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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. Platform will not be changed. We will open next project without that craft pvp/multicraft server style.
  2. Donations limited to Life stones, Adena, $$$ Soul Crystal for weapon SA, Basic premium account, and some more NOT powerfull items. yeah babyyy
  3. LUL whats wrong with you people...
  4. They leave and ask me for new server again. :rage:
  5. Sure. Dont worry for my server.
  6. there is no fix on ur fking extender... u just change 1 thing and fuck the whole AI. about la2izi there is 1500 players online.. not 40000! i am friend with the owners. keys for vang = 1$ find my skype on profile.
  7. gtfo from l2mid topic today sel vs nightfury
  8. after ddos we are still alive :)
  9. this is real. 30 minutes to opening!
  10. 3k online not but 3k players will join for sure... maybe more. if u can count check the yandex matrika yesterday... and liveinternet banner on our website. gl to all players coming to l2mid.
  11. 2 days left! register your nickname here: http://acm.l2mid.com
  12. http://l2mid.com/status/?type=enchant am +7 500$ 3 days left.. :P there is no op donate on l2mid. epic 12k$ http://l2mid.com/status/?type=epic edit some servers without these scripts have OP donations. Lineage.ru eglobal dex :) here is the fresh movie about lineage.ru how admin selling items and playing on his server wth draco set +10
  13. 0$ for clans and adveritse.
  14. Please check server features, shop and then you can talk about money. There is no pay to win like most mid servers.. .lineageru eglobal blablabla You can ask many players about that in our forum/ingame obt server. This is l2mid and there is no donate for A, S grade sets, weapons etc.
  15. server is going live soon. gl to all clans.
  16. OPEN BETA TEST: 1.05.2017 18:00 GMT+3 Detail for OBT server: Experience will be increased (fast leveling) Olympiad Cycle = 24 h ; oly game 1:00 am - 24:00 (gmt +3) GM OBT Shop = "Merchant" Prepare you acc for OBT/live server. http://acm.l2mid.com/register The complete list of functions will be available soon: epic owners, top enchanted etc. http://acm.l2mid.com Patch is available: http://l2mid.com/download 30 minutes left to OBT server.
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