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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. Make some fake here? Nice trick ingame with fake/ phantom players :) Create char and start in Giran :) Even if you comment people dont like stalonski servers. L2J based on L2OFF :x by advextender... cmon...
  2. You have 1 day :) and i will laughting like a idiot. xD
  3. Screen masters :) wish you gl with the server boyz. You professional java dev art team. Good dogz @Stalone @Strain @GoldenBrown @AchYlek The results are coming soon.
  4. As you see all votes for l2mid are coming from Greek names. I really dont know greek language.. :) wish i know Its just a greek poll... from a greek advertiser. Its normal to be hated in your county.
  5. Dont take it personally. You can't escape from the real vote :). Good luck tomorrow.
  6. Very nice professional who pay for movie makers, java developers , graphic designers and idiots who create fake profiles to flame me in my topics. Nice professional owner. As you see i am working alone.. and here are the results ps dont hate me because i am the best mid.
  7. ps. the best greek server. xD
  8. tested on PTS interlude. geodata, map, doors. Everything is perfect! We will use this zone for GVE Event! GJ.
  9. Guys why you dont hide you ip? :x neo sorry for that :)
  10. and you guys telling me my server is corrupt? http://imgur.com/gallery/GAC7Exx
  11. You really dont know why. ? :)
  12. It doesnt matter my friend.
  13. Shut up @Stalone Your end is close. No more tales elixir zeus and other shitty java kiddo projects. You will be fail in few days. http://imgur.com/gallery/GAC7Exx
  14. Look what i found :) and you guys telling me my server is corrupt? http://imgur.com/gallery/GAC7Exx
  15. btw nice trick for selling epics info :) if my community is dead why you advertise in l2mid discord server? @GoldenBrown I dont need advertise to kick your ass with the online. Keep updating your phantom mod. @Stalone again 9k online? keep dreaming real views. keep dreaming for my online.
  16. @AdBlock - stalon why u hate me so much this season? cuz people will leave you for mid? dont even try to hide your greek a$$ with fake profiles :) i know who you are.
  17. No need anymore :) still got the power.
  18. Golden brown Nice advertise on my pages :)
  19. reming me your last 2 servers :d you mean global, averia servers?
  20. no web from strain? nice fake btw.
  21. The beast is back :P vercetti 20k online again?
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