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Everything posted by ericvini

  1. I've seen that happen on GF. I didn't investigate as changing the folders location fixed it + using old .exe backups fixed it. Give it a try but prolly won't do shit.
  2. Then it's a synthax problem, check other skills like this, test numbers etc. I ve never used IL.
  3. See if IL scripts are similar to GF. skill_begin skill_name = [s_summon_unicorn_magnus1] /* [서먼 유니콘 매그너스] */ skill_id = 1407 level = 1 operate_type = A1 magic_level = 79 self_effect = {} effect = {{i_summon;[unicorn_magnus];100;[spirit_ore];11;3600}} operate_cond = {{can_summon}} is_magic = 1 mp_consume1 = 29 mp_consume2 = 115 item_consume = {[spirit_ore];4} cast_range = -1 effective_range = -1 skill_hit_time = 15 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0.5 reuse_delay = 5 attribute = {attr_none;0} trait = {trait_none} effect_point = 0 target_type = self affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_strider;@ride_wyvern;@ride_wolf} multi_class = 0 olympiad_use = 1 skill_end effect = {{i_summon;[unicorn_magnus];100;[spirit_ore];11;3600}} 3600 = 1 hour.
  4. Not that my case matters but I've been running GF (with almost no players - so there is that - only 9-12 bots) with turbo boost (off by now tho) + HT + W7 without any problems for over a year. (my usage doesn't get to use TB anyway...)
  5. Erics must haunt mac's dreams
  6. Is that my clone?
  7. Pretty sure my question was as concrete and not ambiguous as possible. But I'm guessing your message is in general.
  8. Dude, again. This is L2off + English section.
  9. 2. Look for the xmas weapons to be your examples Crtl+F 4 hours/8 hours in a fileeditor. eg: ID 20115. item_begin weapon 20115 [br_xmas_2h_mage_d] item_type=weapon slot_bit_type={lrhand} armor_type=none etcitem_type=none delay_share_group=-1 item_multi_skill_list={s_br_xmas_2h_mage} recipe_id=0 blessed=0 weight=333 default_action=action_equip consume_type=consume_type_normal initial_count=1 maximum_count=1 soulshot_count=3 spiritshot_count=3 reduced_soulshot={} reduced_spiritshot={} reduced_mp_consume={} immediate_effect=1 ex_immediate_effect=0 drop_period=10 duration={-1;0} use_skill_distime=0 period=240 equip_reuse_delay=0 price=0 default_price=0 item_skill=[none] critical_attack_skill=[none] attack_skill=[none] magic_skill=[none] item_skill_enchanted_four=[none] capsuled_items={} material_type=wood crystal_type=d crystal_count=0 is_trade=0 is_drop=0 is_destruct=1 keep_type=0 physical_damage=77 random_damage=20 weapon_type=blunt can_penetrate=0 critical=4 hit_modify=4.75 avoid_modify=0 dual_fhit_rate=0 shield_defense=0 shield_defense_rate=0 attack_range=40 damage_range={0;0;46;120} attack_speed=325 reuse_delay=0 mp_consume=0 magical_damage=63 durability=-1 damaged=0 physical_defense=0 magical_defense=0 mp_bonus=0 category={} enchanted=0 base_attribute_attack={none;0} base_attribute_defend={0;0;0;0;0;0} html=[item_default.htm] magic_weapon=1 enchant_enable=0 elemental_enable=0 unequip_skill={} for_npc=0 item_equip_option={} use_condition={} equip_condition={} can_move=0 is_premium=0 /*산양머리지팡이-이벤트*/ item_endDid you buy their cheaper pack without the support option? =p
  10. For starters, what version are you running? =p
  11. It's called INTRO. herp derp.
  12. Hey, does anyone remember the name of the first song on this video to add to my lobby in the ALAudio.int? I had this quite some time ago =/ Thanks. edit: called INTRO.
