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Everything posted by Solomun

  1. Choose another client. I would prefer high five.
  2. Go to double shot or any other archer skill and copy the condition.
  3. Take the bypass code from giran normal gatekeeper and change the id of the teleport. I think goto bypass is only for admins, if im not wrong...
  4. Today is your lucky day :) http://www80.zippyshare.com/v/0taNH9yW/file.html
  5. You must change skillType too. Try to copy the value from vampiric claw or any other absorbing HP skill.
  6. Good luck this time to l2world, i really had some great time 3 years ago :)
  7. Thanks for the advises @Elfocrash I guess Tomcat would be enough as an Apache server, right? P.S: I am looking into these frameworks you mentioned already.
  8. Well, i am planning to develop and design a web app this year. I will start the design after my exam period, probably last days of September. I have a basic plan in how to start designing and such but since i want to do it as good and as efficient as possible i would like to get some more opinions. So the questions that im being in secure are the following: Back-end: -Is a RESTful API enough to handle all back-end stuff? -I would like to develop the REST services in java, is that a thing? -What would u choose between Spring and Jersey? Front-end(Website): -What language would you use in order to send the HTTP requests to the RESTful API? I am thinking that JavaScript would be enough. I know that all these are variables depending on what things the Web-App is going to do. In order to explain it as easy as i can, it's something like Instagram, with of-course less functions and features. All advises are welcome of course. I will design the UI/UX in paper then start designing the website and in the same time the back-end, and in the end i will develop an Android application.
  9. Log4j appenders can only write in locations where "write" permissions are enabled. Move your datapack location somewhere with "write" permissions.
  10. Yes. In order to see it by yourself, download its system. It is only 16 MB. No any custom add-ons, which is great.
  11. I just visited a topic which has more tags than content. Ok ok, i see... Good luck to find what you are looking for.
  12. You 'll have to give us more info than that. We can't guess what you are asking for.
  13. Protection from DOS attacks is being provided by your hosting company, and of course dependable by your hosting plan. Protection from bots (L2Net, L2Tower, Adrenaline, etc...) is being provided by client anti-bot systems, such as SmartGuard, LameGuard, JGuard etc. Like @Reborn12 mentioned, search here for anti-bots.
  14. I think (from what i've read around) that smart-guard is better. Also that jguard is easy to be bypassed.
  15. If i got your question right, take a look at this, it might help you and cover your question.
  16. People (including me) would not join such a server in my opinion. Learning and being part of new/innovative things is not something that people would do in 2k17. Because simply, we are at 2k17, and you my friend, are referring to a Lineage 2 server. Good luck though...:)
  17. About 30-50, playing olympiad almost all day. I really enjoy to log in here from times to times, just to spend an afternoon...
  18. L2Era = L2 Tales? o.O
  19. What kind of payment? Daily? Monthly? Hourly or what? :)
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