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Everything posted by SkyLord

  1. -- Delete records where there is no corresponding name user_data USE lin2db; DELETE FROM ssn WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [lin2world].[dbo].[user_data] AS world_data WHERE world_data.account_name = ssn.name ); DELETE FROM user_auth WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [lin2world].[dbo].[user_data] AS world_data WHERE world_data.account_name = user_auth.account ); DELETE FROM user_info WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [lin2world].[dbo].[user_data] AS world_data WHERE world_data.account_name = user_info.account ); DELETE FROM user_account WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM [lin2world].[dbo].[user_data] AS world_data WHERE world_data.account_name = user_account.account ); -- Check Existing account with character name USE lin2world; DECLARE @char_name NVARCHAR(50); SELECT @char_name = char_name FROM [dbo].[user_data] WHERE account_name = 'root'; IF @char_name IS NOT NULL BEGIN PRINT 'Existing account with character name: ' + @char_name; END ELSE BEGIN PRINT 'No account with character name root found.'; END
  2. why would admins waste their time selling epic items or high level gear for just 50 bucks? mid-rate server can generate over 30k per month with average online activity.
  3. TravorJ source is with too many problems and bugs. Start by fixing the crash problems with the offline restore system. After that, there's a bunch of missing packets, which aren't there at all.
  4. Thanks Back to work... Today's first update is here to kick off the new year! Learn new skills after reaching level 1. The fix applies to both the live and classic versions.
  5. Truly a poor choice for a server. Goodluck in fixing the bugs in this extender (TravorJ) can begin with initiating the crafters manufacture shop. You can start fixing, just like me, since 2021 when I bought the source.
  6. Update:November 9, 2023: We began making a BR shop for the Live version, just for those who can access my private git. It's being built like L2J server grand crusade 110.
  7. or he might scam you and abscond with your funds in exchange for trash files.
  8. Swindler Give me a specific example please. If you repeat it back, you can make people think you are the one whos banned here... for very similar behavior, right?
  9. Over 200 admins have asked me in the last 10 years if i am selling them. For some, they are trash, for others, they are like a treasure ps. Gustavo I dont know what you are still doing here on this forum after being banned for scamming. @Celestine Instead of hiding posts where someone speaks the truth, it would be better to clean up the forum from those who scam, otherwise, the problems will persist. It's in their blood, after all.
  10. Nobody has my files. I am talking about Interlude not this garbage Classic from TravorJ
  11. You are just wasting your time If you are really that good, would you share something good? Let's see if you really have the source for the ext that i sold to ZOUMHS. And let's see if you actually have l2mid files like you told me earlier.
  12. The new pricing for the server files and source codes I'm selling has been reduced by 200-300 euros. This offer is valid until November 10th, after which you won't be able to purchase them. Good luck! one
  13. Little fix out of range if you're above 2000 and trying to attack target with a pet. Fishing Update Fixed pulling and reeling character animation.
  14. Added All missions from the live/classic version just like on the Java server. You can add rewards, ++ enchanted items and packs (sets) for up to 7 IDs. The issue with attacks when you are using Spear has been fixed. Server config has been added to determine how many targets to hit if there is mastery or a special ability [SpearFix] pole_weapon_no_mastery=4 pole_weapon_no_mastery_sa=8 pole_weapon_mastery_sa=8 ;You can add Polearm Mastery level45= pole_weapon_mastery_level1=1 pole_weapon_mastery_level2=2 pole_weapon_mastery_level3=3 NEW! The automatic attack is triggered after using an skill (melee only). When the target's flag disappears, the automatic attack stops.
  15. I remember very well how scammed me for 40 euros and didn't answer me for a whole month. What do you think, should I just leave things like this? go to sleep.
  16. So, it means you really are Guytis See how you admitted it yourself Let's get back to your sensitive topic. If you hadn't ignored me for a month and pretended you weren't on your PC... this wasn't going to happen. Still keeping the picture you told me you'd return the money Now I understand why MasterToma removed from his friend list. What kind of person are you? ps Regarding the sharing you've done, it gleams like a golden treasure in the eyes of the new developers who've recently mxc forum.
  17. I don't know why you're so excited. Why haven't you been banned yet, considering they can identify you through all those fake profiles? Please share some information about your reason for returning to this forum. @Maxtor
  18. As far as I remember, these files were shared by @MetaMan. I don't know how you're still not banned... but you keep on copy-pasting, and then it's very easy to share. Seem like half of the @TravorJ, both in the interlude and the classic ext. Complete rubbish.
  19. Fixed: The bug has been fixed after changing the event/seal period, and now the party information is not being updated. Fix: Bug when melee out of range skills has long range on running target. Update has been added where when the flag disappears, the char should stop attacking and start following it.
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