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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. change your xor table.. to protect you balls. in networkhandles.cpp static const BYTE xorKey[32][8]
  2. if the private servers exists.. this game will never end.
  3. You are free person. You can write what u want.
  4. who me? I am not developer Blackhive sad that. ConAddr ca; ca.addrStr1 = "login1.l2mid.com"; ca.addr1 = 0; ca.addrStr2 = "login2.l2mid.com"; ca.addr2 = 0; m_Template.push_back(ca); ConAddr ca2; ca2.addrStr1 = "login3.l2mid.com"; ca2.addr1 = 0; ca2.addrStr2 = "login4.l2mid.com"; ca2.addr2 = 0; m_Template.push_back(ca2); VIRTUALIZER_END; } struct ConnectData { UINT addr; UINT port; bool valid; ConnectData() : addr(0), port(0), valid(0) {}; ConnectData(UINT a, UINT p) : addr(a), port(p), valid(false) {}; }; bool CanConnect(UINT addrVal, UINT port) { bool valid = false; SOCKET s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(s != INVALID_SOCKET) { SOCKADDR_IN sockAddr; memset(&sockAddr,0, sizeof(sockAddr)); sockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; sockAddr.sin_port = htons(port); sockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = addrVal; typedef int (WSAAPI * _fcon)(IN SOCKET s, IN const struct sockaddr FAR * name, IN int namelen); HMODULE hW = GetModuleHandle(L"Ws2_32.dll"); if(hW) { _fcon fCon = (_fcon)GetProcAddress(hW, "connect"); if(fCon) { int result = fCon(s,(SOCKADDR *)&sockAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN)); if(result == 0) { valid = true; }else { valid = false; } } } closesocket(s); } return valid; }
  5. You talk too much kid. lets meet in 1 conversation skype: f4sh10n
  6. You think sublimity is alive? There is only 2 sides alliance vs. toyfactory and some randoms. I got information Opal got alot of bugs on his extender? He fail 2 times in 2 days. He can't compare with l2mid files.:)
  7. Blackhive u spam alot man.
  8. Blackhive You are crying? This screen does not means anything. Make a video next time. Try to stop me. EDIT Btw in maxcheaters you can find alot of fake pictures... example how i sell epics items etc.
  9. Where u see topic l2world from me? I just make 1 post here and people said it's skylord server. lol
  10. There is no good java interlude server. Cleaver is crap and nobody will go there thats why he do not open the forum. 400-500 ppl max. As i said l2world is not mine project.. believe me or not i dont care. I am work alone now and i am the owner of l2mid and l2abyss. remember that abyss? my 1st successful low rate server. http://l2abyss.com/- this is not advertise.
  11. I am not your maid, nor your slave. Paid or unpaid.I will only be me and thats all I will ever be. my life my choices my mistakes my lessons - not your business.
  12. i dont know man. what u doing here? this topic belongs to me.
  13. He is fking gypsy hater troll from another project. Actually i dont know who is..and i have nothing against this guy.
  14. Go to doctor maybe? You are far from the truth.. 1st of all i dont have any partners since logix get out (my brother) i am working alone on l2mid. i don't know what to look on these pictures? about black donations huh stop joke with that :) one day if you open big server like mine you will not need to sell items ++ and shits. you will not found because we only sell lucky golds with our company in g2a. mofo fuck your life.. you now english and u think i cant answer cuz i am Bulgarian? :) the truth is so clear and i dont give a fuck about your words kid. "l2mid is not corrupt" maybe will show some fake pics? if u open big server like l2mid u will not need to sell items for
  15. you forget l2classic belongs to me :) https://who.is/whois/l2classic.club
  16. don't up this topic. skylord will open next project in october.
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