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About SoRceRaCoZ

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  1. Hello, I am looking for a developer with Java knowledge and English communication, for a Hi5 project. Payment through a PayPal. Send me PM with your Skype ID or reply.
  2. Έμπιστος, γρήγορος, άμεση ανταπόκριση. Αξιόπιστος !!! Συνιστώ ανεπιφύλακτα
  3. I don't think so, where can i see if i miss this?
  4. Can someone please tell me how can i fix that? History: NCXMLTreeCtrl::OnPaint <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::DrawChildWindow <- WM_PAINT <- NCVirtualWndMain::DispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd::ConsolePostRender <- UILoadingState::DrawLoadingScreen <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture L2UI_ch3.QuestWnd.QUESTWNDPANEL2 NULL) <- NWndUtil::LoadTexture <- NCObject::LoadTexture <- NCXMLTree::NCXMLTree <- NCXMLTreeCtrl::OnCreate <- NCWnd::SetHandle <- NCWindowBase::RegisterChildWindow <- XMLUIData::Create <- XMLTreeCtrlData::Create <- XMLWindowData::CreateChildRecursively <- XMLWindowData::Create <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindowWithWindowData <- XMLDataManager::CreateWindowsOnCondition <- XMLUIManager::CreateWindowByUIScript <- XMLUIManager::ExecuteUIEvent <- ID:2610, param:type=update classID=15312 name=Exclusive Bracelet iconName=icon.accessory_lbracelet_of_dawn description=A customized bracelet that allows you to use up to 6 talismans. It can be bought by earning PvP Coins in the PvP zone. itemType=1 serverID=268492985 itemNum=1 slotBitType=1048576 enchanted=0 blessed=0 damaged=0 equipped=1 price=0 reserved=-1 reserved64=0 defaultPrice=0 refineryOp1=0 refineryOp2=0 currentDurability=520 currentPeriod=0 enchantOption1=0 enchantOption2=0 enchantOption3=0 relatedQuestCnt=0 weight=15 materialType=4 durability=-1 crystalType=5 armorType=0 avoidModify=0 physicalDefense=0 magicalDefense=0 mpBonus=0 ItemSubType=1 AttackAttributeType=-2 AttackAttributeValue=0 DefenseAttributeValueFire=0 DefenseAttributeValueWater=0 DefenseAttributeValueWind=0 DefenseAttributeValueEarth=0 DefenseAttributeValueHoly=0 DefenseAttributeValueUnholy=0 IsBRPremium=0 BR_CurrentEnergy=-1 BR_MaxEnergy=-1 Order=17 Order=17 <- NConsoleWnd::UpdateInventoryItem <- TEXT("InventoryUpdatePacket") <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=InventoryUpdate <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop
  5. Server is promising and well worked aswell. We will try it for sure
  6. Division: DIAMOND 5 Champions: 113 Skins: 90 Rune Pages: 19/Full Runes Server: EUNE IP: 15.000 Price: 350€ Screenshots: Profile: http://imgur.com/HpLK8CD Champions NOT OWNED: http://imgur.com/yTJESoM Runes : http://imgur.com/3n7GfHY Skins: nurse akali,silverfang akali,infernal alistar,marauder alistar,pharaoh amumu,goth annie,red riding annie,frankentibbers annie,officer caitlyn,headhunter caitlyn,mythic cassio,jade fang casio,battlecast prime cho gath,dunkmaster darius,mr.mundo,victorious elise,frosted ezreal,dedonair ezreal,project fiora,tundra fizz,fisherman fizz,void fizz,special forces gangplank,captain gangplank,commando garen,pool party graves,frostblade irelia,frost queen janna,commando j4,warring kingdoms j4,nemesis jax,warden jax,traditional karma,harbinger kassadin,mercenery kata,project kata,sandstorm kata,riot kayle,karate kennen,mecha kha zix,guardian of the sands kha zix,death blossom kha zix,muay thai lee sin,pool party lee sin,valkyrie leona,hired gun lucian,striker lucian,mecha malphite,djinn malzahar,victorious mao,assassin master yi,cowgirl miss fortune,candy cane miss fortune,infernal morde,ghost bride morgana,victorious morgana,french maid nidalee,pharaoh nidalee,demolisher nunu,full metal pantheon,chrome rammus,full metal rammus,headhunter rengar,night hunter rengar,ssw rengar,mad hatter shaco,warlord shen,tpa shen,victorious sivir,guqin sona,bilgewater swain,super teemo,deep terror thresh,rocket girl tristana,musketeer twisted fate,white mage veigar ,marquis vladimir,blood lord vladimir,hyena warwick,general wukong,jade dragon wukong,viscero xin zhao,high noon yasuo,project yasuo,shockblade zed,mad scientist ziggs,major ziggs,snow day ziggs The price is negotiable PM ME with your fb url or skype id.
  7. Awesome features, perfectly represents a pvp server i would sure be in!
  8. Awesome features, perfectly represents a pvp server i would sure be in!
  9. Geia sas.Anarwtiamun ama kaneis sas iksere kanena bug pou doulevei ston L2Pride, h na fortonei to L2Phx kai na doulevei omws.Thx
  10. poly wraio kai analytiko..to kaneis eukolo sto stisimo
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