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Everything posted by ericvini

  1. Windows 2003 x64 is easy to find, just torrent it. rutracker.org
  2. I cant understand you, please speak in Portuguese.
  3. picture of error, version you are using, etc etc etc
  4. If you are sure it is the mobs (and not the area), check their data, they must have some skill. Also change the raid fighters level to match Zakens. edit: there may be something in the AI, but if its the raid curse, in the cases that I ve seen its simply the level difference between boss + raid fighters and players.
  5. Also check that the level change worked - you have to change his EXP too, not only his level param. Use l2w ig or something like it to check the mobs level in game.
  6. Please read your .ini file, go to vip section, it is there.
  7. Shop = multisell file or AI. Prolly multisell for what you want. Edit drops = npcdata. Quest rewards = AI, but way harder than the other 2 edits.
  8. Actually he is updating his packs fairly often. Last IL update was just this week.
  9. Werent u selling those files in the marketplace or am I confusing you with somebody else?
  10. Sample: npc_begin id=1020003 low={{8600;23.1};{8601;15.96};{8602;2.94};{8614;0.33}} mid={{8603;2.86};{8604;7.15};{8605;0.99}} high={{8606;5};{8608;5};{8610;5};{8612;0.33};{8611;10}} buff={{8607;5};{8609;5};{8613;0.33}} npc_end Based on GF + patch notes. 1. File updated with the correct NPCs that should drop herbs (not 400ish from the default file, nor the 2k+ from depmax). It has 708 - correct - NPCs. I removed the extra NPCs from silent valley and swamp of screams that had herbs added from Kamael thru GF - thus the npcs that drop it are perfect (GF has about 20ish extra NPCs that didn't drop herbs in IL - this is fixed). 2. Droprates. The droprate for every herb is retail like. For everything except MP, about every mob (minus 20 or so) has the same chance (internal and external) of dropping herbs. Ex: 15% to drop a fighter buff herb, 20% for each specific herb. Retail values would be: 1. {{{{[herb_of_hp_a];1;1;55};{[greater_herb_of_hp_a];1;1;38};{[full_herb_of_hp_a];1;1;7}};42}; 2. {{{[herb_of_mp_a];1;1;26};{[greater_herb_of_mp_a];1;1;65};{[full_herb_of_mp_a];1;1;9}};11}; 3. {{{[herb_of_pa];1;1;20};{[herb_of_pa_speed];1;1;20};{[herb_of_crt_rate];1;1;20};{[vampiric_rage_herb];1;1;20};{[death_whisper_herb];1;1;20}};25}; 4. {{{[herb_of_ma];1;1;50};{[herb_of_ma_speed];1;1;50}};10}; 5. {{{[figher_herb];1;1;33};{[magician_herb];1;1;33};{[recovery_herb];1;1;34}};1}; 6. {{{[herb_of_move_speed];1;1;94};{[big_head_herb];1;1;3};{[vitality_herb1];1;1;3}};11}} I calculated the values to reflect external x internal chances of drops occuring. I also removed the herbs that do not exist in IL. For MP herbs I used the most balanced and common value found in GF, as it has about 8 different values for all mobs, each value with 100ish npcs associated with it. To be retail-like I would need 6 tables - vang extender for now gives me only 4, so this is everything that could I can do for now. I used the names the extender reads as the droptables (low, mid, high, buffs). The 4 groups are like this: 1. hp herbs. 2. mp herbs. 3. fighter buffs + combo fighter. 4. mage buffs + mage combo + speed herb. Hopefully this helps somebody that is also annoyed by the current herbs system until it is improved. Link: http://pastebin.com/u2bj3hMZ EDIT: As vangs extender doesnt have the parameter item_multi_skill_list={ from GF (it has only item_skill that accepts only one effect), the Mystic and Warrior herbs wont work unless a new skill is created and have both effects added + client is edited, adding the new buffs. As the goal here is to simply provide a better herbdata (as retail as possible), and editing the client to add the new skill with both effects kind of would go against it, at least for now i m uploading a version without those, as I dont want to make anyone have to update itemdata+skilldata+client skill dats. That would also be flawed because it would need to be a new multibuff effect (like cov), unfortunately stacking with default buffs if i_dispel_by_slot isnt added (tho if its, it would remove the original buff that it happens replace, and the original buff wouldnt return when the time from the combo ones (2 minutes) runs out, making it a pain in the ass when hunting - the user would have to carefully pick up the herbs 1 by 1 and not simply spam pickup. So, in short, editing IL scripts alone, thats pretty much the best that can be done. http://pastebin.com/Kgnb8Qda
  11. Didn't sell the files then?
  12. Also, forums have x1 npcdata posted if u need it. (this is x13).
  13. Don't have it clean anymore.
  14. firewall block l2asrv or you will get some keylogger/whatever. If u block it, its all good
  15. Thanks. HerbData and certification are interesting
  16. read the fucking topic or the message just above yours.
  17. Even if it wasn't I scam I don't see why one would pay $900 for GF.
  18. http://www.4shared.com/rar/snWypoSqce/L2server__1_.html
  19. mirror: www.filedropper.com/l2server
  20. I d love that cpu for video converting lol
  21. ask for key on their forums (advext). This info is in the original post
  22. HF/H5 = high five
  23. Extender based on C4.
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