.
  21. Heck, level 79-80 in GF, even with 24/7 bots takes forever unless you can farm chimeras. That 2.1bi xp requirement (same as level 1-78 or 79)
  22. No shit a 2009 link is offline.
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