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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. banned without reason ooh c'mon.. you guys are pathetic. my professional answers are in forum.l2mid not here. mxc are full with haters and kids try to fuck every single server.
  2. believe or not.. we do not sell items. i do not need to prove anything. like i said there is real statistics epic owners and top enchanted on my website. nowadays servers fail because of players. not because the server is not good. because the players are stupid... they cant play 1 server more than 2 weeks.
  3. the hate is real :)) sorry but why u cant make 1 good movie with all proofs? there is only text and screens malaka. You have only screens? this screens prove i am corrupt? jahahahahahajabanabababababaababababhaahahahahah there is like 10 fake skylord skype users trying to scam epics from l2mid. maybe is that you?
  4. btw u see this funny video with pictures? :d gangland team made that video hahahhahahhahahahahhahahahhaha
  5. there is real conversation. http://forum.l2mid.com/index.php?/topic/933-treshak-gangland-leader-175-euro-payment/
  6. treshak treshak what u are trying to do mate :) download photoshop and create these fake screens with high quality.
  7. i am going to work but i have some time to write you fast something important IN 2015 WE LOST 2000euro+ then i promise myself i will not pay never again to clans: so believe or not i dont care ;) i see some clans already registered and i can confirm 100% they are fake. here is my list Alliance - Ferrari play 1 day and he quit. gangland - Treshak coming with 2 parties and he recruit ppl from the server. RIFTside - faris :) coming with 10 parties :D he take payment for 1 topic and dissapear. xSide excuseme - after payment he hide like a mouse. Epidemic, - after payment he dissapear. Smite- my love playmaker - the same story ignore forver :D if u pay them he will quit atm. (btw he is friend with trashak) Future - Meatboy he lie that he is out of town and he cant play :D SkillAndExp, 1 topic and thats it. IGNORE! shit russian clan ) HighSkill, robinn play with 3 people not more. 5 days. CriticalStorm they just show movies, pictures of the clan They dont play. this clans just make topics and they dont give a fuck for 150$ :) Treshak will recruit players from your forum :) He will come wiht 2 parties maximum and then he will start recruit ppl from random clans. he will join all teamspeaks and flood. srly GL with your server mate.. be sure Вася will try to DDOS you :)
  8. Best servers does not sell Items. We already sold 55k lucky golds. Trashak - We dont have time do sell items for 50 euros. We got only noblesse, premium rune 3rd class and subclass for LG. We do not sell epics and over-еnchanted items. You can talk alot shits again again and again again again Btw All players can see the EPICS AND ENCHANTED items here: http://l2mid.com/status.php?type=epic http://l2mid.com/status.php?type=enchant Here is my proffesional answer to you: YOU ARE JUST BANNED FROM L2MID! Thats why you CRY CRY CRYCRYYY LIKE A WHOREEEE. I already speak with your Cp leaders From bulgaria from UK, Romania and Brazil. They confirm that they will never play with you again... actually i dont care for that.. right now i am in your teamspeak with greek vpn proxy. You dont have FRIENDS anymore cuz u take all the money from servers.. and u do not pay to your CP leaders ;) so sweety my albanian boy. You will never be part for l2mid again. Tomorrow someone will win your epics :) this is fucking awesone. Лучший Европейский пвп-крафт сервер - НЕ продает игровые ценности. Мы продали 55 тысяч донат монет. У нас нет времени, что бы продавать игровые вещи за 50 евро. На нашем сервере можно купить за "лаки голд" (донат монеты) только - нобл, саб-класс, третью профессию и премиум руны. Мы НЕ продаем эпик и точеные пушки\шмот. Ты можешь писать кучу дерьма в наш адрес снова и снова, но все, кто усомнится в нашей честности - могут наблюдать эпик или ОЕ оружие в соответствующей статистике. http://l2mid.com/status.php?type=epic http://l2mid.com/status.php?type=enchant Ты забанен на нашем проекте. Вот почему ты плачешь и везде пытаешься очернить наше имя. Я уже поговорил со многими КП лидерами из разных стран, и они подтверидил - что больше с тобой НИКОГДА играть не будут. Если честно, мне как-то все равно, будешь ли ты играть на нашем проекте, будешь ли ты писать чушь, это все - не имеет значения. У тебя нет больше - ни друзей, ни желающих с тобой играть, потому, что ты все деньги забрал себе и не заплатил ни одному КП лидеру, которые играли с тобой. Отныне - ты не будешь частью нашему проекта L2mid.com. Завтра, кто-то выиграет эпик, который ты прикарманил, и это будет честно, справедливо и эффектно. Желаю тебе развиваться в жизни и не быть таким мерзким человеком! С любовью - Skylord, владелец проекта - L2mid.com i AM OUT!
  9. Hew newbie welcome to my world. stop copy l2mid features. OOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :d Realm its the new server with payments to leaders?
  10. You are free peson u can do what u want. Here is my professional answer. You can broadcast my d1ck.
  11. Treshak is banned with Valakas,AQ, Core epics and now they are trying to do something bad to l2mid. Let me tell you something.
  12. We do not give free coins. Nice try btw. Что это блять за хуйня ?! Какого, сука, хуя ?!Я тебе бесплатные монеты дал? Дал. Какого хуя ты пытаешься выставить эту хрень на всеобщее обозрение? Не позорься!
  13. you greedy bastard. there is real epic owners from the server and top enchanted statistics> every 30 minutes update. http://l2mid.com/status.php?type=epic
  14. I promise you i will stream today. There is 2500 real online in l2mid.com http://twitch.tv/l2mid I will share video too. :)
  15. u can start counting on the picture from 2015 .. and then look this from today :) gl guys people need me. i am out
  16. who the f4ck are you to prove you screens :) if you want to check the online login.. look the giran before 2 years. its already shared
  17. there is competition right now. https://go.twitch.tv/artem_l1ndvior https://go.twitch.tv/kishgirl i will prove you tomorrow with my stream https://go.twitch.tv/l2mid
  18. all our servers start with 2000+ its normal for pts. btw if u want i can stream tomorrow night 20:00 CET and i will write //who to check the online ok.?
  19. these clans wasnt in giran becasue they wait for cabrio.
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