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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. when fr3dbr left you fucked up everything. Soon guytis will share remastered or 3.0 and the era edvext will ends xD
  2. I am one of the people who have purchased his files about 2 months ago. I can guarantee, that he is not a scammer or liar nor is he a bad person in general. Whenever I text him for some small problems with the files, he has always texted me back and helped me resolve them. Everything he has written in his topic is 100% real. Maybe he is one of the people if not the only one who knows what he is doing with the l2off ext. This comment will not be the last you will see, because your prices are through the roof and in order for me to buy a server from you, I would need to rob a bank. As far as I can recall, I have used your extender twice for two separate projects, and for the second server you wanted 500 EUR, because my license was over, and I had to make it active with some shitty update or something. I paid the 500 EUR to make it active again, started the server and over 50% of the players left the server on the second day, because of the unbalanced skill data, tons of wrong and bugged quests in the AI. If I had to put it in simple text: Shift + DEL made my life easier. I have lost probably close to 20K EUR if not even more, because of your “ successful business model “. So, I know very well about your “working” files.
  3. This dog will never learn how make money. I will recommend you to not spend time on topzone.
  4. The scammer is Gustavo (guytis) 100% .. I know DumanisT since 2009 he is good dog
  5. Of course I will block you, even if you were my friend I would do the same. After all you wasted 2 months of my life with these lies for what only 40$. But when you saw the dispute on Paypal, you needed what only 2-3 minutes to text me. As far as the H5 code which I gave you to work on. It has been shared in maxcheaters. Just explain to the people why did you take the 40$ and lied and wasted my time for weeks. You can write here, you don’t need a friend like me.
  6. I don’t know why you would think, that I have given you the real extender code for the server. Do you honestly think, I am this stupid to do it ? I am aware that you have shared and sold Master Toma’s files. This H5 ext was shared on MaxCheaters over 2 years ago. Here is a little advice for you my friend, don’t worry it is free. Stop pretending to be a developer, and taking people’s money without doing any work. If this is true that you make 500 euro for 2 days on your server, this is a better way instead of pretending to be something you are not. Let’s be honest and real. You don’t even have 40$ in your account for the refund. You are pathetic
  7. Hello everyone, I would like to report another scammer. I know it is not worth it for 40$, but still so you will know and to avoid using his services. So the deal that we made was the following: for him to work on the HF extender, to make PC Bang Points and to turn off the nevit blessing system. I paid him at the beginning of December, after that as far as i knew he had some real life problems for which he apologized. He said that, if he wasn’t able to fix these things he would return the money. After some time around a month later, I got in touch with him and his answer was, that he spent 2 days fixing these problems for 40$ when he could work on his server and earn 500$. I told him that there was no problem for paying more and asked about the final price, and his answer was simply that there is no point of working on these things without sleeping for 40$. And now the interesting part. For 2 flags some devs wanted from him 50$ so they can create them, after which I told him, that I will make them for him for free, which I did. After I gave him the files he was happy and pleased, he told me that after placing the flags in his server, he would start working on my things. I tried contacting him 3-4 days apart, but there was no answer from him for a month. We communicated on WhatsApp and Skype, and simply I decided to open a dispute on paypal and he needed only 2 min to answer me after the dispute. I asked if we can talk normally and come to an agreement, on which he replied that he has no obligations towards me. But the money is still in his account. I tried asking what is going on and understanding his situation, if there is a problem, but he only replied that I lost a good developer. I lost only a lot of time with him. @guytis Enjoy
  8. Gustavo if i dont get refund till tomorrow night i will need an answers.
  9. We are sadden to announce, that due to technical issues, we will have to delay the opening of our project. We are moving the Grand Opening from 26th of December to 2nd of January, 2022 so we can have the technical time to remove any and all problem, so we can provide our players with the perfect gameplay which they deserve. All created characters at the Grand Opening on the 2nd of January, 2022 will receive a reward. Our team extends it’s deepest apologies for any inconvenience, which this may have caused.
