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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. Yeah mr 4 posts Dont make me laugh :) show me that bypass working. You have time beta start in 12 hours.
  2. Actually 2000+ banned accounts from last season! Maybe you know better than me idk... Now we are coming with new bot protection. be ready to test it tomorrow.
  3. < bst server corrupt without any proofs. 3 days to beta server.
  4. Yeah, yeah everytime you write something wrong in my topics. You think that you will make me sad or what? Put your screens in your ass. thx for keeping me up.. and tnx god for mxc privileges) I know exactly who are you kid. Dont hide from me :) Иди нахуй пес, хейтер евро пвп, всем выплаты всегда выплачивают, почитай правила акции "Твинко \ не играющим пакам бонус НЕ ВЫДАЮТ" что и отписал администратор. Зачем ты тут позоришься пес сраный?
  5. LOL stop lie people because this is not correct. Do you have any idea what is 9v9 tournament? actually he ask admin for money because his party finished TOP 2. edit: today i was speak with euro-pvp admin. he said "we pay them" keep doing shits tommy.. some 1 will believe you
  6. daily traffic from maxcheaters. gj maxtor ) i pay same money to l2jbrasil, l2j.lt and mmo24 sucks suckks
  7. nice spam in my forum ) moron
  8. I think no1 will buy your char.. server have 700 players max.
  9. :y u no?: psychologist 7 days to beta server nump
  10. here his promo here some screens https://www.facebook.com/L2Abyss/photos/pcb.956780501053498/956780334386848/?type=3&theater
  11. HOP HOP what is the difference between hacking and botters :? u are big jerk. hater
  12. I am not ur friend! Look around ;) People like you have no friends.
  13. Smart gyard :d holy shit. the best backdoor to your server.. and you pay for nothing.. For what is this smart guard? they can not stop adrenaline? people just spending money for licence without protection.
  14. we lose like 2000+ players because of you fking extender. no chance to buy again advext! many bugs and unskilled devs. I do not agree with dawid.
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