  13. edit: toggles still have their own 12 slots, sweet. If you go over 36 buffs, the server doesn't crash; the first buff simply gets removed. Songs/Dances are fine. Perfect, pretty balanced.
  14. I'm still trying to get my hex editor to find using 43f843 in the search and not the hex 'characters' in the picture. I'm only finding that offset by searching the hex sequences. Fucking hex editors and their different searches.
  15. After banging my head on this and failing miserably, xRivalx did it for me! My IDA skills proved to be nonexistent. The .exe was hex edited to accept a max of 16 extra buffs (adding a whole new line of 12 buffs). Funny how it was a simple number 4. Uploading the .exe if anyone wants it. http://www.multiupfile.com/f/0f4eb788
  16. Thanks, gonna try the hex edit and inform how well that works (muuuch later on the week :p)
  17. Skilldata, p_effect from 4 to 6. I changed every skill to be the same and not risk having the wrong level on the tests. The characters have the skill. skill_begin skill_name = [s_increase_of_divinity1] /* [인크리스 오브 디비니티] */ skill_id = 1405 level = 1 operate_type = P magic_level = 52 self_effect = {} effect = {{p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;6}} multi_class = 0 skill_end skill_begin skill_name = [s_increase_of_divinity2] /* [인크리스 오브 디비니티] */ skill_id = 1405 level = 2 operate_type = P magic_level = 61 self_effect = {} effect = {{p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;6}} multi_class = 0 skill_end skill_begin skill_name = [s_increase_of_divinity3] /* [인크리스 오브 디비니티] */ skill_id = 1405 level = 3 operate_type = P magic_level = 76 self_effect = {} effect = {{p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;6}} multi_class = 0 skill_end skill_begin skill_name = [s_increase_of_divinity4] /* [인크리스 오브 디비니티] */ skill_id = 1405 level = 4 operate_type = P magic_level = 76 self_effect = {} effect = {{p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;6}} multi_class = 0 skill_end4 extra buff slots still work perfectly. If you add one more buff, the first one gets canceled. It´s not on the client-side only (a display problem), as you can see on the 2 pictures below. The buff that got canceled is the combo matk/mdef one. In the char stats you can see the mdef/matk getting lower. Adding the p_effect 1 on another passive skill doesnt add up over 4 either (4 from p increase_divinity + 1 from the other passive) I guess I'm out of luck on this. Is there any script-way to make specific buffs count as a toggle while NOT being a toggle skill (remaining an active skill)? I'm trying to achieve that but nopenopenopenope. End game, when you have like 8 buffs that can randomly pop-up (resists/wills/subclass skills) this sux. As pure trivia, I remember Ncsoft was supposed to fix this in korea for HF or something after a shitload of complaints, but I don't know if they ever actually did that in HF or waited to make 93129231 combo buffs for GoD.
  18. Using Gracia Final. I've tried increasing the number of buff slots by: a) Increasing the number in the effect of the increase_div skill, but it seems that 4 is the cap that the daemon has. Changing p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;4 to p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;5 doesn't work. b ) Adding this effect to other passive skills, e.g s_expertise_s, to make it stack (having both skills - increase_div + expertise on the char - p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;4 + p_enlarge_abnormal_slot;4 would be 8 ) doesn't work either. Anything that can be done with scripts alone? I have noticed that toggle skills don't count towards the buff slots (or have their own cap of 12 if that exists like s/d and debuffs). Any idea if could I make other buffs count towards this - count on the toggle's number -, instead of the regular buff slots, but keep being a "castable" buff? I have had no luck keeping the buff castable, aka not a toggle, and not counting towards the buff slots number at the same time. Any other ideas/ pov's would be appreciated. Thanks.
  19. Do you happen to have oog that still works by any chance?
  20. Freya should have pretty much every item from GF. I added Freya items on GF, so yes.
  21. This is l2off. Try google. The client is there.
  22. HB+ = Hellbound or later. Gracia Final. Not HB = Interlude, C4. Just get the gmpanel and use their pch generator.
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