  10. @Lantussend me pm on skype :f4sh10n or discord:SkyLord#8363 i will try to help
  11. Dear friends, We promised you an Interlude server towards the end of the year, now we are here to deliver. The entire L2mid team is proud to present you, a returning legend! L2Mid Interlude Dynamic Rates X25 A traditional Interlude server most fitting for the upcoming Christmas Season! Grand Opening: 26th December 2021 Website: https://l2mid.com Let’s send off this year in a fitting way, by playing on the top Interlude mid-rate server! You can seat tight and expect in the near future, when we will announce more information about other upcoming projects with whom we will be collaborating. Merry Christmas, and may all your Christmases be white! May the true spirit of Christmas shine in your heart and light your path. Dynamic Rates x25 is a classic game with simplified development and with maximum approximation to massive PVP battles. Сlassic, but simplistic gameplay maintains a constant competition in all its manifestations. Here you will not achieve everything in just one day and you will not quietly develop because your competitors will disturb you all time. Dynamic Rates Experience and Skill Points from Monsters: 1-61 Level - x25 Dynamic Rates Experience and Skill Points from Monsters: 61-76 LEVEL - X15 Dynamic Rates Experience and Skill Points from Monsters: 76-80 LEVEL - X5 ADENA x15 SEAL STONES x10 DROP x15 SPOIL x15 MANOR x1 Raid Boss Experience, Skill Points and Drop x7 Epic Boss Experience, Skill Points and Drop x1 Quest Item Drop x3 Quest Item Reward x2 Daily Quest Every 24 hours
  12. There is no point of me saying what kind of guy is he, when you can find so many people who were also scammed by him. Further more as you say the product is not delivered as you said, there are like 3 working things on it, and these 3 things are worth 700$ ? I am not a interface developer and why should I search for other developers, when I had a deal with this guy, but he decided to completely change it and wanted almost 1200$ to complete a couple of more things on the interface. Are you even aware of what is the completion stage of this interface, for these so called “ 700 reasonable dollars” ?
  13. @iPerfect I will explain the original deal between us. The deal was, that by buying the interface from you, you would continue to work on it, because it wasn’t the finish product, and you would send me the updates on it as you work. I do not know what screenshots you are talking about all I can see on these screenshots is a conversation between two people. And this has nothing to do regarding our deal. And might I add again, that I am not the only one who was scammed by you. Now I am sure, that you are a liar and a thief, and you are continuing to steal files from other developers and try to re-sell them as if they are your own.
  14. I would like to raise the following complaint. It was about an year ago I got in touch with a man from a gaming forum, in which he announced that he was selling an interface and custom files for a online game. We got to an agreement which was the following: I would receive the files and future updates because they weren’t completed at the moment, in the next couple of months we communicated through skype and from time to time I would ask him about upcoming updates and when can I expect them. His answers were soon and that he was busy with new projects for other customers. So month after month had passed and now almost an year later I am not sure he will make those promised updates for my files. Today I decided to text him, because an year had passed and I can’t do anything without the updates, and his answer was, that we haven’t agreed for any updates and, if I want updates I would have to pay extra, that he was not going to work for free. So the reason for raising this complaint is, that he is trying to change the original agreement. If needed I can provide you with the relative proof from our conversation. The deal was made on a conversation on skype, where he gave me the number of his wallet so I can send him 712 WMZ. (USD) I already uploaded pictures which are proof of the conversation over skype. On them you can see the dates and times of the arrangement. The money was sent on the 8th of December 2020 at 20:58h. The amount of money was sent to the wallet with a number: Z375730163439 https://files.webmoney.ru/files/kLaQ2HpF https://files.webmoney.ru/files/2LeSMNjA https://files.webmoney.ru/files/iHo7H1N7 https://files.webmoney.ru/files/fncsrFOg https://files.webmoney.ru/files/o0ajEBNT https://files.webmoney.ru/files/NZIin4RR @iPerfect I have uploaded enough pictures which prove, that you had told me, that you would give me updates if I buy the interface. Don’t try to modify the conversation. The source code was never put up for sale, therefore by saying that I have resold it, you are only lying and spreading rumors. You are nothing more than a lier, and I managed to find some very interesting topics about you and how you are trying to scam people in a similar way to mine. Here is the topic : ps. if i dont win the dispute your files will be shared.
  15. i am looking for client dev or someone who can fix this issue. I am using GF ext as i know the problem is in the system folders 83 or 87 protocol.
  16. all the maps will not work, you need to add animations and system textures and regular textures to them
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